12:37, Thu 23 May
thing is , are Blues ( at the moment ) an attractive proposition for the type of players and manager we want , or are we going to have to make do with what we can get for the moment

Yes we are.

If we have been knocked back by Rosenior and possibly one or two others, then no we are not.

As well as that being unconfirmed guess work from journos you also have to consider what other positions they may be chasing. Yes, we're an attractove proposition, but we're not the only attractive proposition in football at the moment

Because we are fans many of us struggle to look at this objectively.

Our new owners and, therefore, our financial position remain an unknown quantity.

Our recent history has been a mess, particularly in the respect of managerial appointments and job security.

The expectations of our fanbase (immediate promotion, record points tally etc;) may be seen as unrealistic by an outsider.

Not saying we are an unattractive proposition, just not as attractive as some seem to think.
12:50, Thu 23 May
Dirty Bertie
thing is , are Blues ( at the moment ) an attractive proposition for the type of players and manager we want , or are we going to have to make do with what we can get for the moment

Yes we are.

If we have been knocked back by Rosenior and possibly one or two others, then no we are not.

As well as that being unconfirmed guess work from journos you also have to consider what other positions they may be chasing. Yes, we're an attractove proposition, but we're not the only attractive proposition in football at the moment

Because we are fans many of us struggle to look at this objectively.

Our new owners and, therefore, our financial position remain an unknown quantity.

Our recent history has been a mess, particularly in the respect of managerial appointments and job security.

The expectations of our fanbase (immediate promotion, record points tally etc;) may be seen as unrealistic by an outsider.

Not saying we are an unattractive proposition, just not as attractive as some seem to think.

100% I agree with this

All i Know is that knighthead capital are a bunch of hedge fund capitalists, all this investment will be expected back at some point
The circus must stop, we need stability and a manager given more than 18 months in the job
13:22, Thu 23 May
agreed if i were Rosenior I would hold out for a job at a relegated prem league team with parachute payments in champ

Luton / Burnley

Luton ?

Yes please .... send us Rob Edwards

Pals with Gardner apparently and was linked with us before he went to Watford
13:25, Thu 23 May
Rob Edwards - full on Villa fan apparently which will be completely unacceptable to some posters on here.
13:25, Thu 23 May
agreed if i were Rosenior I would hold out for a job at a relegated prem league team with parachute payments in champ

Luton / Burnley

How frickin' long do you think the queue is for him? He's not Elvis.
13:32, Thu 23 May
Be interesting to see where Rosenior ends up if heā€™s already turning his nose up at job offers.
13:36, Thu 23 May
I disagree, realistically we should be seen as a very good opportunity, thatā€™s not at all being blues biased.
All jokes and banter aside of course we arenā€™t going to be getting the likes of Poch šŸ˜‚

But it surprises me why people think Blues isnā€™t appealing, it wowed Mowbray as the man said himself and heā€™s done the rounds in football for 40+years, so if someone like Rosenior is turning his nose up whoā€™s barely done anything in management then rule him out if thatā€™s the case, he isnā€™t too good for us.

Of course going down hasnā€™t helped but itā€™s also about levels and imo our club currently sits in league one as this.

*Best ground in the league

*Best training facilities in the league

*Best academy outside the premier league

*Biggest budget outside the top half of the championship.

*Ambitious/wealthy owners.

Sunderland & Norwich would be appealing jobs in the championship granted, but other than that I donā€™t see why a manager wouldnā€™t jump at the chance of managing us, Infact theyā€™d be very lucky to do so.
14:08, Thu 23 May
Be interesting to see where Rosenior ends up if heā€™s already turning his nose up at job offers.

I just hope he doesn't enter the election race because he'll be lost to us for at least then next 4 years.
14:11, Thu 23 May
The first two points on your list, referencing the ground and training facilities are extremely debatable, as are your claims regarding our academy.

As to your comments regarding the owners ambition and aims my point stands. We, as fans, have seen some of this but outsiders may see it differently. Particularly following the Eustace/Rooney episode.

If he has rejected us then Rosenior may be thinking that he doesn't fancy the job and not indicating that he considers himself to be "too good" for us.
14:46, Thu 23 May
Worcester Blue
Can we not just let it go, re. the type of football we will play and accept that 'winning football' will do.

We want out of L1 full stop. If we're promoted come next May, i dont think many will give a shit about the style.

Man City aren't always pretty.
They win when they need to.

We were so focused on style we got relegated. Pack it in now.

Well said that man šŸ‘šŸ‘

I just want to win games and get promoted

I'll take 'boring boring Arsenal'

And I think I would take Neil too
The one plus from dropping a league with a huge budget and the need to sign loads of players is that you buy to fit a style. A style that you want to commit to regardless of who is manager and for the mid term atleast.
Iā€™m genuinely worried that people are going off their heads
Tony Fantastico
14:55, Thu 23 May
Dirty Bertie
The first two points on your list, referencing the ground and training facilities are extremely debatable, as are your claims regarding our academy.

As to your comments regarding the owners ambition and aims my point stands. We, as fans, have seen some of this but outsiders may see it differently. Particularly following the Eustace/Rooney episode.

If he has rejected us then Rosenior may be thinking that he doesn't fancy the job and not indicating that he considers himself to be "too good" for us.

I think the ground as it will be at the start of next season will be in very good shape and Iā€™m struggling to think of teams with as good or better stadiums, we have two training grounds, which have been improved greatly. I can only go off the words of managers and players about how good they are, but again I struggle to see who has better in league one.

The academy statement could be subjective, Iā€™m trying to think of any other successful ones outside the premier league, perhaps a few are highly regarded as much as ours is.

