Fat Buddha CBE

Point us in the direction of everything you have read. Don’t include internet half wiits. Authoritative sources please. As for Onahuas mom. So what. Have you never took the piss out of someone that’s getting on your nerves?

10:35, Sun 7 Jan
Robert Hopkins
I made a similar point on another thread yesterday we don't know who pushed for Rooney, we have all assumed it was Cook but none us know.

It was Cook.
10:49, Sun 7 Jan
I’ve had to go back to see what happened back with Man City as I have limited capacity for the retention of football tittle tattle. This is how he put it after his resignation which seems a pretty reasonable take


What he did do was set the club on the trajectory that sees them where they are now. I can’t say I’m overjoyed at the petro state sports washing or other south East Asian dubious money streams (or gambling cash) that dominates our game myself. But if we’re going to question the morals around it I’d say most people are hypocrites if they wouldn’t recognise they would be overjoyed to have the success Man City fans have had, or Leicester come to that (very similar to original Thai owner of Man City in terms of source of money), or say to be where Newcastle are just now. Or Arsenal. Not sure our current overlord is any more morally culpable than the whole of world football, so seems a bit much to single him out.

Boyblue says he can’t support Cook because of the ‘taking the piss out of someone suffering from cancer’. I respect that’s at least consistent, rather than knocking him for it and then saying in fact he’s doing a stellar job. It wasn’t ‘at least one person’, it was one, not some person(s), that person being FB. He did it in his usual terse way, I’d say a bit exasperated to see the moral exasperation being expressed without any nuance. Oddly enough, I’d say FB is one of the most morally steadfast people on here though he’d no doubt tell me to feck off for
saying so.

So that’s about my rather big lot on Cook. Of course the bloke isn’t or shouldn’t be beyond criticism and however we look at the Rooney appointment it can’t be said not to have been a pretty major mis step. A bit of context about that is welcome, though, and if going ahead we recognise that sticking an ‘r’ in his name is a bit shit that is a small degree of progress. Hopefully none of our fans will abuse the next manager we get and call him a chunt if he loses his first home game or something as well.

I'm much the same re his Man City career - can I say though what a ruddy good, level headed and well thought post that was? Bravo sir. I also agree re FB and his humour - I also will eff off before he tells me too as well. Totally agree with who else said we should just move on now and give Cook, Wagner and Blues our support, if you feel morally obliged not to - then don't ruin it for the rest of us who want to. Blues' future could be stellar, why ruin it over shit that happened away from Blues, years ago?
Up the feckin Blues
12:56, Sun 7 Jan
El Mayor
Robert Hopkins
I made a similar point on another thread yesterday we don't know who pushed for Rooney, we have all assumed it was Cook but none us know.

It was Cook.

Confirms what I said yesterday - although mine was based on the fact there’s no way Brady and Wagner were making that call, and as Mayor has told me a couple of times, Eustace and Craig are mates. Plus there’s a longstanding link between Cook and Stretford / Rooney

Could be nobody else
You've basically said "the Rooney appointment" five different ways.

So that's still just the one mistake?
1st one was sacking JE
2nd one was appointing WR

Let's hope they don't score a hatrick.