13:16, Wed 22 May
I'm guessing they're going to have to permanently close parts of the stands to fit those in, as there's no way anyone seated behind them will be able to see. That is assuming the screens will be attached to the roof and are hanging down below the roof as opposed to poking out above the roof to avoid obstructing views?
13:16, Wed 22 May
Absolutely mad they're doing this when they're not remotely interested in the football club and they're all actually American Tony Xia's

Consistently correct and proven right.
13:16, Wed 22 May
Wagner’s Dream
I’ll be interested to see what they’re doing with the Gil Merrick, and why it was shut for so long.

Watch the last open house and you will see.
Box to Box: Under Kop
True Blue: Happy abode (Kop)
Polo Club/Chukkers: Kop hospitality
Boardroom: Kop Hospitality
Showbox: Kop Boxes
City View :Lower GM boxes

They didn't cover the upper Gil Merrick, unless I missed it? Not sure how work on the lower GM boxes would keep the upper GM shut.
13:20, Wed 22 May
Rab C Nesbitt
Anyone got pictures of it? Where's the drone guy? :D

There was a video of some of the work posted on twitter by the club but it's since been deleted.

Wait why's it been deleted?
They dropped them

Was John Ruddy helping them out ?
Where is True Blue going?

Chukkers is the Jasper Carrot isn't it?

Consistently correct and proven right.
13:25, Wed 22 May
I'm guessing they're going to have to permanently close parts of the stands to fit those in, as there's no way anyone seated behind them will be able to see. That is assuming the screens will be attached to the roof and are hanging down below the roof as opposed to poking out above the roof to avoid obstructing views?

i think they will be attached to the roof upwards so nothing hanging down obstructing any view. not sure tho
I'm a lumberjack and i'm okay
13:25, Wed 22 May
Makes me smile now thinking of sulky asking us did we want a new scoreboard or a player 😄 gobshite.
Nikola Zigic- FEA
Where is True Blue going?

Chukkers is the Jasper Carrot isn't it?
True Blue is replacing the Happy Abode, which is a little bar in the Kop on the right hand side as you look at it. Should back onto the fan park.

I think it was the JC yh, it was wherever the open house was IIRC. Will be linking up with a commercial partner so name will change.
13:30, Wed 22 May

Blimey, they're massive!!

The link appears to be dead
13:34, Wed 22 May
They've deleted it, dunno why

However I was told they were the same as Watford's, so pretty sizeable bastard's

Linked Image
Happy Clapper
13:36, Wed 22 May

Blimey, they're massive!!

The link appears to be dead

try this one

I'm a lumberjack and i'm okay
13:41, Wed 22 May
Sid James

Blimey, they're massive!!

The link appears to be dead

try this one

Maggied as well
Tony Fantastico
13:41, Wed 22 May
Greebo joe
Makes me smile now thinking of sulky asking us did we want a new scoreboard or a player 😄 gobshite.
I despise that bal bag head
Tony Fantastico
13:55, Wed 22 May
Let's hope Terry doesn't have an aneurysm.
14:01, Wed 22 May
Royale Blue FEA
Let's hope Terry doesn't have an aneurysm.

He is gonna be devastated.
I'm a lumberjack and i'm okay