15:37, Wed 22 May

Yeah, when I first saw that I remember thinking I would rather have John Sitton doing his famous "and you can bring yer fackin dinner..." speech trying to motivate our players than Scott Parker.

ha Sitton at Orient documentary was a classic at the time on C4 i think - can be re witnessed via You Tube

1994/95 season - oh and who did Orient in their car crash of a season that year as featured in that documentary beat on the opening day???! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️💙💙💙
15:38, Wed 22 May
Le Mod
Rowett tactics. Difference is has a couple of promotions

His Sunderland, Preston and Norwich teams didn't play anything like Rowett teams from what I saw. I don't find him particularly likeable but he's never been a defensive or route one coach.

yea, just done some reading



not sure Rowett is a fair comparison
15:39, Wed 22 May
Personally I’m underwhelmed…… not because of a desire for unrealistic target, but more like he’s just one of those non descriptive managers that do ‘the circuit’

Edit. Feels like a choice TTA would make
15:39, Wed 22 May
Rowett tactics. Difference is has a couple of promotions

Hmmm, not sure. Always struck me as a pragmatic manager - given our finances in Lge 1, I'm sure he'll want to play a more progressive game - time will tell (if any of this is true of course).
We could get an up and coming, thrusting type - but the be all and end all next season is promotion, why gamble on inexperience? - think Neil will give us that, Rowett too probably, but I'm not sure Rowett can play any other way.
Up the feckin Blues
15:40, Wed 22 May
The guys 42 years old has 2 promotions on his CV

1x Prem League

1x Championship
15:41, Wed 22 May
Wilfred Owen
Personally I’m underwhelmed…… not because of a desire for unrealistic target, but more like he’s just one of those non descriptive managers that do ‘the circuit’

Yeah I get that, I would be too, just countering the Rowett comparison, I don't think their styles have been similar at all, really.
Happy Clapper
15:41, Wed 22 May
Pretty abysmal appointment for many reasons imo.
Yes he got a very good for the league Sunderland up, had a spell at Norwich that was decent who were also very talented squad.

His football on the whole is dross to watch, like Mcleish at his worse dross, he’s also another prickly character who tbh will rub the fans up the wrong way, especially if we aren’t winning games.

Just seems like the board have reigned in there ambitions after being scorned by Rooney.

Personally I’d take a chance on a young vibrant front footed manager like Challinor, Williamson or Skubala.. swing for the fences in finding your next McKenna, don’t settle.
At worse it goes tits up they are gone in 6-12months you try again.

Neil at the very best on the optimistic side might get us challenging/possibly get promoted all being well only to then be relieved of his job anyway because he won’t do much in the championship and push us on again, so what he’s in the job for 12-18 months?

Not for me, feels abit Meh, and not ambitious whatsoever, but as I said perhaps they’ve been burnt and now are being pragmatic.
15:41, Wed 22 May
I'm going by what I saw during his spell at Stoke. Spent a lot last summer, didn't go well
15:42, Wed 22 May
Pretty abysmal appointment for many reasons imo.
Yes he got a very good for the league Sunderland up, had a spell at Norwich that was decent.

His football on the whole is dross to watch, like Mcleish at his worse dross, he’s also another prickly character who tbh will rub the fans up the wrong way, especially if we aren’t winning games.

Just seems like the board have reigned in there ambitions after being scorned by Rooney.

Personally I’d take a chance on a young vibrant front footed manager like Challinor, Williamson or Skubala.. swing for the fences in finding your next McKenna, don’t settle.
At worse it goes tits up they are gone in 6-12months you try again.

Neil at the very best on the optimistic side might get us challenging/possibly get promoted all being well only to then be relieved of his job anyway because he won’t do much in the championship and push us on again, so what he’s in the job for 12-18 months?

Not for me, feels abit Meh, and not ambitious whatsoever, but as I said perhaps they’ve been burnt and now are being pragmatic.

Just dont believe we are a club that is patient with our managers anymore. I very much doubt we will give any manager more than 3 months next season unless we are in top 3 or 4
15:44, Wed 22 May
Appointing Alex Neil would, in my opinion, show a lack of imagination.

Yes, he'd get us promoted next season .... but ....

Meh !!
15:44, Wed 22 May
A very meh appointment if true.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
15:45, Wed 22 May
i agree but using your imagination is a bigger risk, they might prefer a safer bet
15:45, Wed 22 May
I was gutted when the rumours that we might go for Rooney emerged - in fact I refused to believe it at first. Haven't got that feeling at all here, whilst I'm not greasing the pig and firing up the disco party promotion bus over it, I think it's ok.

All of which means bugger all, but there ya go.

Edit, would still prefer Rosenior.
Up the feckin Blues
15:47, Wed 22 May
i agree but using your imagination is a bigger risk, they might prefer a safer bet

I'm sticking to one of the few dozen Yiddish words i know .......... meh

Better than many for our situation - but ..... meh
15:48, Wed 22 May
From the Sunderland forum
