21:10, Tue 14 May
21:10, Tue 14 May
1-0 city
21:12, Tue 14 May
bluer than blues
And the inevitable goal comes.

I can't wait for this dominance to end.

Same. It's horrendously dull now.
21:13, Tue 14 May
And the inevitable goal comes.

I can't wait for this dominance to end.

Really ? .. i think their dominance makes the others strive to better them and therefore imporves the overall standard
21:14, Tue 14 May
That footage of the City fans celebrating after the goal. Half of them are standing clapping.

If that were a Blues away end there would be broken bones.
21:15, Tue 14 May
And the inevitable goal comes.

I can't wait for this dominance to end.

Really ? .. i think their dominance makes the others strive to better them and therefore imporves the overall standard

Yeah I actually love City and Pep they can keep winning tbh, to keep there standards so high and keep that hunger is admirable, all these teams throwing money at it to catch them but you can’t buy mentality monsters.

I also detest Arsenal and there fans for many reasons so I’m glad City will win it.
21:16, Tue 14 May
Just let them write a cheque and give them the title.
21:16, Tue 14 May
And the inevitable goal comes.

I can't wait for this dominance to end.

Really ? .. i think their dominance makes the others strive to better them and therefore imporves the overall standard

But what effect does this so-called improvement have on the competitiveness of the league? Man City are on for their 6 title in 7 years.
21:17, Tue 14 May
Except of course for all the money that the state-owned Manchester City have thrown at it to get to this point.
21:18, Tue 14 May
bluer than blues
Except of course for all the money that the state-owned Manchester City have thrown at it to get to this point.

So what. If Wagner threw hundreds of mill at blues most would accept it.
Stop being bitter, City weren’t amongst the elite and I’m glad they have burst through the door and effed the lot of them.
21:21, Tue 14 May
bluer than blues
Except of course for all the money that the state-owned Manchester City have thrown at it to get to this point.

So what. If Wagner threw hundreds of mill at blues most would accept it.
Stop being bitter, City weren’t amongst the elite and I’m glad they have burst through the door and effed the lot of them.

You literally said in your previous post that you "can't buy mentality monsters" but that's exactly what Man City did, allegedly breaking the rules to do it.

I'm not bitter. I respect how good Pep has made them but I enjoy football and I like the competition and seeing the same team win every year isn't fun, IMO.
21:23, Tue 14 May
I quite like Man City as well. The City fans that I know are all pretty down to earth, although I wouldn't deny that there are bound to be some glory hunters there now. For years they've been sneered at by Man U followers, and I don't like Man U at all, so I'm really pleased to see them getting their faces rubbed in it now.

I don't like Liverpool, Chelsea or Spurs *, and I absolutely detest Arsenal, because I'll never forgive them for that pitiful performance at Villa Park in the season that they should have been relegated. I didn't like them anyway, but feck me, that put the cap on it.

So, yeah, Man City can keep winning stuff until it's our turn.

* In fact, I don't like anyone very much.
Make Blues Great Again
21:26, Tue 14 May
bluer than blues
bluer than blues
Except of course for all the money that the state-owned Manchester City have thrown at it to get to this point.

So what. If Wagner threw hundreds of mill at blues most would accept it.
Stop being bitter, City weren’t amongst the elite and I’m glad they have burst through the door and effed the lot of them.

You literally said in your previous post that you "can't buy mentality monsters" but that's exactly what Man City did, allegedly breaking the rules to do it.

I'm not bitter. I respect how good Pep has made them but I enjoy football and I like the competition and seeing the same team win every year isn't fun, IMO.

They haven’t brought it though, have they signed good players yes of course and they cost money, but it’s the culture and manager who’s turned them into mentality monsters, and I admire that!
All the big teams spend and spend way more than the rest.. always has been always will be, I don’t begrudge City winning, I like them and the fanbase because they are proper imo especially the ones I’ve met who cherish every success they gain, because they’ve been where we are as a club.

As I said once we spend a ton and have this shiny new spaceship complex, there will be clubs saying the same about us, we won’t reach City levels of course but it’s all relative.. teams now better than us currently will be saying blues have thrown loads money at it and overtook us blah blah.
It’s just envy.

I’m cool with City, it was Liverpool dominance in the 70/80s, United 90/2000s.. thats just football isn’t it.
I’d rather it happen for them than the cockney divs of Arsenal or United & Liverpool forever.
21:31, Tue 14 May
Just let them write a cheque and give them the title.

Tbf this isn't my issue with it. We're gonna do our best to buy the title this coming season, I'd be a hypocrite to slag off Man City for doing the same.

It's just boring having them win it every year without exception
21:31, Tue 14 May
I understand the point about Liverpool and Man Utd. I don't remember the Liverpool era but when Man Utd dominated it was different - they lost a lot of games and there was always the sense that they could be got at. They also had big rivals in Arsenal and then Chelsea and Blackburn took the title from them.

With this Man City side it's different. They're relentless and no one can catch them and for me that ruins the credibility of the competition. They steam roller teams and you almost never expect them to lose.

I've no problem with Man City or their fans. As I said, I think Pep has built an incredible team, ridiculous quite frankly. My issue is simply with the lack of competition within the sport.