18:51, Wed 22 May
I go to most games. Certainly did this season under him. QPR, Cardiff, Rotherham, Hudds, Leicester, Norwich all boring imo. For a few of them that’s polite
Tony Fantastico
18:54, Wed 22 May
I just think it's lazy to say Rowett's football is boring. Coventry was anything but. Perhaps away from home Rowett tends to "settle for a point" unlike the home games

Yeah that one game we put three past a very distracted Cov with 30% possession and two very nearly calamitous defensive errors was great.
18:54, Wed 22 May
I don't know a massive amount about him, but remember thinking, as his Preston side shithoused their way through and sucked all of the life out a game against us at St. Andrews, that this was pretty depressing stuff to be subjected to. Can't get excited about this prospect, but it won't stop me getting a season ticket, albeit with less excitement than I was hoping for.

I was thrilled at the thought of getting a season ticket, but the thrill has gone. Garry and The Toms need to excite me.
19:01, Wed 22 May
If there's a scale of 1-10 where 1 is Rooney and 10 is Mowbray, this sits about a 5/6 for me.

Alex Neil is fine. I'm sure he'd get us promoted. But as others have said, I don't think he takes us any further than that. So we'll have to replace him. And I want the next one to be about for at least a couple years, it'll be nice to be settled with a manager for once.

And for that reason I don't really want him. I'd much rather go for an exciting upcoming manager than an Alex Neil. I'm sure he's just the first person we've interviewed or at least the first person leaked that we've interviewed, and there will be several others we're looking at, but I will be very very underwhelmed if we get him in.

I was definitely more excited for Mowbray, and I can't say I was a huge fan when it was first rumoured he'd be appointed. But he's a likeable bloke and that combined with a quick return of results and performances meant we all loved him.

I don't see Neil winning us over in that way.
19:01, Wed 22 May
I just think it's lazy to say Rowett's football is boring. Coventry was anything but. Perhaps away from home Rowett tends to "settle for a point" unlike the home games

Yeah that one game we put three past a very distracted Cov with 30% possession and two very nearly calamitous defensive errors was great.

You are utterly joyless at times.

Everyone spent all week telling us Coventry would be on it but because a manager people don't like happened to win the game it was all down to the opposition.

We were good at home under Rowett with the exception of the Coventry game.

I turned up to home games under him expecting to win. It was a nice change.

Not who I want at all by the revisionism to make him look bad is daft.

Consistently correct and proven right.
19:01, Wed 22 May
Is anyone else just completely shocked that he’s only 42? He’s been around forever
19:02, Wed 22 May
Is anyone else just completely shocked that he’s only 42? He’s been around forever

I was too, but looked it up and he retired early through an injury. Was managing in his early 30's.

But yes that's how long he's been around, 10 odd years.
19:03, Wed 22 May
Rab remember my post a few weeks ago regarding rumours regarding Mowbrays health you reckon that you weren’t one for rumours but these owners are not going to let things drift along personally I am very sad at the outcome Neil was seen at a recent game so they were preparing for the sad outcome again personally I am not that inspired by their choice if that is the way we going and it looks like this was already lined up do think?looking at this it has been a bit of a charade saying that they were going to interview numerous options
19:04, Wed 22 May
Wasn’t Alex Neil seen at a game ages ago aswell though? Or am I getting mixed up with something else.
19:05, Wed 22 May
I don’t understand why he’s been interviewed if the board are sticking to the blueprint of possession based football.

This is a fantastic opportunity to get the ground full every home match playing good controlled attacking football.
I just think it's lazy to say Rowett's football is boring. Coventry was anything but. Perhaps away from home Rowett tends to "settle for a point" unlike the home games

Yeah that one game we put three past a very distracted Cov with 30% possession and two very nearly calamitous defensive errors was great.

You are utterly joyless at times.

Everyone spent all week telling us Coventry would be on it but because a manager people don't like happened to win the game it was all down to the opposition.

We were good at home under Rowett with the exception of the Coventry game.

I turned up to home games under him expecting to win. It was a nice change.

Not who I want at all by the revisionism to make him look bad is daft.

* not according to my memory of the Cardiff game. Neither team tried to win, and we still lost.
19:09, Wed 22 May
Nikola Zigic- FEA
I just think it's lazy to say Rowett's football is boring. Coventry was anything but. Perhaps away from home Rowett tends to "settle for a point" unlike the home games

Yeah that one game we put three past a very distracted Cov with 30% possession and two very nearly calamitous defensive errors was great.

You are utterly joyless at times.

Everyone spent all week telling us Coventry would be on it but because a manager people don't like happened to win the game it was all down to the opposition.

We were good at home under Rowett with the exception of the Coventry game.

I turned up to home games under him expecting to win. It was a nice change.

Not who I want at all by the revisionism to make him look bad is daft.

This with Bells on. I already said not top of my list. Yet they still need to get another Rowett dig in. He won 75% of home games and it was nice to see us win games after a dour run under Venus.
19:10, Wed 22 May
Correct that is my interpretation so they were preparing for the sad outcome
19:10, Wed 22 May
Rab remember my post a few weeks ago regarding rumours regarding Mowbrays health you reckon that you weren’t one for rumours but these owners are not going to let things drift along personally I am very sad at the outcome Neil was seen at a recent game so they were preparing for the sad outcome again personally I am not that inspired by their choice if that is the way we going and it looks like this was already lined up do think?looking at this it has been a bit of a charade saying that they were going to interview numerous options

You’ve drawn an awful lot of conclusions there fella 😆
19:10, Wed 22 May
Wasn’t Alex Neil seen at a game ages ago aswell though? Or am I getting mixed up with something else.

Nah you're right, he was seen at 2 of our home games this year I think.

I don’t understand why he’s been interviewed if the board are sticking to the blueprint of possession based football.

This is a fantastic opportunity to get the ground full every home match playing good controlled attacking football.

I'm hoping they're just interviewing all available candidates in case someone convinces them they're the man that they hadn't thought of before. They did say after Rooney they'd significantly altered and improved the recruitment process, so my hope is this is evidence of that, and tomorrow or the day after we'll hear someone else has also been interviewed and we're not so concerned it'll be Mr Neil.

I'm still hoping and praying we approach Challinor. Just seems such a perfect fit.