Nikola Zigic- FEA
The state of this thread.

Which bits?

Surely you can see the frustration and disappointment with detailing a season based on what your principles are going to be going forward, only to abandon those once you've been bloody relegated when it's the perfect opportunity to press forward and develop them properly.

People writing 500 word posts on the basis of a story about one person we have possibly interviewed is ludicrous.

It’s called opinion!
I will write as many words as I like.
I pay my money travel the country to support us so I think that entitles me to have a say on, screens, players or managers or whatever I like.
You don’t have to react or acknowledge those who want to have their opinion do you.

Write as much as you want - I’m perfectly entitled to call it out as ridiculous. It’s called opinion!

Well you don’t really state your opinion, you just feel the need to say other peoples are ridiculous as you put it.

Why don’t you put your own thoughts forward and ya know make it a discussion which is what a forum is for.
09:51, Thu 23 May
Some people can't be arsed to read discourse about it, which is fair enough I understand that.

But why comment on a forum that's designed for discussion and debate, saying it's ludicrous to have that, I don't understand.
09:51, Thu 23 May
Careful man, you’re going after a triple OG

Make sure your arms are long enough to box with God

I wish you well in the war to come
Nikola Zigic- FEA
The state of this thread.

Which bits?

Surely you can see the frustration and disappointment with detailing a season based on what your principles are going to be going forward, only to abandon those once you've been bloody relegated when it's the perfect opportunity to press forward and develop them properly.

People writing 500 word posts on the basis of a story about one person we have possibly interviewed is ludicrous.

It’s called opinion!
I will write as many words as I like.
I pay my money travel the country to support us so I think that entitles me to have a say on, screens, players or managers or whatever I like.
You don’t have to react or acknowledge those who want to have their opinion do you.

Write as much as you want - I’m perfectly entitled to call it out as ridiculous. It’s called opinion!

Well you don’t really state your opinion, you just feel the need to say other peoples are ridiculous as you put it.

Why don’t you put your own thoughts forward and ya know make it a discussion which is what a forum is for.

My opinion is that they’ll interview lots of candidates and that you’ve had a massive overreaction to one media report. Read back your own post.

If you’re interviewing a range of candidates then at least one of them should be a proven manager at the level we’ll be playing at next year so it’s perfectly logical to speak to Neill. He’s very well liked by fans of Hamilton, Norwich and Preston and grudgingly admired by fans of Sunderland. He wouldn’t be my choice but he’s a perfectly strong candidate, amongst many.

Chill out and wait and see.
09:52, Thu 23 May
Some people can't be arsed to read discourse about it, which is fair enough I understand that.

But why comment on a forum that's designed for discussion and debate, saying it's ludicrous to have that, I don't understand.

Disagree with me about anything I’m not arsed.
But put your point across, don’t just tell me to shut up.
That’s what a discussion forum is about, making your point and discussing the difference of opinion.
It seems some cannot do that.
09:56, Thu 23 May
And we're going to be faced with a lot of teams who will be looking to not lose against us - our play is going to have to be technical and intelligent to give us the best chance of breaking them down.

What we need to do is sign a minimum of 4 strikers with pace, power and mobility, we have struggled to break down teams because of this, opposition teams know this and set up accordingly. Having decent forward options will transform the team [/quote]

We're not likely to be planning on playing more than one striker at a time, so it is a bit of a waste to have 4 strikers on the books, plus Juke and Roberts.

We do need to sign a couple of good strikers though. We also need to make sure that we are creating good chances, not just pinging the ball at them aimlessly against teams who are almost entirely sitting in their own box. Pace and power only do so much against a packed defence, the quality of the passes to them is vital.
10:00, Thu 23 May
Nikola Zigic- FEA
The state of this thread.

Which bits?

Surely you can see the frustration and disappointment with detailing a season based on what your principles are going to be going forward, only to abandon those once you've been bloody relegated when it's the perfect opportunity to press forward and develop them properly.

People writing 500 word posts on the basis of a story about one person we have possibly interviewed is ludicrous.

It’s called opinion!
I will write as many words as I like.
I pay my money travel the country to support us so I think that entitles me to have a say on, screens, players or managers or whatever I like.
You don’t have to react or acknowledge those who want to have their opinion do you.

Write as much as you want - I’m perfectly entitled to call it out as ridiculous. It’s called opinion!

Well you don’t really state your opinion, you just feel the need to say other peoples are ridiculous as you put it.

Why don’t you put your own thoughts forward and ya know make it a discussion which is what a forum is for.

My opinion is that they’ll interview lots of candidates and that you’ve had a massive overreaction to one media report. Read back your own post.

If you’re interviewing a range of candidates then at least one of them should be a proven manager at the level we’ll be playing at next year so it’s perfectly logical to speak to Neill. He’s very well liked by fans of Hamilton, Norwich and Preston and grudgingly admired by fans of Sunderland. He wouldn’t be my choice but he’s a perfectly strong candidate, amongst many.

Chill out and wait and see.

I wouldn't say it is ridiculous but I do find it funny that we have over 300 posts about a solid, if uninspiring manager we might not even appoint.
It will look even funnier if we do go for one of the Germany coaches none of us have mentioned.
Since you’re so keen on my opinion, let me deconstruct your post.


