20:17, Sun 11 Feb
Is that what Blues have got? Aside from the McLeish spell and the cup win, It’s like we should be doing well, but we’re always shooting ourselves in the foot.
We have lived so long in the shadows, we don’t know anything else “that’s the Blues way.”
Maybe we’re bringing it on ourselves and it’s time for a change of mindset.
20:22, Sun 11 Feb
Whatever it is you're talking about, count me out cos I ain't got it.
Really optimistic , can't wait for the good times to roll in.
Gonna fekkin enjoy them.
Jude should be front and centre of everything England do in the attacking third of the pitch.
Give him the armband now too ! ( AUG 2023 )
20:37, Sun 11 Feb
Whatever it is you're talking about, count me out cos I ain't got it.
Really optimistic , can't wait for the good times to roll in.
Gonna fekkin enjoy them.

Agreed. Can't wait till the end of the season , get rid of all the dross and let the rebuild begin. Can't wait to see what Mowbray can do with proper footballers.
20:43, Sun 11 Feb
Whatever it is you're talking about, count me out cos I ain't got it.
Really optimistic , can't wait for the good times to roll in.
Gonna fekkin enjoy them.
I don’t see the reason for pessimism
Tony Fantastico
20:49, Sun 11 Feb
Is that what Blues have got? Aside from the McLeish spell and the cup win, It’s like we should be doing well, but we’re always shooting ourselves in the foot.
We have lived so long in the shadows, we don’t know anything else “that’s the Blues way.”
Maybe we’re bringing it on ourselves and it’s time for a change of mindset.

I think you will find that what you describe does not fit the definition of Imposter Syndrome.
20:56, Sun 11 Feb
As in we feel like we don’t belong at the top, so we subconsciously shoot ourselves in the foot.
21:00, Sun 11 Feb
We aren’t at the top so we are not being imposters. In which case it’s impossible to have a syndrome about it.
21:04, Sun 11 Feb
Second biggest city should be doing well. Instead we’re languishing around 17th in the second league for how many seasons. Maybe some people are happy subconsciously with what we’ve got. It’s the Blues way. Maybe I not explain it too well.
21:08, Sun 11 Feb
I think that’s actually the opposite of what you mean. Which I think is that maybe we are where we are because we don’t believe we can be any better. That isn’t true either anyway, ultimately, though hopefully at some point all the woe, woe and thrice woe will stop and some confidence will build.
21:27, Sun 11 Feb
We aren’t at the top so we are not being imposters. In which case it’s impossible to have a syndrome about it.

Exactly. It is more like we just have got used to being second or third best.
09:12, Mon 12 Feb
Second biggest city should be doing well. Instead we’re languishing around 17th in the second league for how many seasons. Maybe some people are happy subconsciously with what we’ve got. It’s the Blues way. Maybe I not explain it too well.

The second biggest city have a club that’s doing well. Unfortunately for us it’s the wrong club.
10:03, Mon 12 Feb
Dirty Bertie
Is that what Blues have got? Aside from the McLeish spell and the cup win, It’s like we should be doing well, but we’re always shooting ourselves in the foot.
We have lived so long in the shadows, we don’t know anything else “that’s the Blues way.”
Maybe we’re bringing it on ourselves and it’s time for a change of mindset.

I think you will find that what you describe does not fit the definition of Imposter Syndrome.

I thought that, as I understand it it's basically a chronic lack of self worth and confidence? So even if you are good at your job for eg, you don't really believe in yourself and think you aren't actually any good.
I always suffered with this when I played, but that was mostly because I actually was cack 😁
Up the feckin Blues
11:39, Mon 12 Feb
I would say that you have summed it up pretty well.
11:47, Mon 12 Feb
To be serious for a moment, it really is something I suffered with and still do to a lesser extent now, also manifests itself in being shy around new people and just a general awkwardness around folk. Of course it was just called a lack of confidence before, or being a loner or miserable or whatever, but it comes down to the same thing. I know it's held me back all my life, but it is what it is.
Up the feckin Blues
12:14, Mon 12 Feb
Is that what Blues have got? Aside from the McLeish spell and the cup win, It’s like we should be doing well, but we’re always shooting ourselves in the foot.
We have lived so long in the shadows, we don’t know anything else “that’s the Blues way.”
Maybe we’re bringing it on ourselves and it’s time for a change of mindset.

How on earth, in any way shape or form, does any of what you've written - whether it is accurate or not - relate to imposter syndrome ?

Imposter syndrome, or impostorism, can lead to abnormal cognition and behaviour in individuals that can have a profound effect, in a debilitating way, on their life.

In fact, if anything Blues suffer from the exact opposite. Rather than being in a position of success where we attribute it all to luck, or coincidence, or by us not being "found out" we are actually shite, have always been pretty shite, refuse to accept the fact and instead continue with an unrealistic view that we should be successful because .... er .... well because we're the second biggest city in the UK.

The correct word for Blues is "entitlement"

"The entitlement mentality is defined as a sense of deservingness or being owed a favour when little or nothing has been done to deserve special treatment."