10:15, Fri 24 May
It is wonky. Count the support struts on the roof. 4 to the left, 6 to the right.
10:20, Fri 24 May
It is wonky. Count the support struts on the roof. 4 to the left, 6 to the right.

I think that is because you can't see the struts on the left where the roof angles backwards?

I'm not going to start trying to line up with a Google maps overhead shot to check for sure though!
10:20, Fri 24 May
It is wonky. Count the support struts on the roof. 4 to the left, 6 to the right.

It's central to the pitch
Happy Clapper
10:23, Fri 24 May
‘We’ve got wonky screens, we’ll view what we want!’
10:35, Fri 24 May
I know what you're saying but it seems odd that the wearing of a hard hat isn't a site requirement. On most sites, once you're in the perimeter, it's hard hats everywhere.

Oh the hard hat IS a site requirement .... and wearing it up and down scaffold, or on hoists etc to get to the roof IS a requirement ... but once on the roof, if there is nothing overhead, and nothing to bump your head on then they can be removed..... and then they must be put back on as soon as they step foot off the roof.

It relates back to the heat in summer mainly and there being no shade on an exposed roof and wearing a hard hat making peoples' heads boil.... espcially when it's already often a hot works environment (felting etc etc)

THe reason why many company policies insist on them being worn when on the roof is because they think roofers can't be trusted to put the hard hat on after removing it.

PS ... anyone questioning "wouldn't a hard hat protect them if they fell off the roof ?" is overlooking that the Risk Assessment will have eliminated the possibility of them falling from the roof .. ie WAH safety kits, lanyards, harnesses etc where needed.

I only deal with stuff going into the ground these days but it used to be the most common complaint from residents/public in previous lifes ... "why aren't your blokes on the roof wearing hard hats ?"
10:46, Fri 24 May
It is wonky. Count the support struts on the roof. 4 to the left, 6 to the right.

It's central to the pitch

This I didn't consider. The GM does extend further past the pitch on the Main Stand Side than it does Kop side.
11:02, Fri 24 May
I took these photos at the Plymouth game back in August when I was about three rows from the back of the GMU. I don't reckon the GMU screen will even obstruct the screen on the Tilton roof.

Linked Image
Linked Image
11:13, Fri 24 May
You're possibly right, but I suppose the main thing is that you can see the pitch clearly. It's not going to ruin my day if I can't see a giant screen.
11:15, Fri 24 May
Some more pics here

Looks great but I can the folks in GMU not being happy!

The GMU screen looks off centre which is an odd choice.

I think it is just perspective making it look offset.

Up the feckin Blues
12:20, Fri 24 May
If there are 2 screens, will they both be operated by the same remote control? And who is going to be in charge of it??
12:28, Fri 24 May
No manager atm so it's Craig Gardner in control
13:07, Fri 24 May
The roof needs a scrub.
19:57, Fri 24 May
If there are 2 screens, will they both be operated by the same remote control? And who is going to be in charge of it??

They can't sync the sound with one screen, how are they gonna cope with two? Images on both screens and sound all out of sync is my guess for next season, looking forward to it already.
20:16, Fri 24 May
If there are 2 screens, will they both be operated by the same remote control? And who is going to be in charge of it??

They can't sync the sound with one screen, how are they gonna cope with two? Images on both screens and sound all out of sync is my guess for next season, looking forward to it already.

That’s the spirit