15:20, Wed 15 May
Latest Birmingham City news from BirminghamLive includes a long list of players released by third tier clubs

16:02, Wed 15 May
No x 102.
The cold never bothered me anyway
16:08, Wed 15 May
Clarke Harris gone to Rotherham already
16:16, Wed 15 May
I’m glad we’ve given this one a pass but it does highlight we risk losing out on players unless someone in the recruitment team is making things happen as I speak.
16:21, Wed 15 May
The recruitment team and Mowbray will be working on deals, we haven't missed out on anything. Admittedly it would be good if it was publicly confirmed Mowbray is returning but then we don't know what potential new players are being told privately.
Happy Clapper
16:22, Wed 15 May
There really isn’t any reason for them not to be tbh but it would be nice to see someone come in.
16:24, Wed 15 May
It would, but how many signings has there been between the 72 EFL clubs so far? 2? Everyone's on holiday or still playing. Nothing will get going till June, the bulk of stuff probably in July and beyond.
Happy Clapper
16:46, Wed 15 May
Not sure why Dicken doesn’t just do a 10 best items to buy in Poundland article 🤷‍♂️
16:59, Wed 15 May
Le Mod
It would, but how many signings has there been between the 72 EFL clubs so far? 2? Everyone's on holiday or still playing. Nothing will get going till June, the bulk of stuff probably in July and beyond.

I get what you're saying, but JCH is a great signing for Rotherham and an example of the sort of signing we might be missing out on if we don't hurry up and settle things with the manager. The best free agents (and most of the best business since they're cheap) move early.

Not saying we're not looking at players and potentially offering deals, but my worry would be that we're not getting as much of a head start because of the managerial situation.

Hopefully this isn't the case and it's just that nothing has been announced, but I get why people are concerned.
17:03, Wed 15 May
I get what you're saying, but JCH is a great signing for Rotherham and an example of the sort of signing we might be missing out on if we don't hurry up and settle things with the manager.

Sorry, but I don't see why a player we had no interest in, signing for someone, is anything to be concerned or frustrated about.

When we do miss out on one of our targets perhaps you'll have a point, but until then, nothing has happened.

The recruitment team and Mowbray are working on deals, nothing has stopped. Perhaps some players may turn us down because they're concerned who the manager might be but I suspect the club will be telling those players exactly what the plan is.
Happy Clapper
17:09, Wed 15 May
Le Mod
It would, but how many signings has there been between the 72 EFL clubs so far? 2? Everyone's on holiday or still playing. Nothing will get going till June, the bulk of stuff probably in July and beyond.

I get what you're saying, but JCH is a great signing for Rotherham and an example of the sort of signing we might be missing out on if we don't hurry up and settle things with the manager. The best free agents (and most of the best business since they're cheap) move early.

Not saying we're not looking at players and potentially offering deals, but my worry would be that we're not getting as much of a head start because of the managerial situation.

Hopefully this isn't the case and it's just that nothing has been announced, but I get why people are concerned.

Missing out on JCH is definitely not an example of why we need to make an announcement with regards to TM.

If he was a better player he would have probably waited before committing to a deal with anyone, to test the market properly - I reckon JCH new he needed to take the first acceptable offer he got, so he didn't miss out.
17:14, Wed 15 May
Le Mod
It would, but how many signings has there been between the 72 EFL clubs so far? 2? Everyone's on holiday or still playing. Nothing will get going till June, the bulk of stuff probably in July and beyond.

We could have agreed deals with 10 players and just not announced yet. Would be massively surprised if we haven't started our business. I expect they have a proper plan in place for spreading out the announcements once the window is open.

As for JCH... we definitely can and will do better.
17:17, Wed 15 May
He's just an example of a solid league one player that was out of contract and signed early - I'm not saying we should've signed him or that we missed out on him in particular.

What I'm saying is these types of deals get done early, let's hope we're not missing out on them because of uncertainty around the manager.
17:25, Wed 15 May
He's just an example of a solid league one player that was out of contract and signed early - I'm not saying we should've signed him or that we missed out on him in particular.

What I'm saying is these types of deals get done early, let's hope we're not missing out on them because of uncertainty around the manager.

I'm not going to worry about it until we actually miss out on someone worth signing, I don't think he works as an example of us missing out on anyone we'd want.
If he was about 7 years younger and more talented then I might question our position - I doubt he would have signed up this quickly in that case though, certainly not with Rotherham though. A good player who backs themselves knows they can see who is interested, because they will have options, JCH spent a year on the transfer list and ended up moving to Rotherham on a free at the end of it.
17:26, Wed 15 May
Le Mod
It would, but how many signings has there been between the 72 EFL clubs so far? 2? Everyone's on holiday or still playing. Nothing will get going till June, the bulk of stuff probably in July and beyond.

I get what you're saying, but JCH is a great signing for Rotherham
and an example of the sort of signing we might be missing out on if we don't hurry up and settle things with the manager. The best free agents (and most of the best business since they're cheap) move early.

Not saying we're not looking at players and potentially offering deals, but my worry would be that we're not getting as much of a head start because of the managerial situation.

Hopefully this isn't the case and it's just that nothing has been announced, but I get why people are concerned.

Why is he?