08:58, Wed 22 May
It won't just be people travelling down there are plenty of Scots living in and around the Midlands as well as thousands of weird English hangers on.

When Moors played their U21 team in that Scottish Challenge CUp they got invited to Rangers bought hundreds to Damson Park with flags adored with the names of towns from all over the Midlands.
09:10, Wed 22 May
Runaway Train
Runaway Train
If this is confirmed it will be a mistake by the club.

I was in the city centre when they rolled off the over night trains before they took the Holte.

That was 48 years ago.
A lot has changed since then.

Not when it comes to them.

Min 20,000 will come, Town will be thrashed and our new shiny fan parks invaded.

On a Wednesday evening???

How many Celtic came for that game in 75ish? Wasn't 20000 but it was plenty, most of them fairly local, I suppose.

Rangers will bring big numbers whatever day it is and very few of them will be civil.
09:26, Wed 22 May
Awful decision to play them, this will just be hassle from start to finish. I love the idea of honouring Trev, just wish it wasn’t against this lot of bigots. I will be steering well clear.

Digbeth will be a mess.

Having lived in Scotland (halfway between Glasgow Edinburgh) for a while I know what its like when the old firm come to town, pretty much a drunken takeover from early till late, supermarkets drunk dry, also found Rangers much more aggressive. Also having worked with an English Rangers supporter, hearing songs 'celebrating' the potato famine at 7 in the morning is not an experience that you would want to seek.

A pre season game in hot summer weather, What could go wrong?
09:47, Wed 22 May

No need to thank me
10:03, Wed 22 May
Awful decision to play them, this will just be hassle from start to finish. I love the idea of honouring Trev, just wish it wasn’t against this lot of bigots. I will be steering well clear.

Digbeth will be a mess.

Having lived in Scotland (halfway between Glasgow Edinburgh) for a while I know what its like when the old firm come to town, pretty much a drunken takeover from early till late, supermarkets drunk dry, also found Rangers much more aggressive. Also having worked with an English Rangers supporter, hearing songs 'celebrating' the potato famine at 7 in the morning is not an experience that you would want to seek.

A pre season game in hot summer weather, What could go wrong?

This... ("user friendly" enabled)

23/01/20 Mad: I'll stop moaning now.
10:12, Wed 22 May
Fat Buddha CBE FEA

No need to thank me

Well, I'll thank you. What fantastic photos!
Make Blues Great Again
10:27, Wed 22 May
Having lived in Scotland (halfway between Glasgow Edinburgh) for a while I know what its like when the old firm come to town, pretty much a drunken takeover from early till late, supermarkets drunk dry, also found Rangers much more aggressive. Also having worked with an English Rangers supporter, hearing songs 'celebrating' the potato famine at 7 in the morning is not an experience that you would want to seek.

I never understand how anyone can differentiate between Celtic and Rangers fans in terms of their bile, I certainly can't.

Both clubs have people who are filled with hate.

Celebrating being up to your knees in blood is hateful whether it's Rangers fans - or Celtic fans coming to Birmingham and singing IRA songs.

They all need to free their minds.
10:36, Wed 22 May
Seems a crazy idea after spending millions on the ground over the close season.

New fan parks selling alcohol with a work force no doubt of young kids serving behind the bars, Rangers in town likely in their thousands, what could possibly go wrong?

Now we own all that land on the old Birmingham Wheels site maybe the club could set up some sort of Rangers "fan park" in an old warehouse there and serve them Bucky or Tennants Super to their hearts content? Food catering should be straight forward.

WMP finest will have their work cut out that day.
10:47, Wed 22 May
Not a bad idea

Give a them a big fan park, orange face paint for the kids, Tommy Robinson on Acoustic guitar for the adults, a food stall selling the DVB Prince William Burger, they could stand around and talk about how the Rangers and Villa badges are almost identical

Throw in some some rage rooms where they can go in smash glass and break chairs whilst singing No Surrender, really get it out of their system before the football begins.

Big after-party featuring upbeat genocidal music, free Teddy Bear for all Under 13s upon entry
Happy Clapper
11:08, Wed 22 May
It’s the British flag that’s largely the issue I think

They’re both sets of fannys imo and I say that as a catholic and not a Tommy Robinson fan
11:25, Wed 22 May
Some cracking pics in that lot 👍
Turn left when you get on a plane.
11:50, Wed 22 May
Who is actually running our Club? I think it must be someone without any common sense or any knowledge of football. There is a very high chance of drunkenness and anti social behaviour in our beloved City. If so whoever arranged this fixture should be collecting his P45.
11:51, Wed 22 May
WMP finest will have their work cut out that day.

will be 20k plus at Edgbaston for the windies test too, busy morning at New Street
11:53, Wed 22 May
Madeira Blue
Who is actually running our Club? I think it must be someone without any common sense or any knowledge of football. There is a very high chance of drunkenness and anti social behaviour in our beloved City. If so whoever arranged this fixture should be collecting his P45.

I must admit that it would seem a very odd and unappealing choice on more than one level.
Make Blues Great Again
12:02, Wed 22 May
Madeira Blue
Who is actually running our Club? I think it must be someone without any common sense or any knowledge of football. There is a very high chance of drunkenness and anti social behaviour in our beloved City. If so whoever arranged this fixture should be collecting his P45.

You speak far too much common sense in this day and age, I'm sure the new owners said they wanted to attract more families, if so then I can't see how a fixture like this helps that aim, not ideal for local residents or the public either, of course it could pass without any major incident but has a high potential for issues.
Sunderland vs Rangers (pre season) [www.readytogo.net]