08:31, Wed 3 Apr
Thanks Dan, was a bit worried when I read it but I have confidence in your assessment

If we weren't fine, we'd already know because we'd be under a business plan and an embargo.

Football clubs have to continually submit their finances to the EFL, but March is a big time for this because the club has to show forward forecasts for the next 18 months. If a club looks like they're going to breach, the EFL imposes a business plan and an embargo, unless like Leicester City a club chooses to fight it legally.

I've been saying since last May that this year was going to be a tough one for the financial fair play / profit and sustainability rules, but it's been clear that Knighthead know what they are doing.
08:35, Wed 3 Apr
£54.9M loss over the last Three completed financial years.

Mayor... you say we'd be under a business plan. Surely the points deduction being suspended, is a form of plan ? I presume there's rules applied to that suspension ?
08:39, Wed 3 Apr
£54.9M loss over the last Three completed financial years.

Mayor... you say we'd be under a business plan. Surely the points deduction being suspended, is a form of plan ? I presume there's rules applied to that suspension ?

No, a business plan is a thing. Do you not remember we were under one when we were under investigation last time, when we were limited to a miniscule wage cap for new players? It's a tangible thing where a club is forcibly told what it can spend on players etc.

The suspended points deduction IS NOT a business plan.

I can't help but feel wound up, I've been saying that this was going to be a tight year for 12 months and only now - when things are actually okay - are people concerned.


The two point suspended deduction wasn't even for FFP.

It was because someone was in control of the club (Maxco) without going through the full EFL channels first. [www.bbc.co.uk].
08:45, Wed 3 Apr
Edited... As you've answered the points deduction question.

Thank you.
08:45, Wed 3 Apr
Once again. I'm not concerned. My question is how are we going to as a club increase our revenue until the new stadium comes to utilise the spending power of knighthead. Something which we can't do as things stand
The intellectual saviour of the masses.
08:47, Wed 3 Apr
Ser Tait
Once again. I'm not concerned. My question is how are we going to as a club increase our revenue until the new stadium comes to utilise the spending power of knighthead. Something which we can't do as things stand

Commercial deals, new sponsors, increased matchday revenue.

Something we've done all three of this year, and which no doubt we'll push on further next year.
08:48, Wed 3 Apr
Still think my 25 quid ticket limit is a great idea
The intellectual saviour of the masses.
08:49, Wed 3 Apr
Ser Tait
Once again. I'm not concerned. My question is how are we going to as a club increase our revenue until the new stadium comes to utilise the spending power of knighthead. Something which we can't do as things stand

I think they mentioned this at the start. Raise the profile of the club and increase commercial revenues, would be the best start.

As a side note, was it my imagination, or were we picked for Sky TV Coverage more under Rooney, than any of the other Five people in charge this season ?
08:50, Wed 3 Apr
Ser Tait
Still think my 25 quid ticket limit is a great idea

Apart from the fact it's not 25,000 people paying £25 a ticket cos at least half of those, maybe more are season ticket holders ;)

Unless you want to put season ticket prices up to that level?
08:52, Wed 3 Apr
El Mayor
Ser Tait
Still think my 25 quid ticket limit is a great idea

Apart from the fact it's not 25,000 people paying £25 a ticket cos at least half of those, maybe more are season ticket holders ;)

Unless you want to put season ticket prices up to that level?

Everyone needs to do their bit Mayor
The intellectual saviour of the masses.
08:55, Wed 3 Apr
Attendance are up 23% this season. So that'll help a bit.

Could be slightly offset by the amount of managers and backroom staff we've paid off though.
Commercial deals, new sponsors, increased matchday revenue.

Something we've done all three of this year, and which no doubt we'll push on further next year.

...๐Ÿ‘ , there's a new Sky deal with the EFL as well isn't there, all increasing revenue IF when we stay up ๐Ÿ˜ค
09:12, Wed 3 Apr
I think we are OK in the short term. Longterm it maybe the investment in to infrastructure that will allow us greater leeway if, and it's a big if that someof this can be used as community involvement, also expanse of the development and ladies operation by making a sporting college type of organisation.
09:13, Wed 3 Apr
People can get a Cardiff ticket for 15 quid, there will be about 17k there

I think whilst the match pricing structure needs looking at, I think we wonโ€™t see regular larger gates until we are a top 6 side or looking likely to be challenging
09:19, Wed 3 Apr
At some point the momentum will turn, it won't be specifically based on a league position but people will feel it and start to come back.