21:56, Tue 4 Feb
Anyone else had problems watching tonight or any of the Vertu Motors knockout games?

It was unwatchable again tonight but when it’s a league game on the same platform it’s a perfect stream. I pay for Sky specifically because I have commitments on a Tuesday anc Thursday so get to watch our midweek games.

Anyway we won hoping for a home draw because I can actually go
21:57, Tue 4 Feb
It was fine here.

Virgin Media btw.
There's too much opinion and not enough fact.
...nope been fine on Now TV for all games, apart from the poor commentators we seem to get no complaints on the Sky coverage. 😤
21:58, Tue 4 Feb
21:58, Tue 4 Feb
It was ok but the camera man was pissed.
22:03, Tue 4 Feb
Crashed just before half-time like it has done for the past 3 games. It then takes about 5 minutes or more for the Virgin box to reboot.

Always keep the laptop and a dodgy link handy.
22:04, Tue 4 Feb
You have to remember that the cameraman was crammed into a hamster cage.
Seriously though, I only realised at the end that Stevenage were only formed in 1976! Fair play to them, that's some journey they've had in a relatively short time.
Up the feckin Blues
22:04, Tue 4 Feb
Mine was fine on Sky this evening.
Turn left when you get on a plane.
22:11, Tue 4 Feb
Sky stream, perfectly fine for me.
22:12, Tue 4 Feb
Sky sports app, no issues
22:14, Tue 4 Feb
It was fine for me watching Now tv on a Firestick.

Were you watching on satellite, Virgin box, Firestick, Sky app?
22:18, Tue 4 Feb
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
You have to remember that the cameraman was crammed into a hamster cage.
Seriously though, I only realised at the end that Stevenage were only formed in 1976! Fair play to them, that's some journey they've had in a relatively short time.

And our subs had to sit on stools. What a godforsaken ground
22:23, Tue 4 Feb
Tilton shark
Mine was fine on Sky this evening.

Fine for me on the red button .It sounds like a broadband issue rather than a problem with the stream.
22:45, Tue 4 Feb
I think it is my provider. With EE and everything else is fine watched the Huddersfield match last week without a problem but tonight, Swindon and Exter was like watching a silent movie.
Sky stream is fine but the commentators appear to be lads on work experience.