11:11, Wed 22 May
David Xavis
I’d try and get him to stay tbh. As a goalscoring 8 he could get 10-15 in League One.

He's 19 so definitely going to improve a lot over the next few years.

He scored 8 in the Championship when played out of position most of the time.

I thought his passing was pretty good under Rooney.

Played as an 8 in L1, I reckon he could get to 15 next year - which would help us a lot.
11:13, Wed 22 May
I thought he did at times seem disinterested in the last quarter of the season, his body language wasn't great, he also seems to have developed a touch of arrogance but I don't neccessarly think that's a bad thing as I think he just believes he's a good player, which he is.

Obviously he's gonna go, he was going anyway, even if he stayed up, he's an International starter who will have plenty of offers two levels above, I wish him well.
Happy Clapper
11:18, Wed 22 May
David Xavis
I’d try and get him to stay tbh. As a goalscoring 8 he could get 10-15 in League One.

He's 19 so definitely going to improve a lot over the next few years.

He scored 8 in the Championship when played out of position most of the time.

I thought his passing was pretty good under Rooney.

Played as an 8 in L1, I reckon he could get to 15 next year - which would help us a lot.

And yet his passing stats were no better than Sunjic.

Clearly there is potential there and, in time, he is likely to become a good player but, at the moment, we are talking about a young player with potential.

Not a star player worthy of a big price.
11:22, Wed 22 May
Played a different role to Sunjic tbf, far more high risk passes, receiving the ball in tighter areas upfield with fewer options, whatever the data says there's no doubt James is a far better passer of the ball than Sunjic.

Anyway, I think the price we will get dropped significantly when we went down. I think we'd have been looking at 8-10 and that might have halved now.
Happy Clapper
11:34, Wed 22 May
Yep that’s my thinking too. 4/5 million would be a good fee.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
11:37, Wed 22 May
Le Mod
Played a different role to Sunjic tbf, far more high risk passes, receiving the ball in tighter areas upfield with fewer options, whatever the data says there's no doubt James is a far better passer of the ball than Sunjic.

Anyway, I think the price we will get dropped significantly when we went down. I think we'd have been looking at 8-10 and that might have halved now.


He was one of the few players who was trying to play through the lines / make progressive passes under Rooney - so I think the stats are comparing apples with oranges.
11:49, Wed 22 May
Le Mod
Played a different role to Sunjic tbf, far more high risk passes, receiving the ball in tighter areas upfield with fewer options, whatever the data says there's no doubt James is a far better passer of the ball than Sunjic.

Anyway, I think the price we will get dropped significantly when we went down. I think we'd have been looking at 8-10 and that might have halved now.


He was one of the few players who was trying to play through the lines / make progressive passes under Rooney - so I think the stats are comparing apples with oranges.

As is often said football is all about opinions.

Personally I was disappointed that his passing often lacked ambition although, in his defence, I will say that he wasn't helped sometimes by being played wide in a role that he was totally unsuitable for.

I can see the potential and genuinely hope that he fulfills it.

Would be great if that was with us but I would not be devastated if he moves on.
12:00, Wed 22 May
Depends on what stats you look at. Pass completion % is just one high level stat that often doesn't say much.

Sunjic last season completed 2.74 progressive passes (defined as any pass that takes the ball at least 10 yards closer to the goal, or any pass into the penalty box) per 90, James was 3.75. Neither puts them in a good percentile, but then you have to put into context that James was frequently used out of position. I distinctly remember him playing left wing for a few games trying to play switches to the other wing every time he got the ball - clearly an instruction to do so, but this would have hampered his stats. 3.75 p/90 also puts him close to Dozzell in his games for us, someone who most of us think is a good passer of the ball. I would've expected Dozzell's stat to be higher.

Where James does shine statistically is his goals per 90 and shots per 90. For (non-penalty) goals, he's in the 99th percentile for midfielders, meaning he's one of the best amongst the comparisons fbref uses (for James it's a lot of second tiers, the Eredivise, Brazilian top flight etc).

