I'll wait to see who our first signing is. I have no idea what calibre player we are aiming for.

Same. There's an enthusiasm among some fans for ditching literally all of our current squad, and I'm not certain we're going to attract the sort of class in League One that they're imagining.

I think the opposite- I think we’ll surprise people with the calibre of people we will be able to attract.
11:23, Wed 15 May
Pirate Blue
Whilst some of the grounds might be tin pot i truly believe were going to be a bit of a man city in this leauge.
Yes im sure there might be a couple of bizzare results- its our way. I know it was only a friendly and Cheltenham were piss poor - but we looked head and shoulders above them quickness in tought etc - They couldnt touch Bacuna.. if he can stay fit Anderson could make a few full backs look silly.
Hopefully best signing of the summer will be Uncle Tone coming back..sanitise the last 12years of shit and out of contracts (not Juke)
and away we go .

I think you are vastly underestimating the opposition and vastly over rating our players. League 1 is not a pub league and remember when Blues played Cheltenham at the start of the season, they were very poor and getting beat week in, week out by other league 1 teams.
Of course we should be looking to bounce straight back but I don’t like this vile like over confidence that a lot of our supporters seem to have.
11:23, Wed 15 May
True but it's a very different situation. Under almost every available metric, we'll be the biggest side in League 1 next year. We'll have the biggest stadium, will likely have the biggest average attendances, we'll have the most money to spend, we'll be paying the biggest wages, we'll probably have the biggest squad, we'll have the best youth setup, we'll have the richest owners, we'll bring in more revenue than the rest.... Even if we end up 2nd or 3rd on a couple of those things, we'll still be top of the majority.

To be in that position and not expect automatic promotion would be selling ourselves short. It'll take a lot of hard work and good decisions so it won't be easy by any stretch but that should absolutely be the target.
11:29, Wed 15 May
Pirate Blue
Whilst some of the grounds might be tin pot i truly believe were going to be a bit of a man city in this leauge.
Yes im sure there might be a couple of bizzare results- its our way. I know it was only a friendly and Cheltenham were piss poor - but we looked head and shoulders above them quickness in tought etc - They couldnt touch Bacuna.. if he can stay fit Anderson could make a few full backs look silly.
Hopefully best signing of the summer will be Uncle Tone coming back..sanitise the last 12years of shit and out of contracts (not Juke)
and away we go .

I think you are vastly underestimating the opposition and vastly over rating our players. League 1 is not a pub league and remember when Blues played Cheltenham at the start of the season, they were very poor and getting beat week in, week out by other league 1 teams.
Of course we should be looking to bounce straight back but I don’t like this vile like over confidence that a lot of our supporters seem to have.

League One isn't a pub league, but how disappointed were we at failing to beat Rotherham and Huddersfield?

They will be strong sides in League One.

We should absolutely be confident. It'll be a totally different team with at least 10 new signings you'd imagine. Of course we've still got to buy the right players and spend that money well, but we've got an opportunity that a lot of clubs in League One would kill for
11:31, Wed 15 May
If we can't use this season to build a winning culture then I give up with Blues....
Birmingham City: coming up with new ways to ruin your weekend since 1875
11:34, Wed 15 May
True but it's a very different situation. Under almost every available metric, we'll be the biggest side in League 1 next year. We'll have the biggest stadium, will likely have the biggest average attendances, we'll have the most money to spend, we'll be paying the biggest wages, we'll probably have the biggest squad, we'll have the best youth setup, we'll have the richest owners, we'll bring in more revenue than the rest.... Even if we end up 2nd or 3rd on a couple of those things, we'll still be top of the majority.

To be in that position and not expect automatic promotion would be selling ourselves short. It'll take a lot of hard work and good decisions so it won't be easy by any stretch but that should absolutely be the target.

I saw a Huddersfield fan on Twitter trying to argue they're bigger than us because they won 3 first division titles 100 years ago.

Yet they couldn't sell out their final home game of the season in a smaller stadium.

I also saw a Bolton fan piping up (although I expect them to be promoted), yet they're struggling to sell out Wembley for the playoff final.

We're not the biggest club to fall into League One, but we will be the biggest club there next season, that's just a fact.
Lichfield Blues
Am I the only one who is completely disinterested in League 1, sorry but I just can’t get excited by it. Yes I’ll renew my season ticket and be happy if we have a successful season but bloody hell I can’t get excited by it.

You should be, honestly. If I was able to get a season ticket I'd be all over it. We are going to have the biggest budget in Lge 1 ever, while that doesn't guarantee anything, it's a bloody long way towards it. I can't wait to see a Blues side who aren't afraid of the opposition for a change and actually go out and attack sides.
For too many years it's been a reactive side, trying to counter other sides strengths instead of making them counter ours.
Up the feckin Blues
11:39, Wed 15 May
Pirate Blue
Whilst some of the grounds might be tin pot i truly believe were going to be a bit of a man city in this leauge.
Yes im sure there might be a couple of bizzare results- its our way. I know it was only a friendly and Cheltenham were piss poor - but we looked head and shoulders above them quickness in tought etc - They couldnt touch Bacuna.. if he can stay fit Anderson could make a few full backs look silly.
Hopefully best signing of the summer will be Uncle Tone coming back..sanitise the last 12years of shit and out of contracts (not Juke)
and away we go .

