22:14, Mon 3 Feb
El Mayor
Always running at least 2, usually 3 types of hot sauce.

Hard to beat tobasco, that's a staple.

Recent disappointments:

Avgar - naff.
Baxters kimshi - poor imitation

Laoganma Chili Crisp is an essential
Encona extra hot for cheese toasties
Sriracha and Cholula as regular every day sauces
Been meaning to get some Buldak sauces too.

The most useful thread I've known on SHA was a Christmas cheese thread. Someone posted a beautiful selection including tallagio, worcs gold, cornish yarg etc.

I'm gonna expect these recommendations to be a good as that. 😃 nice one
Stokes brown sauce is the dogs danglys. Far superior to HP, Daddies etc.
23:37, Mon 3 Feb
Hammonds Chop brown sauce is my go to......

Ketchup on any form of egg is a definite no, no....... it's akin to road kill
23:40, Mon 3 Feb
Dutch Fritsaus with fries or chips. Way better than mayo. Brown sauce on a fry up. Salad cream very underrated (great on a cheese and onion sandwich or salmon and onion sandwich)
00:35, Tue 4 Feb
Dutch Fritsaus with fries or chips. Way better than mayo. Brown sauce on a fry up. Salad cream very underrated (great on a cheese and onion sandwich or salmon and onion sandwich)

I've never tried salmon and onion, tempted now though!
07:51, Tue 4 Feb
have Buldak sauce or a Buldak noodle product almost every day. No one sticks the curry noodle anymore in UAE, which is disappointing.
Rab C Nesbitt
Ketchup on a full English is crazy.
HP is the answer

This. Tbh only sauce I have now though is garlic mayo. On salads and most of what I eat. Rarely have a fry up these days but when I do, deffo brown sauce. Ketchup is for kids.
Up the feckin Blues
08:25, Tue 4 Feb
Got to be brown on a fry up.
But quite like a bit of red on a plain bacon sandwich.

Encona do a nice selection of hot sauces.
08:30, Tue 4 Feb
A few dots of Worcester sauce with the morning tomato juice
Dance before the music is over.
Enjoy every minute.
When I have cheesy garlic bread, I drown it in Worcestershire sauce!!!
Worcester sauce on cheese on toast.
No sauce for me on a fry-up. That's what egg and beans are for.
15:23, Tue 4 Feb
Oxford Sauce is the absolute dog's b*ll*cks. It goes with everything.

It's a mixture between brown sauce, worcester sauce a and curry sauce.
15:34, Tue 4 Feb
It certainly is, absolutely lovely stuff.

A bit difficult to get in Birmingham, maybe Waitrose.

Well worth the effort especially since the HP factory closed down.
They say I got brains but they ain't doin' me much good.
15:48, Tue 4 Feb
New one on me must admit.
Up the feckin Blues