10:39, Wed 15 May
Maybe we should just embrace a smidgen of hubris? It's not like it's something we, as a fan base, can be historically accused of.

Nah. I'm looking forward to the new season. I hope and expect we will do well, but let's leave off talking about being the Man City of the division. Unless by that we mean unpopular financial cheats...

I intend to enjoy whatever success we have when it comes. Not in advance. Whether it's a 20 game unbeaten run or a lucky last minute draw at Burton.
10:40, Wed 15 May
Most of the loanees and out of contract players are shite and wont be missed

The manager will most likely be Mowbray

We will keep 7 or 8 players who are too good for the league and will sign 10-15 new ones who will also be a level above

95+ points

Te rar!
Happy Clapper
10:43, Wed 15 May
Wagner is a stats man, and he said the data says the teams with the biggest budgets get out of Championship. Logic says it is the same in League 1, and we will have by far the biggest budget in league 1, urgo we are going up say we are going up.
BCFC - Letting me down for 50 years
10:58, Wed 15 May
I wouldn’t say I’m confident, but anything other than play offs will be a massive disappointment imo. With supposedly a massive budget to play with, Mowbray to come back, and hopefully our better players staying on, we should be finishing 1st or 2nd for me. I appreciate that sounds arrogant.
10:59, Wed 15 May
Looking forward to the transfer committee getting going, then see how the squad (and therefore prospects for the season) look from there. Budget is one thing, doing something positive with it is another. Paying a bit over the odds is no big drama in the circumstances, provided the signings we are paying for are the right ones. Looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds, it’s the biggest remodelling of the playing staff probably ever. How can anyone not be excited by that 👍
11:05, Wed 15 May
It’s difficult to see why we won’t be confident of a very good season.The clubs you mention will all be more worried about us than we are of them.Huddersfield will lose players too and Peterborough have already sold their best player to Coventry.Wrexham and Stockport will be competitive Im sure but again they are stepping upto new levels.
Mowbray has had promotion from that league before so I am sure if he is our manager next season we will undoubtedly do very well.Tom is not about to hang around in that league and will insist on us getting up at the first attempt.
I am not excited about next season but see a lot of positives around squad build etc.
Let’s not also forget we go into the season with our ground ready in all aspects and we haven’t been able to say that for years.
We should be positive,ambitious,respectful and buy into the rebirth of our club as that’s how I see next season.
Up the Mowbray,Up the Tom ,Up the Project and Up the Blues.
11:08, Wed 15 May
Robert Hopkins
Wagner is a stats man, and he said the data says the teams with the biggest budgets get out of Championship. Logic says it is the same in League 1, and we will have by far the biggest budget in league 1, urgo we are going up say we are going up.

Teams with bigger budgets generally do better. No one disputes that.
But Chelsea are the prime example of a club who has spent a fortune on new players and then at least initially struggled to get a coherent team.
Also Manchester United should, at the very least, be a Champions League side every season. Their spending is always at least top 3. Over a few decades it should have given them a vast advantage.
So spending alone isn't everything.

There is no guaranteed recipe for instant success.
11:10, Wed 15 May
I don't want us to turn into mini-DVBs with their awful chat about being one of the big clubs.
11:15, Wed 15 May
Random observation but I noticed while having a look at the League 1 teams next season is that there could be a bit of an ex-Blues connection at Cambridge where Garry Monk is manager and Michael Morrison is currently captain (in my opinion, one of our most dependable and competent players from the last 10 years).
11:15, Wed 15 May
I'll wait to see who our first signing is. I have no idea what calibre player we are aiming for.

Same. There's an enthusiasm among some fans for ditching literally all of our current squad, and I'm not certain we're going to attract the sort of class in League One that they're imagining.
11:16, Wed 15 May
how quickly and what quality of any strikers we bring in will be a good clue as to how the summer business will go imo
11:17, Wed 15 May
Totally agree
11:18, Wed 15 May
I'm just looking forward to seeing us win some games for once. Been years and years of watching us lose to the same shit sides every week.

The optimism regarding the rebuild adds to it, I'm really hoping we do go on and storm it because I would love to see a blues side do that. I don't care that it's League One, I just want to see us dominate for a year, rather than getting home and the Mrs saying "Did you lose? No surprises then"

Bring it on
11:19, Wed 15 May
I don't want us to turn into mini-DVBs with their awful chat about being one of the big clubs.

We are the biggest club in the League though, that's not arrogance or delusion is it? It doesn't guarantee us anything but it's objectively true.

It's fine to guard against arrogance and complacency but not at the expense of being defeatist, pessimistic and talking ourselves down, we've spent years doing that.
Happy Clapper
11:21, Wed 15 May
Le Mod
I don't want us to turn into mini-DVBs with their awful chat about being one of the big clubs.

We are the biggest club in the League though, that's not arrogance or delusion is it? It doesn't guarantee us anything but it's objectively true.

It's fine to guard against arrogance and complacency but not at the expense of being defeatist, pessimistic and talking ourselves down, we've spent years doing that.

Careful mate, need to worry about what the Stevenage fans think about us. I reckon take a voluntary 12th place finish as to not ruffle any feathers.