20:30, Tue 4 Feb
Camera angle is rubbish
20:30, Tue 4 Feb
16 for them has spent the game pulling shirts
20:31, Tue 4 Feb
16 for them has spent the game pulling shirts

On what planet was that not a yellow when Wright was running at the back line.
20:31, Tue 4 Feb
Dowell and Wright 👌
Ref and cameraman 👎
20:32, Tue 4 Feb
That LB of Stevenage is a right shithouse!
Ricky Otto 1994-1998 - The Man, The Legend
20:33, Tue 4 Feb
Runs into May falls over and gets foul🙄
20:34, Tue 4 Feb
Laird would slaughter their left back
20:35, Tue 4 Feb
16 for them has spent the game pulling shirts

On what planet was that not a yellow when Wright was running at the back line.

Not the first time he has hold of someones shirt .The ref gives a free kick then admonishes the wrong player .
20:35, Tue 4 Feb
Camera angle is rubbish

Need to get a stool for the camera man 2nd half
20:36, Tue 4 Feb
Decent half with all the changes. On another night that could be 3v0 with the Wright, Harris and May chances.
20:36, Tue 4 Feb
Enjoyed that first half. Dowell and Wright in particular looking good.
20:36, Tue 4 Feb
Decent half, looked pretty fluid and with a bit more llluck cold have scored one or two. Dowell looks useful, wright causing problems and even Harris has looked sharp.
20:36, Tue 4 Feb
Dowell and Wright 👌
Ref and cameraman 👎

It’s honestly like they have gone down the pub, found a bloke - 7 pints deep - who has never even seen a game of football before, given him a whistle and a badly fitting pair of shorts…and told him to have a go at reffing a professional match for a laugh.
20:37, Tue 4 Feb
Mr Miyagi and the X-Men
...good effort from Wright 😤

Dowell is a nice footballer isnt he. Gives us what we haven’t got when Willumsson doesn’t play

He really is settling in well, lovely vision and distribution. I'm excited to see him in the same line-up as Paik, Thor, and Stanno.
20:37, Tue 4 Feb
Camera angle is rubbish

Camerawork a bit slow, why did May fall onto the floor when the cross came in?
Got pens written all over it this.