23:21, Sat 10 Feb
Dreadful programme these days.
# Cannot stand Chappers.
# Sanctimonious commentators.
# Winds me up the BBC spend so much of licence payers' money in effing Manchester on sports production.
23:27, Sat 10 Feb
BBC is irrelevant
MOTD is a relic from the 1970's
23:31, Sat 10 Feb
seems pretty decent and normal to me.
23:31, Sat 10 Feb
It has two million viewers per week after 10pm on Saturday evening. In the days of streaming services I would say that is pretty decent. Despite the two of you not liking it, it seems to be popular and a good use of license payers money.
Mandated as the Poster of Reason - October 2023
23:53, Sat 10 Feb
Here here.

For every indoctrinated libertarian moaning there's 500 people who love it.

I mean, it's a football highlights show made up of 95% football highlights and some former players trying to explain it.

It's not as of there's loads of scope to do much different in terms of format.
23:54, Sat 10 Feb
I stopped watching when they spent more time talking about it than showing it.

Maybe I’m exaggerating but it’s seemed better when less games were shown and you got a feel for the game

Had its day I’m afraid too many other ways to watch. 2 million ain’t that many.

I’d rather the BbC spend its money on local radio and TV than a few headline shows.

Plus I agree commentators are extremely annoying. They just say to much.
23:55, Sat 10 Feb
Wait until we are in the prem then you’ll be loving it again😁

That was for haircut1000
00:00, Sun 11 Feb
Wait until we are in the prem then you’ll be loving it again😁

That was for haircut1000

Yes every time I watch it, I get narked we are so far off ever being on it again.
00:00, Sun 11 Feb
Mister Mutley
I stopped watching when they spent more time talking about it than showing it.

Maybe I’m exaggerating but it’s seemed better when less games were shown and you got a feel for the game

Had its day I’m afraid to many other ways to watch. 2 million ain’t that many.

Plus I agree commentators are extremely annoying.

What do you want then? Who produces the football highlights show that you like? What does good look like?
00:02, Sun 11 Feb
Here here.

For every indoctrinated libertarian moaning there's 500 people who love it.

I mean, it's a football highlights show made up of 95% football highlights and some former players trying to explain it.

It's not as of there's loads of scope to do much different in terms of format.

It's not the football I hate, it is all the twaddle around it: Chappers, the commentators, the pundits, the sanctimoniousness.
00:04, Sun 11 Feb
Stream iPlayer 10 minutes after it starts, skip through the analysis and put a fecking record on.
00:06, Sun 11 Feb
Mister Mutley
I stopped watching when they spent more time talking about it than showing it.

Maybe I’m exaggerating but it’s seemed better when less games were shown and you got a feel for the game

Had its day I’m afraid too many other ways to watch. 2 million ain’t that many.

I’d rather the BbC spend its money on local radio and TV than a few headline shows.

Plus I agree commentators are extremely annoying. They just say to much.

2 million is a lot for that time slot in this era. There's a lot of different ways to consume media. It's not just the three channels like you remember.
Mandated as the Poster of Reason - October 2023
03:13, Sun 11 Feb
It's been essentially what it is since it's inception - a collection of moderately relevant pundits analysing a compendium of football highlights.

What do you want? Brian Cox shouting down the screen and telling both you and Brentford to eff off?
07:08, Sun 11 Feb
Stop watching it years ago. I've put it on for a few minutes here and there now and again but find the presenters spoil it. Not sure who are the main ones are any more but can't stand Lineker, found Lee Dixon boring, Jenas even more boring, Shearer is meant to be a right laugh but that doesn't show either.
07:22, Sun 11 Feb
2 million is loads when terrestrial TV is on its arse. Nobody watches that shit anymore and yet MOTD can still pull big numbers. I suggest the problem here is you rather than the programme.