Another thing I've just noticed whilst having a look is James is in the 80th percentile for progressive carries (dribbles that take the ball at least 10 yards closer to the goal or any into the box). Probably not something I would've expected initially but I suppose he does drive forwards into space when given the opportunity.

Obviously this whole comparison is comparing apples to oranges because they're very different players, but I thought I'd look it up. Sunjic's defensive stats are better, he's in the 92nd percentile for interceptions, but James has a significantly better attacking output. I'm sure he's being rated for his ability to carry the ball and take a shot more than anything else.
12:29, Wed 22 May
Le Mod
Played a different role to Sunjic tbf, far more high risk passes, receiving the ball in tighter areas upfield with fewer options, whatever the data says there's no doubt James is a far better passer of the ball than Sunjic.

Anyway, I think the price we will get dropped significantly when we went down. I think we'd have been looking at 8-10 and that might have halved now.
The Stats per 90:

Passes Completed (accuracy/progressive yrds)
JJ: 23.2 (74.9%/151.5)
Sunjic 23.5 (77.5%/123.9)

Similar in short/medium passing stats,for long passing

Long Passes Completed (accuracy)
JJ: 3.01 (61.6%)
Sunjic 1.99 (54.7%)
13:20, Wed 22 May
Sunjic last season completed 2.74 progressive passes (defined as any pass that takes the ball at least 10 yards closer to the goal, or any pass into the penalty box) per 90, James was 3.75. Neither puts them in a good percentile, but then you have to put into context that James was frequently used out of position. I distinctly remember him playing left wing for a few games trying to play switches to the other wing every time he got the ball - clearly an instruction to do so, but this would have hampered his stats. 3.75 p/90 also puts him close to Dozzell in his games for us, someone who most of us think is a good passer of the ball. I would've expected Dozzell's stat to be higher.

The amount of disruption probably skews it all quite a lot - having to adapt to instructions from different managers presumably takes a while to settle in, both for the player making the pass but also the movement of the rest of the team to get on the end of passes/ provide options. And in the case of Rooney his repeated changes of style and formation.
13:35, Wed 22 May

In the incredibly unlikely scenario (almost impossible scenario) that James stays, we should be starting him week in week out next season in the number 10 role, assuming we'll still be playing a 4-2-3-1 shape. He has to be further up the pitch because I think if you're playing him to his strengths, if he gets space in and around the box to shoot he will do so and he'll do so with quality, and probably bag quite a few goals.
14:03, Wed 22 May

In the incredibly unlikely scenario (almost impossible scenario) that James stays, we should be starting him week in week out next season in the number 10 role, assuming we'll still be playing a 4-2-3-1 shape. He has to be further up the pitch because I think if you're playing him to his strengths, if he gets space in and around the box to shoot he will do so and he'll do so with quality, and probably bag quite a few goals.

The way I view the number 10 role, which is just an opinion of course doesn’t suit his strengths except his goal scoring, which he could also do as a number 8. We are so used to playing two defensive midfielders I think we have forgotten midfielders can arrive into the box and score which James is good at. He also has good running power but I don’t see him as someone who can play in tight spaces and unlock defences.

We need a Pritchard or Miyoshi when he played there as a number 10.
14:12, Wed 22 May
Not incisive enough for me to be played as a 10.

As a box to box man I think he can be an asset particularly in view of his ability to pick up bits and pieces around the opposition box and his shooting.
14:16, Wed 22 May
I dont think he has developed as much as we expected since Bowyer gave him his chance..

Eustace used him as bench Warmer as did Mowbray and Rowett.

With JJ and Bacuna in the same team we looked very very lightweight up top as they rarely track back and quite prone to giving ball away when hunted down.

I honestly believe he will go as will bielik myoshi paik bacuna
14:25, Wed 22 May
I'd love to keep him but can't see him staying. He will defo be off. I can't see us getting less than we got in January as we was up for the best young player in the championship award, which must be worth something when your negotiating with teams (seeing as it was about 3 players up for it.)

£6-10m and a sell on would be great.