15:33, Tue 2 Apr
I haven’t seen this mentioned elsewhere on here.
We played 343 against QPR (which I thought was strange on Friday), and a much more solid 4231/433 yesterday.
So what will/should we stick to or will we mix it up?
Especially as Leicester are next up away
Tony Fantastico
15:36, Tue 2 Apr
Play 4-2-3-1 for rest of season, unless personnel shortages prevent.

They've played it a lot, they are used to it and it was sort of that on Monday and was essentially effective.

Square pegs, square holes, there's enough to think about it as it is.
15:37, Tue 2 Apr
I very much agree
Tony Fantastico
15:38, Tue 2 Apr
Play 4-2-3-1 for rest of season, unless personnel shortages prevent.

They've played it a lot, they are used to it and it was sort of that on Monday and was essentially effective.

Square pegs, square holes, there's enough to think about it as it is.
Spot on, with a LB playing LB🤨
15:39, Tue 2 Apr
I liked yesterday's team and balance. I'd probably swap Laird for Drameh to make us a bit more solid for certain games (like Leicester).

Laird's performance was strange yesterday. Seemed to lack urgency (see the jog back after he got under his header that Aiwu then struggled to deal with).

I also wouldn't mind starting the odd game with Hogan up front to give Stansfield a chance to play a bit wider and give him a rest from the lone role.
15:40, Tue 2 Apr
Play 4-2-3-1 for rest of season, unless personnel shortages prevent.

They've played it a lot, they are used to it and it was sort of that on Monday and was essentially effective.

Square pegs, square holes, there's enough to think about it as it is.
100% This
15:40, Tue 2 Apr
Stick with 4 at the back for the rest of the season. It's what we've played for most of of it so far. Also play players in there normal positions unless injuries force us not to do that.

Against QPR, Laird and Drameh struggled to work with aiwu and Buchanan effectively. Might get better if time to fix that but I don't think there is right now. Made it easy for QPR to overload their wings.
15:42, Tue 2 Apr
Stick with the 4-2-3-1 - It's simple and it works, players know their roles.

As above, maybe Drameh in for Laird for games when we need to be more solid, like this weekend.
15:43, Tue 2 Apr
Tilton Rifle
I liked yesterday's team and balance. I'd probably swap Laird for Drameh to make us a bit more solid for certain games (like Leicester).

Laird's performance was strange yesterday. Seemed to lack urgency (see the jog back after he got under his header that Aiwu then struggled to deal with).

I also wouldn't mind starting the odd game with Hogan up front to give Stansfield a chance to play a bit wider and give him a rest from the lone role.
Lairds weight of passes was horrible yesterday. And I love him.
On the subject of Laird though how did he not get a foul for the shove in his ribs when he was mid air for the header just in our half?
Tony Fantastico
15:44, Tue 2 Apr
Tilton Rifle
I liked yesterday's team and balance. I'd probably swap Laird for Drameh to make us a bit more solid for certain games (like Leicester).

Laird's performance was strange yesterday. Seemed to lack urgency (see the jog back after he got under his header that Aiwu then struggled to deal with).

I also wouldn't mind starting the odd game with Hogan up front to give Stansfield a chance to play a bit wider and give him a rest from the lone role.

I know it was only a few minutes yesterday, but I thought Hogan looked livelier.
he seemed to be running freely.
It would be good if he can play a more significant role if he is needed.
That he has barely contributed for 60 games has been a big loss.
15:52, Tue 2 Apr
Against Leicester, 8 at the back, 1 in midfield and 1 up top. The 8 need to be a mix of our tallest and quickest players.
15:56, Tue 2 Apr
I thought the complete opposite in all honesty. The drop off in intensity from Stansfield to Hogan was very noticeable, Jay was effed when he was taken off but was still sprinting with more urgency than Hogan did.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
15:56, Tue 2 Apr
Against Leicester, 8 at the back, 1 in midfield and 1 up top. The 8 need to be a mix of our tallest and quickest players.
Hi Wayne
Tony Fantastico
To me it was more of a 4141/4123. Bielik seemed to drop deeper with the other two CMs ahead of him. Think it worked well.
16:12, Tue 2 Apr
Rab C Nesbitt
Tilton Rifle
I liked yesterday's team and balance. I'd probably swap Laird for Drameh to make us a bit more solid for certain games (like Leicester).

Laird's performance was strange yesterday. Seemed to lack urgency (see the jog back after he got under his header that Aiwu then struggled to deal with).

I also wouldn't mind starting the odd game with Hogan up front to give Stansfield a chance to play a bit wider and give him a rest from the lone role.
Lairds weight of passes was horrible yesterday. And I love him.
On the subject of Laird though how did he not get a foul for the shove in his ribs when he was mid air for the header just in our half?

I’m a fan of Laird too but he looked very subdued yesterday. He rarely got forward which is unusual for him. In his post match interview Rowett did make a reference to defenders needing to be defenders first and foremost and I did wonder if he’s had his wings clipped a little bit in that respect.