22:38, Tue 4 Feb
Good to see you on here mate - never forget the old crew from the STB days.

I still look in there occasionally
, unfortunately it’s as dead as a doornail.

Did you post on STB ?

As…… Alwayshopeful……👍🏻😉
22:41, Tue 4 Feb
Happy days !

Saw you mentioned Inky Blue too.
Does he post on here ?
Dance before the music is over.
Enjoy every minute.
23:04, Tue 4 Feb
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
Good to see you on here mate - never forget the old crew from the STB days.
Yeah you too mate ,I miss the old STB ,great being able to go onto other clubs message boards and cause mayhem , Blackburn were always good value, shame it petered out .
23:04, Tue 4 Feb
Happy days !

Saw you mentioned Inky Blue too.
Does he post on here ?

Not to my knowledge but most people have changed their username so who knows.🤷🏻‍♂️😉
23:08, Tue 4 Feb
Yes and I’m still around Bassy. Keep well on your rollercoaster.
Bloody hell spion how are you ,do you still do your blog ,no10 or something like .happy days we're living long enough to see positive outcomes at blues , who'd have thought it .
23:09, Tue 4 Feb
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
Good to see you on here mate - never forget the old crew from the STB days.
Yeah you too mate ,I miss the old STB ,great being able to go onto other clubs message boards and cause mayhem , Blackburn were always good value, shame it petered out .

Yes that was very juvenile but funny as feck.
Pick a random club board and swamp It with posts.
It really used to wind some of them up.😂😂
23:21, Tue 4 Feb
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
Good to see you on here mate - never forget the old crew from the STB days.
Yeah you too mate ,I miss the old STB ,great being able to go onto other clubs message boards and cause mayhem , Blackburn were always good value, shame it petered out .

Yes that was very juvenile but funny as feck.
Pick a random club board and swamp It with posts.
It really used to wind some of them up.😂😂
I had one bleakburn fan come all the way to Southport to my shop to punch my head in ( in a light-hearted way) it was dead funny he came in asking for bassman my missus thought he was on a wind up ,I ended up selling him jewellery for his missus and we had a pint after closing,
23:57, Tue 4 Feb
The good old days of STB.
Can you all remember that day when Artist cracked a funny ?
Rare as white dog shit that was.
Dance before the music is over.
Enjoy every minute.
00:04, Wed 5 Feb
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
Good to see you on here mate - never forget the old crew from the STB days.
Yeah you too mate ,I miss the old STB ,great being able to go onto other clubs message boards and cause mayhem , Blackburn were always good value, shame it petered out .

Yes that was very juvenile but funny as feck.
Pick a random club board and swamp It with posts.
It really used to wind some of them up.😂😂
I had one bleakburn fan come all the way to Southport to my shop to punch my head in ( in a light-hearted way) it was dead funny he came in asking for bassman my missus thought he was on a wind up ,I ended up selling him jewellery for his missus and we had a pint after closing,
