The squad limit for next season is 22 outfield players for next season, excluding under 21's.

With the help of Mayors excel, assuming all players with contracts expiring aren't renewed, we have just 13 outfield players over 21 next season. A fair few of these will go too.

Given that I'd say we're likely to make at least 15 signing and expect a few of these will be Bosmans.

Josh Knight and Sibley are probably a couple of good targets from league one.
17:28, Wed 15 May
I agree, and I don't see what the fuss is about as we don't strikers anyway.
There's too much opinion and not enough fact.
17:29, Wed 15 May
For Clarke, he’s guaranteed a starting spot as well as promotion next season. I’m sure he has something written into the contract.

Good move for all concerned imo.
17:35, Wed 15 May
Le Mod
It would, but how many signings has there been between the 72 EFL clubs so far? 2? Everyone's on holiday or still playing. Nothing will get going till June, the bulk of stuff probably in July and beyond.

I get what you're saying, but JCH is a great signing for Rotherham
and an example of the sort of signing we might be missing out on if we don't hurry up and settle things with the manager. The best free agents (and most of the best business since they're cheap) move early.

Not saying we're not looking at players and potentially offering deals, but my worry would be that we're not getting as much of a head start because of the managerial situation.

Hopefully this isn't the case and it's just that nothing has been announced, but I get why people are concerned.

Why is he?

9 goals 2 assists this season while out of favour in a Peterborough side that doesn't really play to his strengths, and scored 27 times with 4 assists the season before.

Still 29 so has a few years left in him, did reasonably well at Rotherham when he was there before and you'd imagine Rotherham will play to his strengths and go more direct than Peterborough did.

A striker who suits your style and knows where the back of the net is, likely to score between 10-15 goals on a free transfer, that is a great bit of business.

Again, since people seem to be misunderstanding me - I'm not saying we should've gone for him or that we missed out, what I'm saying is it's an example of a team doing good business early. Teams do make moves this early on that benefit them, I don't want us to be missing out on that market.
Wagner’s Dream
The squad limit for next season is 22 outfield players for next season, excluding under 21's.

With the help of Mayors excel, assuming all players with contracts expiring aren't renewed, we have just 13 outfield players over 21 next season. A fair few of these will go too.

Given that I'd say we're likely to make at least 15 signing and expect a few of these will be Bosmans.

Josh Knight and Sibley are probably a couple of good targets from league one.
Also I think we go from 4 ESC positions down to two. I can't quite recall correctly, but think we used one of these for Paik but not Miyoshi.
18:25, Wed 15 May
That’s fine, but you’re worrying about something that might not be real and even if it is, it currently applies to 91 of the 92 teams in England

Even if Blues have agreed to sign players already I doubt they’d announce it before the retain/release list or Mowbray stuff has been announced. There are so many unknowns it’s not worth worrying about.
Happy Clapper
18:58, Wed 15 May
Le Mod
It would, but how many signings has there been between the 72 EFL clubs so far? 2? Everyone's on holiday or still playing. Nothing will get going till June, the bulk of stuff probably in July and beyond.

I get what you're saying, but JCH is a great signing for Rotherham
and an example of the sort of signing we might be missing out on if we don't hurry up and settle things with the manager. The best free agents (and most of the best business since they're cheap) move early.

Not saying we're not looking at players and potentially offering deals, but my worry would be that we're not getting as much of a head start because of the managerial situation.

Hopefully this isn't the case and it's just that nothing has been announced, but I get why people are concerned.

Why is he?

9 goals 2 assists this season while out of favour in a Peterborough side that doesn't really play to his strengths, and scored 27 times with 4 assists the season before.

Still 29 so has a few years left in him, did reasonably well at Rotherham when he was there before and you'd imagine Rotherham will play to his strengths and go more direct than Peterborough did.

A striker who suits your style and knows where the back of the net is, likely to score between 10-15 goals on a free transfer, that is a great bit of business.

Again, since people seem to be misunderstanding me - I'm not saying we should've gone for him or that we missed out, what I'm saying is it's an example of a team doing good business early. Teams do make moves this early on that benefit them, I don't want us to be missing out on that market.

He's got a high opinion of himself, he's allegedly a greedy bugger and 9 goals in league one is hardly pulling up trees. He's 29 and has no re sale value. It's a no from me Tom.
18:59, Wed 15 May
Fair points.

I think I just wanna see some movement on our end. Not saying stuff isn't happening behind the scenes because I'm sure it is - maybe it's my excitement for next season getting the best of me...
19:56, Wed 15 May
I think we might have for Miyoshi as well. Just had a look at the GBE criteria and don’t see how Miyoshi gets to 15 points.

Only played 10 games for Antwerp in 22-23 in a band 2 league and they win the league but only played ECL that season and didn’t make the semis so no points for that. I stand to be corrected but can only see him getting 9 points.

However, he played 43 games for us in a band 2 league which gives him 10 points for next season. Still not enough for GBE

23:02, Wed 15 May
Why are we looking at Div 1 free transfers?

Surely if they are any good they aren’t being released?

I would have thought Championship and Prem release list are more what we are looking at?
23:31, Wed 15 May
Why are we looking at Div 1 free transfers?

Surely if they are any good they aren’t being released?

I would have thought Championship and Prem release list are more what we are looking at?

Could be some decent players - run down their contracts and looking to move to a bigger club.
The choice for players to leave isn't always down to the club.
00:06, Thu 16 May
I agree, and I don't see what the fuss is about as we don't strikers anyway.

It is both physically and theoretically impossible if I rightly recall

Consistently correct and proven right.