20:57, Sun 4 Feb
No no that's Franky who has done it.
Mandated as the Poster of Reason - October 2023
21:02, Sun 4 Feb
If you haven’t been for a month, you can become a bit disconnected from the club and the idea of spending £20 to watch us play someone like Rotherham is going to be less appealing than if you go every week and are really into it. You find other things to fill your weekends so instead of everything fitting around going to Blues, you have to fit Blues around other things.

That's fine but just don't call yourself Blues
21:09, Sun 4 Feb
Ye of little faith! Still plenty of time yet. It's looking pretty full already.

The normal pricing is still steep though. It needs to be reduced slightly for next year.

West Brom's matchday pricing might be the model to follow next season - £28 a game for adults in all areas of the stadium. Great value IMO, especially considering their home form this season (they didn't sell out yesterday either mind).

It comes down to revenue though, if Blues reduced the average ticket price (£35) by 20% to £28 would attendances instantly increase by 20%? No, not the way we're playing currently. So I accuse the club of pricing the fans out of it like some have.

We all want to see success on the pitch, when that happens attendances will grow again as we'll all want to be down there as much as possible. And most will find a way to afford/justify it. Why? Because it's a great feeling supporting a winning team.
Formerly Man Lyk GroundShare and Man Lyk GroundRepair.
21:12, Sun 4 Feb
No no that's Franky who has done it.

I realised that just after I posted, I went out for a very boozy late lunch today and i am probably not 100% in charge of my brain.
21:15, Sun 4 Feb
The way things quote is a pain to be fair.
Mandated as the Poster of Reason - October 2023
22:28, Sun 4 Feb
I haven’t been since Hull under Rooney and it was that toxic it put me off. I’ll be going against Sunderland.

I think the model of different classes is wrong and there should be a standard price. If you go to the cinema it’s the same price whether you’re watching the latest blockbuster or something forgettable.

If it’s £30 a ticket whether it’s Riotherham or Leicester people know there’s nowone in this division that justifies higher or lower prices.
23:49, Sun 4 Feb
Can’t see it happening tbh.

What else can they do to get people to go?
Yet people are still saying we need a 40,000 plus stadium, we can't even fill the stadium we have, plus money is still tight for a lot of people, 13 years of utter garbage on and off the pitch not helped either, with the coverage the Premier League gets on TV it's going to be tough to generate a new generation of fans also

Late 90’s, Man City were a division lower than we are currently.

Anything is possible
23:55, Sun 4 Feb
Hank Marvin
Can’t see it happening tbh.

What else can they do to get people to go?
Yet people are still saying we need a 40,000 plus stadium, we can't even fill the stadium we have, plus money is still tight for a lot of people, 13 years of utter garbage on and off the pitch not helped either, with the coverage the Premier League gets on TV it's going to be tough to generate a new generation of fans also

Late 90’s, Man City were a division lower than we are currently.

Anything is possible

Not a great example, their attendences down there were much better than ours are now.
Mandated as the Poster of Reason - October 2023
00:33, Mon 5 Feb
Take action to stop people from watching illegal streams. The links are quite openly shared across social media platforms and thousands must watch that way. Why spend thirty quid on a ticket when you can watch the games for free or next-to-nothing?
01:16, Mon 5 Feb
I think in ten pages of this thread you're the first person to mention one of the most important factors.

Have a look at the match threads every week. Absolutely loads of people stream the matches. Loads of people have boxes at home. That is the single biggest thing IMO. It wasn't that long ago when to see Blues live you had to be there, now you don't. It's not just teenagers and younger fans doing this, it's everyone
Agree with this wholeheartedly. I don’t care what people were saying early on in the thread either, attendances in the last season in the prem were more than fine and the buzz and atmosphere was electric .

Not a home moment but I was there at Wembley that day, and I know many of us on here would’ve been too. It’s a club of joys and DEFINITELY sorrows…but when that ball hit the net, I remember falling down the stairs with about ten other blues fans, being hugged by about twenty different people in the space of ten seconds, seeing my old man cry for the first time ever and telling me it was the proudest day he’d ever had as a Blues fan.

You’re right about the winning feeling. People yearn for it. We might not become world beaters. We might have to fight like warriors with our hearts on our sleeves to get into the Prem and stay there, to reach an FA cup final, to reach heights we thought unobtainable…

But I’ll tell you something. Years of negligence, true pain as a football club and a butchering of our fan base and atmosphere is indeed prevalent and it hurts; but just for the ecstasy I felt on that day alone, I will forever stand by this club. I will make sure my future son(s) and daughter(s) are imbued with the Royal Blue Blood, as I owe it to my Dad and I owe it to Birmingham City.
01:56, Mon 5 Feb
I’d go the opposite way. It’s almost impossible to stop free streams but they’re unreliable and are low quality. What they need to do is accept that anyone can watch football easily and allow the clubs to sell reliable streams in the UK to generate revenue instead. That way it the clubs benefit from people watching online.

It won’t help attendances but the money would come in regardless.
Cheikh N’doye’s Ballon d’Or
Agree with this wholeheartedly. I don’t care what people were saying early on in the thread either, attendances in the last season in the prem were more than fine and the buzz and atmosphere was electric .

Not a home moment but I was there at Wembley that day, and I know many of us on here would’ve been too. It’s a club of joys and DEFINITELY sorrows…but when that ball hit the net, I remember falling down the stairs with about ten other blues fans, being hugged by about twenty different people in the space of ten seconds, seeing my old man cry for the first time ever and telling me it was the proudest day he’d ever had as a Blues fan.

You’re right about the winning feeling. People yearn for it. We might not become world beaters. We might have to fight like warriors with our hearts on our sleeves to get into the Prem and stay there, to reach an FA cup final, to reach heights we thought unobtainable…

But I’ll tell you something. Years of negligence, true pain as a football club and a butchering of our fan base and atmosphere is indeed prevalent and it hurts; but just for the ecstasy I felt on that day alone, I will forever stand by this club. I will make sure my future son(s) and daughter(s) are imbued with the Royal Blue Blood, as I owe it to my Dad and I owe it to Birmingham City.

Amen to this. 👏👏
06:16, Mon 5 Feb
I’d go the opposite way. It’s almost impossible to stop free streams but they’re unreliable and are low quality. What they need to do is accept that anyone can watch football easily and allow the clubs to sell reliable streams in the UK to generate revenue instead. That way it the clubs benefit from people watching online.

It won’t help attendances but the money would come in regardless.

Not anymore, they're the same feed as blues tv etc

Ease of streaming is a factor on attendances for all clubs
07:01, Mon 5 Feb
Kop Corner
Take action to stop people from watching illegal streams. The links are quite openly shared across social media platforms and thousands must watch that way. Why spend thirty quid on a ticket when you can watch the games for free or next-to-nothing?

Agree it doesn't help but is it really that different to sky? You could say we won't take many to Hillsborough because it's on Tele but I bet we do .

If people want to go then they will go regardless. If they don't they will use any excuse they can find including watching on a firestick .