18:53, Tue 21 May
Rangers will bring loads even though it’s a friendly won’t they. I can’t imagine our fans turning out in droves for a friendly, even if it is to honour Trevor Francis.

Me too on the way to play at Tividale. That game was called off and I thought at least I wont have to get past the Scottish hordes again, they’ll all be in Aston. An incorrect assumption.
18:53, Tue 21 May
Runaway Train
If this is confirmed it will be a mistake by the club.

I was in the city centre when they rolled off the over night trains before they took the Holte.

That was 48 years ago.
A lot has changed since then.
18:55, Tue 21 May
All become peaceniks, have they?
19:00, Tue 21 May
Runaway Train
If this is confirmed it will be a mistake by the club.

I was in the city centre when they rolled off the over night trains before they took the Holte.

That was 48 years ago.
A lot has changed since then.

Not when it comes to them.

Min 20,000 will come, Town will be thrashed and our new shiny fan parks invaded.
19:03, Tue 21 May
Rab C Nesbitt
Dunno whether I’ll be bothered to go tbh. Same as if it was Celtic

Same mate. Both options are a recipe for disaster and no way would I take any youg'uns
19:17, Tue 21 May
If this is confirmed it will be a mistake by the club.

I was in the city centre when they rolled off the over night trains before they took the Holte.

I was in the Holte end as a bemused 15/16 year old.

They were all on the sherry.
19:27, Tue 21 May
Runaway Train
If this is confirmed it will be a mistake by the club.

I was in the city centre when they rolled off the over night trains before they took the Holte.

That was 48 years ago.
A lot has changed since then.

Blimey. That's scary.
19:28, Tue 21 May
I was also in The Holte End - tried to sneak out but was punched by a cop who said I looked Scottish!
19:34, Tue 21 May
I've never understand the whole Blues & Rangers thing. I assume it's some hideous sectarian bollix.

Quite frankly, I don't want to know.
19:45, Tue 21 May
Tilton shark
Its just another pre season game, If you fancy going and having a few beers pre/post game then why not. If it aint for you then just stay away.

Its as easy as that for me.

I’m of the same opinion.. I will go for the day out,
if people don’t want to go, stop bitching and don’t go simple.

My grandad was born and bred in govern so if we had to choose our family would be more inclined to follow Rangers than Celtic.
But a lot of Blues have links and family ties to the old firm, it’s just how it is..

Other than that personally I couldn’t give a toss about either or sectarianism, my dad was born in Kingstanding and was Blues from a kid and so he converted me into being so.
19:51, Tue 21 May
I was also in The Holte End - tried to sneak out but was punched by a cop who said I looked Scottish!

I really was shocked,I have no idea why I went TBH,just following mates I suppose,all they were singing feck the Pope and the IRA.

Got the Train from Lichfield and it was rammed with them, oh and we didn't pay to get in the gates were hanging off.
19:52, Tue 21 May
Awful decision to play them, this will just be hassle from start to finish. I love the idea of honouring Trev, just wish it wasn’t against this lot of bigots. I will be steering well clear.

Digbeth will be a mess.
19:59, Tue 21 May
I've never understand the whole Blues & Rangers thing. I assume it's some hideous sectarian bollix.

Quite frankly, I don't want to know.
It’s not just a blues and rangers thing, it’s rangers and lots of clubs, Chelsea, Millwall, Leeds, Swansea fans have affiliation with rangers largely a loyalist thing

It’s similar with plastic paddies and Celtic

As said by tall earlier two cheeks of the same arse
20:31, Tue 21 May
Runaway Train
Runaway Train
If this is confirmed it will be a mistake by the club.

I was in the city centre when they rolled off the over night trains before they took the Holte.

That was 48 years ago.
A lot has changed since then.

Not when it comes to them.

Min 20,000 will come, Town will be thrashed and our new shiny fan parks invaded.

I remember seeing hundreds of them in New Street at about 9.30am - all smashed! They were punching buses, kicking cars and shop windows etc. absolute mayhem.
20:38, Tue 21 May
Won't happen now. A lot has changed in 48 years.

New Street is pedestrianised for a start so no kicking buses or cars.