19:28, Tue 4 Feb
I’m currently in lanzarote but struggling to find the video pass option for international blues tv customers only the audio pass
Anyone have any info to help ?
19:35, Tue 4 Feb
The real criminals of the world are not those in the prisons but those that steal the wealth of the world from the people.
19:35, Tue 4 Feb
Im also in Spain and it was up on the home page as normal, try refreshing.
19:38, Tue 4 Feb
Yeah I’m only getting the three options audio or sign up for the year pass
19:48, Tue 4 Feb
is anyone getting the feed as I have paid but no feed
is anyone getting the feed as I have paid but no feed

Try refreshing or going out and back in again.
It's easier to beg for forgiveness, than ask for permission.
20:36, Tue 4 Feb
I managed to sort it the IT crowd way by switching my phone off and on again
Tried that didnt work only got the audio. Email to the club I guess is needed!