19:16, Tue 2 Apr
I don't think the points deduction can be applied this season, as the hearing hasn't been arranged.

They are facing two deductions though. An EPL one and an EFL one.
My guess is the EFL one will be 12 points. They are allowed £95m over 3 seasons I think. They've lost £92m and £89m in the first two seasons. So they'd need a profit of about £70-80m for this season to avoid a deduction.I
If they get charged with an aggravated breach for refusing to play nicely tjis season it could be another 9 points.

Then there is the PL breach. A£100m breach should net them something like a 10 point deduction.

If they don't get promoted they will have a big problem next season as well.
19:18, Tue 2 Apr
I expect Southampton and Leeds have lost massive amounts this season as well. They might be able to avoid charges, but if they don't go up it will mean selling anyone decent.
19:40, Tue 2 Apr
Tbf didn’t both of them sell or loan out a substantial amount of players. saints especially
19:46, Tue 2 Apr
Leicester were making a big fuss about taking Everton to court too, cheeky bastards.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
19:54, Tue 2 Apr
My Blue Heaven
Tbf didn’t both of them sell or loan out a substantial amount of players. saints especially

Southampton lost £90m last season. I don't know how much of the sales are included in that.

Their problem is if you take that £90m and add another £60-70m to it to account for reduced income they have to make savings and transfer profits of at least £160m to not make a loss this season.
19:57, Tue 2 Apr
Leeds will be in a similar position. Though they haven't published their accounts for last season.
They lost £37m in 2022. That will have increased last season. So they will need to have saved £120-£140m at a guess.
19:58, Tue 2 Apr
Leeds could be relegated last year thanks to Everton’s cheating and then not go up this season because of Leicesters cheating.

I know it’s heavily litigious so it takes a while but it takes the piss that teams can break the rules and be essentially rewarded for it over teams that are adhering.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
20:06, Tue 2 Apr
This is why there needs to be a new settlement sharing the £ more fairly.
Almost no one without parachute payments earns £30m in the Championship.

It's not that Blues or anyone else deserve more money. If you want genuinely competitive divisions you can't have giant disparities of income. If Liecester are allowed to get away with it, it will be disastrous for football.
20:10, Tue 2 Apr
Super Hans
Leeds could be relegated last year thanks to Everton’s cheating and then not go up this season because of Leicesters cheating.

I know it’s heavily litigious so it takes a while but it takes the piss that teams can break the rules and be essentially rewarded for it over teams that are adhering.

On the other hand we are talking about Mordor FC, who have done a fair bit of dodgy financial stuff in their time.

At one point the Leeds Chief Executive gave evidence in court that he claimed not to know who the beneficial owner of the company that owned Leeds was.
20:13, Tue 2 Apr
it’s a joke… there is no sustainability going on just rule breaking

Leicester will likely benefit this season if they get promoted yet their books show they are blowing the finances out the water and have benefitted in this season being able to construct a premier league team in the second tier

and also with Man City’s ~100 charges - why don’t they just do them on or two charges like they’ve done with Everton and Forest and Blues in the past, if it’s too complicated?
20:22, Tue 2 Apr
I don't think it is that complicated. If the first few charges are proven the whole 115 will be.

The problem is getting the case so watertight that Man City's lawyers can't cast doubt on any of it.

The big allegation is that Man City inflated their income to allow extra spending. If that sticks they are in massive breach for multiple seasons.

UEFA weren't able to ban them because there is a limit to how far back UEFA can look and Man City fell outside that. The PL doesn't have time limits so if the evidence UEFA found is admissible Man City arebin all sorts of trouble.

But so is the EPL. If they mess up the costs and fallout will be substantial.
My Blue Heaven
Tbf didn’t both of them sell or loan out a substantial amount of players. saints especially
That's the thing - Leicester made about £75m out of TWO players, and even WITH that had a financial disaster.
Fair point, I wouldn’t expect Southampton to have a similar wage bill im only guessing
21:51, Tue 2 Apr
El Mayor
Nikola Zigic
You've gone to pot

You’re confusing me with someone who cares mate

All he cares about is BCFC 🎵

And the Giants. And Grimes. And booze.
22:51, Tue 2 Apr
I don't think the points deduction can be applied this season, as the hearing hasn't been arranged.

They are facing two deductions though. An EPL one and an EFL one.
My guess is the EFL one will be 12 points. They are allowed £95m over 3 seasons I think. They've lost £92m and £89m in the first two seasons. So they'd need a profit of about £70-80m for this season to avoid a deduction.I
If they get charged with an aggravated breach for refusing to play nicely tjis season it could be another 9 points.

Then there is the PL breach. A£100m breach should net them something like a 10 point deduction.

If they don't get promoted they will have a big problem next season as well.

The PL one cannot be applied this season.

Sky Sports explained:

"However, even though it is within the rules for a Premier League rule-break to lead to a club being punished in the Championship, Leicester will not face a points deduction this season.

The Premier League voted at its AGM last summer to introduce new rules to fast-track financial breaches - such as happened with Everton and Forest - but those new rules were introduced after Leicester had been relegated, and so don't apply to them."
23/01/20 Mad: I'll stop moaning now.