07:42, Tue 2 Apr
From my seat near the halfway line in the middle of the Kop those two Preston chances in the first half looked like bad misses & just the bit of luck we needed. When their last defender slipped over Jay kept his cool & put it away beautifully the roar of relief around the ground was tremendous. The way we saw out the game was excellent & the UB40 Gig was the iceing on the cake.
08:24, Tue 2 Apr
Said to the old man before kick off, we just need a bit of luck to go our way.

Not that it was a given, good performance and great composure from Jay. Running half a pitch knowing 22k are on their feet willing you not to eff, and finishing it off takes some doing.

Good day out
08:36, Tue 2 Apr
How often do you see players at all levels miss those? Muller in the last Euros immediately springs to mind. Jay did very well.
08:39, Tue 2 Apr
How often do you see players at all levels miss those? Muller in the last Euros immediately springs to mind. Jay did very well.

Yep it seemed to take forever to unfold. Not an easy chance at all, he must have been shitting it a bit.
08:42, Tue 2 Apr
Yeah looked like he got it bogged down under his feet ever so slightly but a cracking finish.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
10:32, Tue 2 Apr
Super Hans
Yeah looked like he got it bogged down under his feet ever so slightly but a cracking finish.

He deserves more credit than that, he took an extra little touch to the right to open the angle up and commit the keeper before hitting across the ball.

It was superb striker play.

Consistently correct and proven right.
10:38, Tue 2 Apr
On watching it back I’m probably being a bit harsh, was typing from my recollection where my arse was falling out in anticipation of another missed 1 on 1 in front of the Tilton.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
10:45, Tue 2 Apr
i said at half time we just needed that little bit of luck and it came as the defender fell on his arse just as Stansfield received it. That gave him the time to run at will rather than have someone chasing down his neck.
BCFC - Letting me down for 50 years
I'm not convinced the centre half stops him anyway, but the slip helped.

Consistently correct and proven right.
10:53, Tue 2 Apr
The ball from Miyoshi was fecking ace too, have seen reports say the first defender should cut it out but that’s not giving Koji the credit he deserves for an ace ball.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
11:41, Tue 2 Apr
It took a LOT of bottle that, and I’m delighted for him.
He hasn’t been at his best for a little while, but I can’t believe he’s apparently been getting stick.
Never stops trying, and put so much effort in - the run back and tackle he put in on the Main Stand side 2nd half yesterday was tremendous.
Without naming names we’ve seen a lot of those chances missed in the last few years….
11:54, Tue 2 Apr
That bit of luck had been going against us for weeks, especially with all the late goals to lose, the red card at Southampton, etc. they always say it evens out, so hopefully we’re in for our overdue slice of good luck now.
11:59, Tue 2 Apr
Super Hans
The ball from Miyoshi was fecking ace too, have seen reports say the first defender should cut it out but that’s not giving Koji the credit he deserves for an ace ball.

Agreed. Lovely little reverse type pass.

Consistently correct and proven right.
15:08, Tue 2 Apr
From my seat near the halfway line in the middle of the Kop those two Preston chances in the first half looked like bad misses & just the bit of luck we needed. When their last defender slipped over Jay kept his cool & put it away beautifully the roar of relief around the ground was tremendous. The way we saw out the game was excellent & the UB40 Gig was the iceing on the cake.
Steve Cook scored against on Friday (it was an oh really) so we deserve more than one bit of luck. Plus we’re owed about 20 decisions from the last 5 seasons that people have assured me will even out eventually
Tony Fantastico
Nikola Zigic
I'm not convinced the centre half stops him anyway, but the slip helped.
It was the perfect ball, both the direction and pace were ideal. The 1st defender never gets it.