21:07, Thu 9 May
Blue in CT
theres plenty of ways to get around paywalls these days, but im not going to post them here, im sure you can work it out

Yes, exactly. I subscribe to the Blues TV international package that lets me watch all the games online, as I always seem to be temporarily abroad during matches. This isn't going to change for next season.

If what the Athletic says is true, then iFollow and Club Streams are only going to be stopped domestically, but streams on those services for people abroad will still be fine. So if you're like me and you live abroad during matches, then you should have no problem watching the games on Blues TV like normal.

So if I understand correctly Blues TV will still be available for those of us who live overseas as per the same arrangements we had this season (certain games being blacked out when streamed via alternate international channels ESPN+ for example in the US).

If The Athletic's article is correct, yes, overseas broadcasting shouldn't change it's only the domestic broadcasting that's changing.