18:29, Mon 22 Apr
Day on the River Usk - not a sausage, or even a trout

Tight lines

Terry Thomas
21:16, Mon 22 Apr
The rivers are in a bad way.

I don’t catch anywhere near the number of fish I used to.

After recent trips to the Wye and Severn, both rivers have this horrible grey sludge covering everything under water, barely any visible life in either river.

We have another trip on the Severn later this year, if I was paying, I think I wouldn’t have gone. I just know it’ll be naff, and we will all probably end up bad due to the state of the waterways currently
21:21, Mon 22 Apr
Mixture of sewage, chicken shed slurry(especially the Wye) and excess rainwater run-off because people are paving over their gardens to put their SUVs on
21:24, Mon 22 Apr
Mixture of sewage, chicken shed slurry(especially the Wye) and excess rainwater run-off because people are paving over their gardens to put their SUVs on

I can't believe there hasn't been more outrage surrounding the pollution of our waterways, greenlit by this despicable government. Labour need to roll back dumping legislation on day 1.
21:27, Mon 22 Apr
Fergal Sharkey has been fantastic on this subject. Its how I got to hear about how bad it is
21:32, Mon 22 Apr
Fergal Sharkey has been fantastic on this subject. Its how I got to hear about how bad it is

Did he say "A good Carp these days is hard to find" ?
21:36, Mon 22 Apr
Tony Fantastico
21:44, Mon 22 Apr
I’ve noticed this grey sludge in the Avon and Leam, lifeless and just sad. The Thames is just an open sewer now, overflow of raw sewage being constantly dumped 24 hours a day 🥹 it’ll become a public health risk. Where can I find some good news 😅
22:26, Mon 22 Apr
Fergal Sharkey has been fantastic on this subject. Its how I got to hear about how bad it is

Did he say "A good Carp these days is hard to find" ?

It elver happened to me.
22:38, Mon 22 Apr
One for the French. My Perfect Poisson
23:10, Mon 22 Apr
I was hoping this was announcing a new series of Bob and Paul.
00:22, Tue 23 Apr
Mixture of sewage, chicken shed slurry(especially the Wye) and excess rainwater run-off because people are paving over their gardens to put their SUVs on

The councils keep approving more chicken farms, this is the price to pay for cheap eggs and chicken meat. Lots of hungry mouths to feed, but there is no excuse for the run off into the watercourses.

The salmon hardly run up the Wye any longer, the life is being choked out of it. Apart from the algae blooms reducing oxygen levels, they also drop the pH value of the water. They have tried to remediate the problem by dumping tons of powdered lime into the river, but it has had little benefit.