19:54, Wed 22 May
Why are some of our fans being snobby about who we get in as manager, we are a league 1 club we could easily go for a Steve Evans or John Still type of manager, I see some people have suggested Pochettino, why would someone being linked to Man Utd , Bayern Munich want to come here, Neil would do an half decent job in my opinion,he's not a bad manager for this level we are in, would be a fair appointment

Ignore people suggesting the likes of Pochettino and Potter. It's either a tongue in cheek joke, or they're not to be taken seriously.

A lot of us want an exciting, ambitious, long term appointment. Doesn't have to be a huge name. But Alex Neil doesn't fit any of those three requirements.
19:56, Wed 22 May
I just think it's lazy to say Rowett's football is boring. Coventry was anything but. Perhaps away from home Rowett tends to "settle for a point" unlike the home games

Yeah that one game we put three past a very distracted Cov with 30% possession and two very nearly calamitous defensive errors was great.

You are utterly joyless at times.

Was an open goal tbf that 😉
You were too kind

I’m feeling charitable, the Tories are on the way out so today is a good day.
Yeah. The safe pair of hands 😉
Tony Fantastico
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
Everyone seems to think that Neil won't be able to do that, I see no reason why he couldn't.
Anyway, he's not our manager and until he is, it's all moot.
Tony Fantastico
19:56, Wed 22 May
Redditch Blue
Is Alex Neil the sum of our owners ambitions. Very deflating and uninspiring, but I suppose if boring and dull gets us out of the league 1 then so be it. I’m already losing optimism and excitement for next season now regardless.

Given everything that’s been announced in recent months, if you can’t see that Alex Neil, who by the way hasn’t been appointed yet, is not ‘the sum of our owners ambitions’, then there is little anyone can say to cheer you up.

My comment was rash and I overreacted so I apologise for that, though a long day of work would have contributed to that.

On reflection I don’t think Neil is that bad a choice, just a bit uninspiring given all this hype, bravado and world class rhetoric that’s been constantly spouted by our owners.

What would cheer me up though is to actually have a decent football team that’s not a laughing stock, which is what we are again now. If Alex Neil can deliver that then I’m all for him.
20:01, Wed 22 May
We’re either going for it, world class, money is no object. Or we’re building slowly from ground zero. This is building slowly - if so, Knighthead have the messaging all wrong.
20:04, Wed 22 May
We’re either going for it, world class, money is no object. Or we’re building slowly from ground zero. This is building slowly - if so, Knighthead have the messaging all wrong.

you’re right to a degree, the messaging is not wrong but out of sync as i see it

it would be a struggle i think to build and spend world class from Division 3
20:04, Wed 22 May
Or maybe som fans have misinterpreted what they have said. They’ve said it’s a 10 year + plan, and things can’t be done overnight. It’s very much a build from ground zero imo
Tony Fantastico
20:05, Wed 22 May
Rab C Nesbitt
I just think it's lazy to say Rowett's football is boring. Coventry was anything but. Perhaps away from home Rowett tends to "settle for a point" unlike the home games

Yeah that one game we put three past a very distracted Cov with 30% possession and two very nearly calamitous defensive errors was great.

You are utterly joyless at times.

Was an open goal tbf that 😉
You were too kind

I’m feeling charitable, the Tories are on the way out so today is a good day.
Yeah. The safe pair of hands 😉

The government equivalent of going from Lee Clark to Lee Bowyer.

Either way it’s shit
20:07, Wed 22 May
David Xavis
We’re either going for it, world class, money is no object. Or we’re building slowly from ground zero. This is building slowly - if so, Knighthead have the messaging all wrong.

Wouldn't even call it building slowly with him at the helm, definitely agree that they need to stop spouting world class nonsense cos we're the furthest from it on the pitch
20:10, Wed 22 May
I don’t agree really. The messaging was wrong from GC in his ridiculous comments unveiling Rooney, but after that they’ve spoken of putting infrastructure in place, fans requiring patience, etc.
I don’t think they’ve said much wrong bar that one statement from Cook.
20:11, Wed 22 May
They have
20:11, Wed 22 May
Redditch Blue
Is Alex Neil the sum of our owners ambitions. Very deflating and uninspiring, but I suppose if boring and dull gets us out of the league 1 then so be it. I’m already losing optimism and excitement for next season now regardless.

Given everything that’s been announced in recent months, if you can’t see that Alex Neil, who by the way hasn’t been appointed yet, is not ‘the sum of our owners ambitions’, then there is little anyone can say to cheer you up.
just a bit uninspiring given all this hype, bravado and world class rhetoric

Underwhelming if it's Alex Neil, feels like the Rowett appointment as in meh he might or he might not do a job but either way the journey will be crap
20:16, Wed 22 May
I think whoever gets the job (unless it's a ridiculously good appointment), they're going to have a hell of a job on their hands to win over some of the fans.
20:19, Wed 22 May
I think whoever gets the job (unless it's a ridiculously good appointment), they're going to have a hell of a job on their hands to win over some of the fans.
I agree, we could get Guardiola in and people would moan we play too much front foot football, I suppose 10+ years of utter shite has become embedded in our minds
20:21, Wed 22 May
I think whoever gets the job (unless it's a ridiculously good appointment), they're going to have a hell of a job on their hands to win over some of the fans.
I agree, we could get Guardiola in and people would moan we play too much front foot football, I suppose 10+ years of utter shite has become embedded in our minds

Personally I'd say Pep Guardiola would be a ridiculously good appointment