16:31, Wed 15 May
Do these guys know something we don't?

16:32, Wed 15 May
No but they certainly like to use Blues for clickbait bollix.
16:32, Wed 15 May
Is that Royston's son doing the story?
16:37, Wed 15 May
That's the same guy who wrote that Bruce was desperate for the Blues job and was in the running for it.....

According to his source - his mate Dave who was helping him come up with ideas to reach his quota for the day.
16:42, Wed 15 May
It’s utter nonsense like most of what they put out.

Now I would state that if TM cannot comeback or decided to step away, then Liam Rosenior would be right at the top of my list tbf…
Young manager who plays progressive attractive football, he’s a down to earth and very likeable guy, it would be a a good marriage with what the owners want and what blues fans would like especially in league one.

He’s been linked with Plymouth of late, let’s just wait until we know about TM before worrying who’s up next!
Least it won’t be Bruce or Rowett 👌
16:43, Wed 15 May
The club have said nothing, given they linked Bruce I doubt they know anything we don't.
16:43, Wed 15 May
Take it at face value and it makes sense, whether it's true or not becomes irrelevant.

Rosenior has been shortlisted as a potential replacement should Mowbray not return. Yeah, if we're doing contingency planning like we absolutely should be, then I'm sure his name is one of interest.

It's a nothing story. Whether it's true or not is irrelevant to me.
16:47, Wed 15 May
Sure - if the owners believe there is any chance of Mowbray not returning, I have no doubt they'll have drawn up a shortlist and Rosenior will be on it somewhere. The same would apply to any club in the Championship or League 1 who are after a manager at the moment because he's proven himself to be decent.
16:58, Wed 15 May
It’s utter nonsense like most of what they put out.

Now I would state that if TM cannot comeback or decided to step away, then Liam Rosenior would be right at the top of my list tbf…
Young manager who plays progressive attractive football, he’s a down to earth and very likeable guy, it would be a a good marriage with what the owners want and what blues fans would like especially in league one.

He’s been linked with Plymouth of late, let’s just wait until we know about TM before worrying who’s up next!
Least it won’t be Bruce or Rowett 👌

Can’t stand the fecker
17:19, Wed 15 May
Rooney’s assistant at Derby. Not the same agent as Rooney by any chance?
17:24, Wed 15 May
I think Rosenior would be a good replacement if we have to go down that route. Done a good job at hull but the way he had them passing it around between their centre backs and keeper would give me nightmares
18:16, Wed 15 May
Do these guys know something we don't?


For me, it's not really about Rosenior or any other manager to coming in.

More concerned the club may not know if Mowbray is coming back or not. They really need to know this very soon (even if they don't divulge it to us supporters).
18:18, Wed 15 May
Do these guys know something we don't?


For me, it's not really about Rosenior or any other manager to coming in.

More concerned the club may not know if Mowbray is coming back or not. They really need to know this very soon (even if they don't divulge it to us supporters).

Yea i hope they know as well. They made plenty of mistakes/hesitations last season in the manager department and cant afford anymore.
18:24, Wed 15 May
It’s utter nonsense like most of what they put out.

Now I would state that if TM cannot comeback or decided to step away, then Liam Rosenior would be right at the top of my list tbf…
Young manager who plays progressive attractive football, he’s a down to earth and very likeable guy, it would be a a good marriage with what the owners want and what blues fans would like especially in league one.

He’s been linked with Plymouth of late, let’s just wait until we know about TM before worrying who’s up next!
Least it won’t be Bruce or Rowett 👌

I mean, he was sacked from Hull for apparently playing boring football (rightly or wrongly).

Not sure why he's a more appealing option to Rowett...

(I'd rather mowbray then either of the them btw)
18:33, Wed 15 May
It’s utter nonsense like most of what they put out.

Now I would state that if TM cannot comeback or decided to step away, then Liam Rosenior would be right at the top of my list tbf…
Young manager who plays progressive attractive football, he’s a down to earth and very likeable guy, it would be a a good marriage with what the owners want and what blues fans would like especially in league one.

He’s been linked with Plymouth of late, let’s just wait until we know about TM before worrying who’s up next!
Least it won’t be Bruce or Rowett 👌

I mean, he was sacked from Hull for apparently playing boring football (rightly or wrongly).

Not sure why he's a more appealing option to Rowett...

(I'd rather mowbray then either of the them btw)

Because Rosenior's criticised of playing too possession heavy in a boring sense, but at least they're in possession of the ball and it works at the top level of the game.

Rowett's style is quickly going out of fashion and out of effectiveness in the highest level of the modern game. I can't think of many successful sides that use (roughly) his style of play. Whereas there's plenty of examples of a Rosenior style working and being very successful.