You could have a point that outwardly we are seen as the chaos club, but tbf our new owners have replaced one manager which is a common thing to happen for new ownership these days, Iā€™m going off Mowbray and his impressions about the owners and the club, he seemed very impressed, so why wouldnā€™t anyone else be.

My point about Rosenior is perhaps he needs to have more realistic ambitions, heā€™s barely kicked off the stabilisers as a manager yet.
But as I said if someone donā€™t want to come then Iā€™m happy to move onto someone who wants the job and wants it badly because they can see what we are and what we can be, any hesitation about becoming our manager then itā€™s see you later from me.
15:12, Thu 23 May
Dirty Bertie
The first two points on your list, referencing the ground and training facilities are extremely debatable, as are your claims regarding our academy.

As to your comments regarding the owners ambition and aims my point stands. We, as fans, have seen some of this but outsiders may see it differently. Particularly following the Eustace/Rooney episode.

If he has rejected us then Rosenior may be thinking that he doesn't fancy the job and not indicating that he considers himself to be "too good" for us.

I think the ground as it will be at the start of next season will be in very good shape and Iā€™m struggling to think of teams with as good or better stadiums, we have two training grounds, which have been improved greatly. I can only go off the words of managers and players about how good they are, but again I struggle to see who has better in league one.

The academy statement could be subjective, Iā€™m trying to think of any other successful ones outside the premier league, perhaps a few are highly regarded as much as ours is.

You could have a point that outwardly we are seen as the chaos club, but tbf our new owners have replaced one manager which is a common thing to happen for new ownership these days, Iā€™m going off Mowbray and his impressions about the owners and the club, he seemed very impressed, so why wouldnā€™t anyone else be.

My point about Rosenior is perhaps he needs to have more realistic ambitions, heā€™s barely kicked off the stabilisers as a manager yet.
But as I said if someone donā€™t want to come then Iā€™m happy to move onto someone who wants the job and wants it badly because they can see what we are and what we can be, any hesitation about becoming our manager then itā€™s see you later from me.

"but tbf our new owners have replaced one manager which is a common thing to happen for new ownership these days"

er ... replaced Eustace with Rooney, replaced Rooney,

so that's two

arguabley replaced Venus with Rowett
Arguably replaced Rowett with nobody instead of extending his temp contract

Just wondering how you got to your total of ... er ... one
15:26, Thu 23 May
Dirty Bertie
The first two points on your list, referencing the ground and training facilities are extremely debatable, as are your claims regarding our academy.

As to your comments regarding the owners ambition and aims my point stands. We, as fans, have seen some of this but outsiders may see it differently. Particularly following the Eustace/Rooney episode.

If he has rejected us then Rosenior may be thinking that he doesn't fancy the job and not indicating that he considers himself to be "too good" for us.

I think the ground as it will be at the start of next season will be in very good shape and Iā€™m struggling to think of teams with as good or better stadiums, we have two training grounds, which have been improved greatly. I can only go off the words of managers and players about how good they are, but again I struggle to see who has better in league one.

The academy statement could be subjective, Iā€™m trying to think of any other successful ones outside the premier league, perhaps a few are highly regarded as much as ours is.

You could have a point that outwardly we are seen as the chaos club, but tbf our new owners have replaced one manager which is a common thing to happen for new ownership these days, Iā€™m going off Mowbray and his impressions about the owners and the club, he seemed very impressed, so why wouldnā€™t anyone else be.

My point about Rosenior is perhaps he needs to have more realistic ambitions, heā€™s barely kicked off the stabilisers as a manager yet.
But as I said if someone donā€™t want to come then Iā€™m happy to move onto someone who wants the job and wants it badly because they can see what we are and what we can be, any hesitation about becoming our manager then itā€™s see you later from me.

"but tbf our new owners have replaced one manager which is a common thing to happen for new ownership these days"

er ... replaced Eustace with Rooney, replaced Rooney,

so that's two

arguabley replaced Venus with Rowett
Arguably replaced Rowett with nobody instead of extending his temp contract

Just wondering how you got to your total of ... er ... one

Oh yeah.
Ok two replacements, but you would imagine as shocked as the footballing world apparently was with JE getting the boot, surely nobody could begrudge the owners binning less than world class Wayne off?
Once TM was unwell obviously an interim was needed, Venus couldnā€™t handle it so Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d say it was more than JE & Rooney to get the sack.

But as I said surely a manager canā€™t look at us and think they really treated Wayne badly??
He was terrible and it was for all to see..
now the JE sacking of course is a point of contention but as I said most new owners want there own guy, itā€™s just to thing now, I wouldnā€™t say Knightead have built up a bad reputation in such a short space of time to put off any potential managers.
15:37, Thu 23 May

Oh yeah.
Ok two replacements, but you would imagine as shocked as the footballing world apparently was with JE getting the boot, surely nobody could begrudge the owners binning less than world class Wayne off?
Once TM was unwell obviously an interim was needed, Venus couldnā€™t handle it so Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d say it was more than JE & Rooney to get the sack.

But as I said surely a manager canā€™t look at us and think they really treated Wayne badly??
He was terrible and it was for all to see..
now the JE sacking of course is a point of contention but as I said most new owners want there own guy, itā€™s just to thing now, I wouldnā€™t say Knightead have built up a bad reputation in such a short space of time to put off any potential managers.

Whilst we, as fans, read, disect and analyse every single Blues thing and perhaps understand why the cub sacked Eustace - we may not have agreed with it, or supported it, and may still think it to be wrong, but i think we understand what Knighthead's (right/wrong) reasons were and thinking was.

However, to outsiders, including perhaps prospective managers, it still looks like a batshit mental decision hinting at unstable club management