21:45, Tue 21 May
If we had sold JJ in January and reinvested we would still be in the championship. Let’s not be belligerent, make an unhappy player stay when we can use profits for a better balanced squad

That is not to say we don’t bargain for a good deal though

Your first point - we don't know that for sure do we, and we never will?!

The rest we pretty much agree on because my main poin is that we don't have to 'sell him for a pittance' or 'bargain' with anyone.
22:32, Tue 21 May
If we had sold JJ in January and reinvested we would still be in the championship. Let’s not be belligerent, make an unhappy player stay when we can use profits for a better balanced squad

That is not to say we don’t bargain for a good deal though
Do we even know if a bid actually came in for him?
23:27, Tue 21 May
It was quite widely rumoured yeah, I'd imagine we did get a bid or two.
07:28, Wed 22 May
It was quite widely rumoured yeah, I'd imagine we did get a bid or two.

It is my understanding that no offer was ever made.

Like the vast majority of such stories this was agent fuelled speculation.
08:50, Wed 22 May
I think we just misused him to be honest. Put him as a number 8 role as part of a 3 man midfield, or a number 10, and I think he's effective. We didn't do that very often if at all.

He's a tidy, technical player that's not completely lacking physicality. His standout ability is his eye for goal, and we didn't play him often enough in positions where he could utilise that. That's my opinion anyway

Not just yours.

Play him as a Stevie G-style 8 & he's going to be a Prem player getting a fair few goals.
08:55, Wed 22 May
I’d try and get him to stay tbh. As a goalscoring 8 he could get 10-15 in League One.
08:58, Wed 22 May
Your attribute cannot just be a goalscoring midfielder though in this day and age unless your record is unbelievable and your club are prepared to stock up the rest of the team specifically to balance of the deficiencies.

At the moment JJ is relatively combative when he wants to be but can drift in and out of games (granted playing him on the wing didn't help), his passing is not great, he doesn't shoot much but when he does he has shown this season he is phenomenal.

I don't see a future premier player in him and I think we overstate his potential. That said he would be an asset to us in League 1 so whatever we/he decide I am cool with personally.
08:59, Wed 22 May
He was always leaving even if we stayed in the Championship. No way we were going to keep him in L1.
09:01, Wed 22 May
Yeah he’s a kind of lampard / David Platt, sort of player whereby goals are the reason they get in the team.

If he had a good season in league one his value would rocket up again. I think selling now we get peanuts for him.
09:14, Wed 22 May
I'd like to keep him but if he wants to go, let him, for the right price.

Though if we did ask him to stay, he doesn't seem one who would sulk. Good head on his shoulders.
He’s s already a very good player, but seems a bit moody, which is unfortunate in such a young man. Maybe he doesn't feel loved enough.

Would be good to keep him, but we’ll manage in this micky mouse league without him and he probably deserves better.
I'd be intrigued to know what you've seen that suggests he's moody?

Seems fine to me, jovial if anything.

Consistently correct and proven right.
09:28, Wed 22 May
I'd be more than happy to cash in this summer if we get a strong offer around the £8m mark.

I think he'd have a great season in League One but would of course weaken our bargaining power next summer with only 12 months left.
I'd be intrigued to know what you've seen that suggests he's moody?

Seems fine to me, jovial if anything.

At times, his on pitch demeanour.
Fat Buddha CBE FEA
I'd be intrigued to know what you've seen that suggests he's moody?

Seems fine to me, jovial if anything.

At times, his on pitch demeanour.
You try playing alongside Ivan Sunjic and see how happy you are after 20 minutes.