Anyone else had problems watching tonight or any of the Vertu Motors knockout games?
It was unwatchable again tonight but when it’s a league game on the same platform it’s a perfect stream. I pay for Sky specifically because I have commitments on a Tuesday anc Thursday so get to watch our midweek games.
Anyway we won hoping for a home draw because I can actually go
...nope been fine on Now TV for all games, apart from the poor commentators we seem to get no complaints on the Sky coverage. 😤
Crashed just before half-time like it has done for the past 3 games. It then takes about 5 minutes or more for the Virgin box to reboot.
Always keep the laptop and a dodgy link handy.
You have to remember that the cameraman was crammed into a hamster cage.
Seriously though, I only realised at the end that Stevenage were only formed in 1976! Fair play to them, that's some journey they've had in a relatively short time.
It was fine for me watching Now tv on a Firestick.
Were you watching on satellite, Virgin box, Firestick, Sky app?
Bluesince62 F.E.A.You have to remember that the cameraman was crammed into a hamster cage.
Seriously though, I only realised at the end that Stevenage were only formed in 1976! Fair play to them, that's some journey they've had in a relatively short time.
And our subs had to sit on stools. What a godforsaken ground
Tilton sharkMine was fine on Sky this evening.
Fine for me on the red button .It sounds like a broadband issue rather than a problem with the stream.
I think it is my provider. With EE and everything else is fine watched the Huddersfield match last week without a problem but tonight, Swindon and Exter was like watching a silent movie.
Sky stream is fine but the commentators appear to be lads on work experience.