Wouldn’t make much sense not to give them all 5700, unless blocks 1 and 8 have to be left empty. But those only come to 550 together
We’re already losing 370 from the front 2 rows of GMU as it is..
BrokerBlueWe’re already losing 370 from the front 2 rows of GMU as it is..
Which again is daft. At least fill them with corporates/players guests/famous random Geordies.
All of block 8 and most of block 7 should be available. Hopefully to Blues fans since there's still 3 and a half days to shift them. Easily they'd sell. Random pairs and entire rows will pop an hour at a time it's the way tickets are sold these days across the board for all in demand events. I wonder what they could have got away with charging had surge pricing been in effect?
Oh I didn't realise that, thought Newcastle had been given the whole lower tier.
Maybe they'll open GML blocks 7 & 8 to home fans and give GML season ticket holders the chance to relocate back to their usual seats.
ManLykGroundRepairedOh I didn't realise that, thought Newcastle had been given the whole lower tier.
Maybe they'll open GML blocks 7 & 8 to home fans and give GML season ticket holders the chance to relocate back to their usual seats.
Doubt it. Been a palaver for people to relocate from GML 7.
Source - I’m a STH in GML 7
Hope they will. Most will just settle for where they've got now nay bother but as i suggested earlier they've now got three + days to sort people out with individual requests. That sort of thing takes time and patience. They've bought themselves that time when they decided to bring forward the sales dates. Would've been daft to leave today until Friday.
I thought general sale to non-season ticket holders was Friday?
Have they opened it early?
I'm after a few tickets and there's nothing sat together.
Do we think they will open any more blocks?
General sale was today, think youve missed the boat im afraid
Keep tabs on it. Whole rows will pop up from time to time I think still. Saw a row of 7 or 8 about an hour ago halfway line disappeared quickly mind. Bit stressful for fans used to a half full ground for cup ties but everyone has to get used to this style of ticket sales. It'll ease again once we get the new stadium although they will have primed us for that by then and we may well have 40k season ticket holders so don't hold me to that
BeauBarryGeneral sale was today, think youve missed the boat im afraid
Check the release dates, it says Friday 7th Feb.
Poor from Blues if they've failed to communicate an earlier general sale release.
Fair enough r.e STHs but it'd be a a waste to not open those blocks at all even for general sale. Seems the demand is there for it.
blueboy1875BeauBarryGeneral sale was today, think youve missed the boat im afraid
Check the release dates, it says Friday 7th Feb.
Poor from Blues if they've failed to communicate an earlier general sale release.
They put an update on Blues website on 23rd January changing general sale to today.
NouCampthere's no official word on how many tickets they;ve been allocated unless I;ve missed it?
heard 4500 but the GML holds more than that
4500 went on sale to their fans, that’s after the corporate, players, staff tickets etc were taken out. They will have the whole end.
Can confirm that according to their Twitter account that 4,500 went on sale to their away members. No idea how many they were allocated but it seems they slice 20% off away allocations for corporates etc.
Still really disappointed if we did give them the whole end when they were only entitled to the 4.5k.