15:25, Wed 22 May
John Percy reports talks with Alex Neil have begun
I'm a lumberjack and i'm okay
15:26, Wed 22 May
Also - Parker can eff off just for the 'Birminum' bollix.
Up the feckin Blues
15:27, Wed 22 May
Sid James
John Percy reports talks with Alex Neil have begun

Honestly I'm ok with that - experience is what we need next season, not some bloke with a great record in league 2.
Up the feckin Blues
15:27, Wed 22 May
not particuarly inspiring but does feel relatively risk free
15:28, Wed 22 May
Sid James
John Percy reports talks with Alex Neil have begun

What a tragically underwhelming boring name. Boring bloke, boring football
15:30, Wed 22 May
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
Sid James
John Percy reports talks with Alex Neil have begun

Honestly I'm ok with that - experience is what we need next season, not some bloke with a great record in league 2.

He does get us back up I'm pretty sure, I just don't think he's a good long term option. Hope I'm wrong if we do appoint him.

Another one where if we appoint him, they've definitely ditched the whole "no fear football" idea. Which given it was supposed to be data based, really isn't a good look.
15:32, Wed 22 May
I do think our pool of candidates is not large, its either neil or another tried and tested ie rowett, or the likes of challinor or skubala

its not a deep pool
I'm a lumberjack and i'm okay
15:32, Wed 22 May
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
Sid James
John Percy reports talks with Alex Neil have begun

Honestly I'm ok with that - experience is what we need next season, not some bloke with a great record in league 2.

Give it Rowett if this is the level we are going for. Crap
15:32, Wed 22 May
His football has generally been quite progressive and attacking hasn't it? He's not a counter attacking manager I wouldn't say
Happy Clapper
15:35, Wed 22 May
Rowett tactics. Difference is has a couple of promotions
15:35, Wed 22 May
Le Mod
His football has generally been quite progressive and attacking hasn't it? He's not a counter attacking manager I wouldn't say

Safety first manager I thought. Underwhelming
15:36, Wed 22 May
Stoke fans hate him

Sunderland fans hate how he left but think he’s a good manager

No idea what Norwich or Preston think.
15:36, Wed 22 May
15:36, Wed 22 May
Rowett tactics. Difference is has a couple of promotions

His Sunderland, Preston and Norwich teams didn't play anything like Rowett teams from what I saw. I don't find him particularly likeable but he's never been a defensive or route one coach.
Happy Clapper
15:37, Wed 22 May
Functional at best.