16:57, Tue 2 Apr
Rotherham 23 pts, Plymouth H, Baggies A, Swansea A, Blues H, Bristol City A, Cardiff H

Sheff Wed 39 pts, QPR A, Norwich H, Stoke H, Blackburn A, Baggies H, Sunderland A

Huddersfield 40 pts, Millwall H, Preston A, Bristol City A, Swansea H, Blues H, Ipswich A

Plymouth 41 pts, Rotherham A, QPR H, Leicester H, Stoke A, Millwall A, Hull H

Blues 42 pts, Leicester A, Cardiff H, Coventry H, Rotherham A, Huddersfield A, Norwich H

Millwall 44 pts, Huddersfield A, Leicester H, Cardiff H, Sunderland A, Plymouth H, Swansea A

Stoke 45 pts, Baggies H, Swansea A, Sheff Wed A, Plymouth H, Southampton A, Bristol City H

Blackburn 45 pts, Southampton H, Bristol City A, Leeds A, Sheff Wed H, Coventry H, Leicester A

QPR 46 pts, Sheff Wed H, Plymouth A, Hull A, Preston H, Leeds H, Coventry A

Swansea 47 pts, Boro A, Stoke H, Rotherham H, Huddersfield A, Norwich A, Millwall H
17:29, Tue 2 Apr
I have spare time as well!!,so
Rotherham WLLLLL 3=26
Hud WLLDDL 5=45
Plymouth LDLLLW 4=45
Blues LWLWDD 8=50
Mill LLDLWL 4=48
Stoke LLLWLD 4=49
B.Burn LLLWDL 4=49
Swan LWWDLW 10=57
Notoriously bad at predicting but happy to put my head above the parapet!
17:38, Tue 2 Apr
It's nice that we play two teams currently below us. We win those and we should be fine.
8 points will be enough and we should get them, with only a gnats cock, if anything to spare. The clubs above us will be safe and it’s either Huddersfield or Plymouth, probably Plymouth, to join Sheffield and Rotherham
18:11, Tue 2 Apr
It's nice that we play two teams currently below us. We win those and we should be fine.

Would rather be playing mid table ditherers
Agreed. Just watched the highlights of yesterday's other games.

Very little quality on show from Weds, Hudds, Plymouth or Millwall. I would expect us to finish above them all.
22:15, Tue 2 Apr
I have spare time as well!!,so
Rotherham WLLLLL 3=26
Hud WLLDDL 5=45
Plymouth LDLLLW 4=45
Blues LWLWDD 8=50
Mill LLDLWL 4=48
Stoke LLLWLD 4=49
B.Burn LLLWDL 4=49
Swan LWWDLW 10=57
Notoriously bad at predicting but happy to put my head above the parapet!

If we win only two of our remaining games but manage to finish above seven teams then I would be absolutely stunned.