Have you seen the players he had at Norwich?
Maddison, Cantwell, Aarons, Lewis, Godfrey, Gunn. -> any incoming manager will have excellent players at blues this year. Also most of the players you list were not in his promotion team.

Sunderland he had Clarke, Pritchard, McGeady, Grigg, Ross Stewart & a fair few of the youngsters who are in their squad now.

I honestly do not think Neil is a good manager whatsoever, watch the Sunderland Netflix thing, the bloke struggled like hell to get that squad over the line in the playoffs. -> promotions at 3 of his 5 clubs, consistent top 10 finishes at another, failed at one

He is so far removed from all the claptrap that Cook has spouted about the direction the club wants to go in. -> have we announced him as the manager or are you overreacting to a media report?

Rowett was a necessity due to Mowbrays illness imo, but other than Rooney being a dud firework, why are they now stepping away from the much mentioned philosophy they want from a manager and team.
> have we announced him as the manager or are you overreacting to a media report?

As I said earlier as much as there is pressure to get back up, I myself could live with them going for a young manager in that mould and it taking time to build it, and I think most fans would too, bare in mind a new division, new squad overhaul, new philosophy implemented.
To go with Neil I just don’t know what they are even thinking or what the plan is, it just seems like they are as confused as us fans are atm with the on-field approach. > have we announced him as the manager or are you overreacting to a media report?

Can’t fault them off it, stadium will be ace and all they are doing regards off field enhancements, but god they are making an absolute clustereff of setting us up to be successful on the pitch > have we announced him as the manager or are you overreacting to a media report?
10:11, Thu 23 May
Some people can't be arsed to read discourse about it, which is fair enough I understand that.

But why comment on a forum that's designed for discussion and debate, saying it's ludicrous to have that, I don't understand.

Disagree with me about anything I’m not arsed.
But put your point across, don’t just tell me to shut up.
That’s what a discussion forum is about, making your point and discussing the difference of opinion.
It seems some cannot do that.

You can do that.

No-one is stopping you.
There's too much opinion and not enough fact.
10:11, Thu 23 May
And we're going to be faced with a lot of teams who will be looking to not lose against us - our play is going to have to be technical and intelligent to give us the best chance of breaking them down.

What we need to do is sign a minimum of 4 strikers with pace, power and mobility, we have struggled to break down teams because of this, opposition teams know this and set up accordingly. Having decent forward options will transform the team

We're not likely to be planning on playing more than one striker at a time, so it is a bit of a waste to have 4 strikers on the books, plus Juke and Roberts.

We do need to sign a couple of good strikers though. We also need to make sure that we are creating good chances, not just pinging the ball at them aimlessly against teams who are almost entirely sitting in their own box. Pace and power only do so much against a packed defence, the quality of the passes to them is vital.

When is your interview? 👍
Since you’re so keen on my opinion, let me deconstruct your post.


Have you seen the players he had at Norwich?
Maddison, Cantwell, Aarons, Lewis, Godfrey, Gunn. -> any incoming manager will have excellent players at blues this year. Also most of the players you list were not in his promotion team.

Sunderland he had Clarke, Pritchard, McGeady, Grigg, Ross Stewart & a fair few of the youngsters who are in their squad now.

I honestly do not think Neil is a good manager whatsoever, watch the Sunderland Netflix thing, the bloke struggled like hell to get that squad over the line in the playoffs. -> promotions at 3 of his 5 clubs, consistent top 10 finishes at another, failed at one

He is so far removed from all the claptrap that Cook has spouted about the direction the club wants to go in. -> have we announced him as the manager or are you overreacting to a media report?

Rowett was a necessity due to Mowbrays illness imo, but other than Rooney being a dud firework, why are they now stepping away from the much mentioned philosophy they want from a manager and team.
> have we announced him as the manager or are you overreacting to a media report?

As I said earlier as much as there is pressure to get back up, I myself could live with them going for a young manager in that mould and it taking time to build it, and I think most fans would too, bare in mind a new division, new squad overhaul, new philosophy implemented.
To go with Neil I just don’t know what they are even thinking or what the plan is, it just seems like they are as confused as us fans are atm with the on-field approach. > have we announced him as the manager or are you overreacting to a media report?

Can’t fault them off it, stadium will be ace and all they are doing regards off field enhancements, but god they are making an absolute clustereff of setting us up to be successful on the pitch > have we announced him as the manager or are you overreacting to a media report?

Fecking state of this post
10:25, Thu 23 May
thing is , are Blues ( at the moment ) an attractive proposition for the type of players and manager we want , or are we going to have to make do with what we can get for the moment
10:32, Thu 23 May
thing is , are Blues ( at the moment ) an attractive proposition for the type of players and manager we want , or are we going to have to make do with what we can get for the moment

Yes we are.
10:53, Thu 23 May
thing is , are Blues ( at the moment ) an attractive proposition for the type of players and manager we want , or are we going to have to make do with what we can get for the moment

Yes we are.

If we have been knocked back by Rosenior and possibly one or two others, then no we are not.
10:54, Thu 23 May
Dirty Bertie
thing is , are Blues ( at the moment ) an attractive proposition for the type of players and manager we want , or are we going to have to make do with what we can get for the moment

Yes we are.

If we have been knocked back by Rosenior and possibly one or two others, then no we are not.

That’s just speculation isn’t it