16:56, Wed 22 May
His style of football is meh at best. Not a single fibre of my being wants Rowett back but he’d do just as much as Neil could.

What's this based on though?

I feel like there's this perception that he plays the same as Rowett but it's not true. Rowett is a safety first, counter attacking manager. Neil typically plays front foot aggressive football.

He's not exciting, it's meh, and I'm not bothered if he gets it or not, but I feel like a lot of reasons for disliking it are based on stuff that isn't true

If its based on him not being a big name, being a bit of a miserable dickhead and not playing like Bielsa, then yeah, I'm with you, but he's not Rowett.

I agree entirely ... i'm very meh about Neil too ... based on it being unimaginative .... but he's nothing like Rowett, can't believe anyone is still wanting Rowett back (under any circumstances) or is trying to justify such a ludicrous decision by saying that Roweet and Neil are similar.
16:57, Wed 22 May
Then don't worry about how we try to play as the old way has been utterly shit for the last decade.
16:58, Wed 22 May
It comes across as a very boring, unimaginative, short term appointment.

His style of football is meh at best. Not a single fibre of my being wants Rowett back but he’d do just as much as Neil could.

If we’re looking at the likes of Alex Neil then we’re obviously not using the data analysis that some clubs use.

His football is okay - and light years away from Rowett's - i just find it slightly generic - but his teams ARE seen as being front foot and attacking
16:59, Wed 22 May
Then don't worry about how we try to play as the old way has been utterly shit for the last decade.

It’s all about the players. Surely you play to the strengths of your squad? There is no ‘old way’.
17:00, Wed 22 May
Redditch Blue
NO f**ks given football needs to stop mate !

Like most things, it’s somewhere in between.
We need to start being a lot effin nastier than we have been though.
Which doesn’t mean we can’t play good football too.

This. Spot on. Even the best teams have players with "bottle" and "pashun". Plenty moaned about the players lack of desire this season as a factor in our demise. In fact I would go so far as to say to succeed at all you need these things as well as, and just as much as, ability. Each on their own are not enough.
17:01, Wed 22 May
He wouldn’t be my first choice but I think he’d do the job. He’d get my backing. And as others have said, his style would definitely be better than GRs.
17:03, Wed 22 May
Then don't worry about how we try to play as the old way has been utterly shit for the last decade.

It's the players that have been sh1te for that long. Nothing to do, per se, with the way we have played. Playing a different way would have achieved no better, probably worse, as Zola and Rooney proved, because the players weren't up to it. If you can't afford to pay for the best players, play to players strengths, whatever those may be.
17:04, Wed 22 May
We've been playing in a similar way for years, irrespective of the squad. This year we had more players who were better going forward than backwards (as Mowbray proved) but we ended up playing those last two away games in the same old "worry about the opposition first" mode.

McLeish got us promoted but it was boring as eff.
17:08, Wed 22 May
Interesting read who many will ignore because it’s Stoke.

A post on there highlighted he took over a very good Norwich squad in Jan, got them promoted then relegated.
Took over a Sunderland squad already in the playoffs and then went up via them.


Will he get us promoted? Yes
Will we play attractive football? No
Will he be here after a season in the championship? No

If we want someone just to get us out the division then fair enough but it’s not the change of club culture, possession based, fancy football the owners want long term.
17:09, Wed 22 May
Nikola Zigic- FEA
Partisan Blues Fan
Anyone still wanting Rowett as manager needs locking up!!

I'd rather Rowett than Neil, and I really don't want Rowett.
Get out of here. Christ
Tony Fantastico
17:10, Wed 22 May
Redditch Blue
NO f**ks given football needs to stop mate !

Like most things, it’s somewhere in between.
We need to start being a lot effin nastier than we have been though.
Which doesn’t mean we can’t play good football too.

This. Spot on. Even the best teams have players with "bottle" and "pashun". Plenty moaned about the players lack of desire this season as a factor in our demise. In fact I would go so far as to say to succeed at all you need these things as well as, and just as much as, ability. Each on their own are not enough.

Plenty moaned indeed. I agree entirely.
17:10, Wed 22 May
We've been playing in a similar way for years, irrespective of the squad. This year we had more players who were better going forward than backwards (as Mowbray proved) but we ended up playing those last two away games in the same old "worry about the opposition first" mode.

McLeish got us promoted but it was boring as eff.

If we had ‘more players who were better going forward’ shouldn’t we have gone up? Good teams play to their strengths - simple! You seem to mix up ‘worrying about the opposition’ with style. Opinions eh!
17:11, Wed 22 May

I will be absolutely gutted if we hire Neil.
Me too - boring as hell
17:13, Wed 22 May
His style of football is meh at best. Not a single fibre of my being wants Rowett back but he’d do just as much as Neil could.

What's this based on though?

I feel like there's this perception that he plays the same as Rowett but it's not true. Rowett is a safety first, counter attacking manager. Neil typically plays front foot aggressive football.

He's not exciting, it's meh, and I'm not bothered if he gets it or not, but I feel like a lot of reasons for disliking it are based on stuff that isn't true

If its based on him not being a big name, being a bit of a miserable dickhead and not playing like Bielsa, then yeah, I'm with you, but he's not Rowett.

I agree entirely ... i'm very meh about Neil too ... based on it being unimaginative .... but he's nothing like Rowett, can't believe anyone is still wanting Rowett back (under any circumstances) or is trying to justify such a ludicrous decision by saying that Roweet and Neil are similar.
I’d have Scott Lindsey over Rowett all day as well btw. Getting Crawley up playing that football is a tremendous achievement
Tony Fantastico
17:14, Wed 22 May
Neil needs to tidy himself up. Fecking scruffbag.