I think you are vastly underestimating the opposition and vastly over rating our players. League 1 is not a pub league and remember when Blues played Cheltenham at the start of the season, they were very poor and getting beat week in, week out by other league 1 teams.
Of course we should be looking to bounce straight back but I don’t like this vile like over confidence that a lot of our supporters seem to have.

A lot comes back to the, now old, argument about how good our players actually are.
Is there ability we saw under Eustace and Mowbray (Championship play off players) or what we saw under Rooney and Venus (worse than Rotherham).

I think the former and if we have Mowbray back, with a squad were most of our good players are retained and added to, then we should expect to be at the top of the table and would be right to question why we are not.
11:40, Wed 15 May
After the last 13 years what we really need is a more humble and fearful approach, a Walsall mentality if you like, yes we should be looking to get promoted as the first bricks are laid in our new super stadium to rival the best in the world, but lets make sure we do it by being worried, and respectful towards Stevenage.
Happy Clapper
11:42, Wed 15 May
Of course we should have ambitious targets Title, automatic, play-offs in that order.

But we haven't bought a single player yet. Indeed the relegation season isn't even completed.
Saying we'll do a Man City seems, not so much to be jumping the gun as to be ordering the medals before the gun has even been manufactured.
Some people seem to be thinking in a way which will mean that anything less than 120 points plus the Football League Trophy plus an FA Cup Semi-final and a league cup semi-final will be a disappointment and an underachievement.

I want to see who we buy, how they fit in to the side and how well we actually start the season before getting carried away.
At the start of the season I'll settle for a mostly decent team, hopefully playing good football and winning more than we lose. I expect we will improve and add players to cover weaknesses in January, but at the start of the season we'll be very much a work in progress.
11:48, Wed 15 May
Of course we should have ambitious targets Title, automatic, play-offs in that order.

But we haven't bought a single player yet. Indeed the relegation season isn't even completed.
Saying we'll do a Man City seems, not so much to be jumping the gun as to be ordering the medals before the gun has even been manufactured.
Some people seem to be thinking in a way which will mean that anything less than 120 points plus the Football League Trophy plus an FA Cup Semi-final and a league cup semi-final will be a disappointment and an underachievement.

I want to see who we buy, how they fit in to the side and how well we actually start the season before getting carried away.
At the start of the season I'll settle for a mostly decent team, hopefully playing good football and winning more than we lose. I expect we will improve and add players to cover weaknesses in January, but at the start of the season we'll be very much a work in progress.

Depends how early we get our business done. If we have a strong core of a side settled in by the first game of the season, managerial situation sorted early, etc etc, we should hit the ground running.

If we leave it late, yes, it'll be messy to start the year.
11:56, Wed 15 May
Of course we should have ambitious targets Title, automatic, play-offs in that order.

But we haven't bought a single player yet. Indeed the relegation season isn't even completed.
Saying we'll do a Man City seems, not so much to be jumping the gun as to be ordering the medals before the gun has even been manufactured.
Some people seem to be thinking in a way which will mean that anything less than 120 points plus the Football League Trophy plus an FA Cup Semi-final and a league cup semi-final will be a disappointment and an underachievement.

I want to see who we buy, how they fit in to the side and how well we actually start the season before getting carried away.
At the start of the season I'll settle for a mostly decent team, hopefully playing good football and winning more than we lose. I expect we will improve and add players to cover weaknesses in January, but at the start of the season we'll be very much a work in progress.

I think current position wise, I would much rather be where we are vs any other team in the division.

We have a good squad, albeit needing reinforcement, and probably going to lose some good players in addition to the players we want to release.
We have a very good manager in Mowbray due back.
We've got a huge (for this sub-PL) transfer budget.

As it stands, we in theory would start next season with this as our first team and it would be extremely strong -

New GK

Laird Sanderson Bielik Buchanan

Paik James

Myoshi Bacuna Dembele

New Striker

Obviously all that could change - We could lose most of the contracted players, Mowbray could retire, new manager could be rubbish and we spend £50 on new players. But that isn't the likely scenario currently.
12:01, Wed 15 May
We’re going to absolutely fecking piss the league.

We’ll go up automatically, we’ll win the league, and we’ll be at least 5 or 6 points clear.

Embrace the hubris
12:05, Wed 15 May
I said earlier but it should be top 6 minimum. If thats arrogant then fine so be it. Under the Chinese it would have been a different story, but if our owners are as committed as they keep saying, and are willing to spend a lot of dosh, we absolutely should be finishing in the top 6 and coming straight back up.
12:07, Wed 15 May
I said earlier but it should be top 6 minimum.

Anything other than a top 2 finish is abject failure with the resources we will have. I'd be disappointed if we finish second tbh.