14:57, Tue 2 Apr

Go Jeff you know you want to 🤔
14:58, Tue 2 Apr
TikTok danceathon hosted by Oli Burke.

15:06, Tue 2 Apr

Go Jeff you know you want to 🤔
You could mix that with my chess idea, especially if it counted for chess rankings. Then it could be "hello, ELO. ELO?"
15:35, Tue 2 Apr
K2 v Zulus
Tony Fantastico
16:20, Tue 2 Apr
I think I would like a Busby Berkley Musical routine from the chubby men in the Undefeated hoodies, shorts and boots dancing around their little forks that prod the pitch gloomily after the warm ups. Lawn Mower operators could also join the ensemble and the sprinklers could be sprayed over coloured lights for dramatic effect. I'd like proper 'Lullaby of Broad Street' 1930s music to be performed by a big band Joe Loss or Tommy Dorsey style please. Make it happen Garry!
16:35, Tue 2 Apr
After the success of yesterday, what other post match events would work well?

Perhaps some Boxing?

Beer festival
Pie eating competition
Gladiators TV show
Subbuteo world cup
Finally for the many SHA intelligencia “Mastermind”
Just a perfect day. Drink sangria in the park And then later, when it gets dark...We go home
16:42, Tue 2 Apr

Go Jeff you know you want to 🤔
You could mix that with my chess idea, especially if it counted for chess rankings. Then it could be "hello, ELO. ELO?"

What something like the mega world chess championship, which my friend from Prague has just won? - he is my Czech mate.

Anyway don’t remind me of chess. Took a professional lady chess player out for dinner last week. She took 20 minutes to pass me the salt.
Just a perfect day. Drink sangria in the park And then later, when it gets dark...We go home
16:52, Tue 2 Apr
Arm Wrestling with Chas & Dave
Inner City Sumo
Monkey Tennis
16:57, Tue 2 Apr
After the success of yesterday, what other post match events would work well?

Perhaps some Boxing?

Could we bring back that halftime game where you spin around the ball 10 times and have to score a penalty (think it only lasted a few games and they cancelled it because someone broke their arm).

Keep the bars open for a few hours post match and then anyone who fancies a go can line up
17:45, Tue 2 Apr
The Streets, ELO, Ocean Colour Scene?
17:50, Tue 2 Apr
Rab C Nesbitt
K2 v Zulus

That would be interesting, they would but up a better fight than the vile 🤣
18:02, Tue 2 Apr

We’ve had Rooney for 2 and a half months already
18:41, Tue 2 Apr
A nice Mass.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has". Margaret Mead.
18:58, Tue 2 Apr
The Streets, ELO, Ocean Colour Scene?

UB40 (Robin) vs UB40 (Ali) one on a stage in the Railway and one in the Tilton, playing at the same time over each other.
19:56, Tue 2 Apr
Streets are playing Centenary Square on 23rd August