09:15, Thu 23 May
Firstly thank you Mr Wagner for what you’re doing with your money and vision for the clubs future.

PLEASE can you sell your clubs ambition and future plans with a proven manager.

This manager needs to be in charge for the foreseeable future so we can have a vision and way forward.

PLEASE appoint David Moyes, with a back up team of John Grounds & A Cole included.

For me personally the most important thing in your life is your time and we all realise as we get older that is so precious.

09:16, Thu 23 May
David Moyes ? Why ? How ? Lmao
09:16, Thu 23 May
Jesus fvcccking Christ
09:17, Thu 23 May
Cringe OP but I reckon Moyes might actually take it you know.

Consistently correct and proven right.
09:19, Thu 23 May
our fan base has a whiff of b6 about us, weve turned into the thing weve detested all these years
I'm a lumberjack and i'm okay
09:21, Thu 23 May
Nikola Zigic- FEA
Cringe OP but I reckon Moyes might actually take it you know.

Absolutely zero chance
09:21, Thu 23 May
09:25, Thu 23 May
I like Moyes, but isn’t he also considered too defensive?
09:27, Thu 23 May
Sid James
our fan base has a whiff of b6 about us, weve turned into the thing weve detested all these years

Well put.
09:28, Thu 23 May
Jesus wept
09:30, Thu 23 May
If this was a bit of satire, I'd say it was really well done. Genuinely made me laugh.

I don't think it is though....

This is further evidence of the problem the new manager is going to come in to though. Everyone agrees that the board have got it wrong (even though they haven't made a decision yet) but no-one even vaguely agrees on what "right" is. Unless the owners can convince someone who should be getting top of the Championship jobs (or better) to join us, lots are going to complain and say it's lacking ambition.
09:32, Thu 23 May
our fan base has a whiff of b6 about us, weve turned into the thing weve detested all these years

This is as bad at Vile fans saying to go out and get people like Guardiola or sign Messi.
09:32, Thu 23 May
If this was a bit of satire, I'd say it was really well done. Genuinely made me laugh.

I don't think it is though....

This is further evidence of the problem the new manager is going to come in to though. Everyone agrees that the board have got it wrong (even though they haven't made a decision yet) but no-one even vaguely agrees on what "right" is. Unless the owners can convince someone who should be getting top of the Championship jobs (or better) to join us, lots are going to complain and say it's lacking ambition.

New manager is on a hiding to nothing.

People will pick holes in every appointment rather than backing the club and realising we have to pull together.

Nobody will be satisfied. The board cannot win.
I'm a lumberjack and i'm okay
09:44, Thu 23 May
Sid James
our fan base has a whiff of b6 about us, we've turned into the thing we've detested all these years

I think the fanbase has turned into an apathetic, uninspired miserable bunch tbh.

I get it’s been shit for 10 years, we’ve had no say in any of it under the old regime, but now we have proper owners with the wherewithal to make massive strides on and off the pitch, we can be heard and should be heard and our expectations should increase tenfold.

So let’s hold them to that standard they have set out, Cook and co are flouting themselves and their ambition about like a gold sovereign ring in a local boozer.

So give us a decent manager, decent football to go with the now decent stadium, like they’ve said they want to do from day one!
The revenue and infrastructure is being put in place but they’ve made a royal cock-up of the on-field business.
League one is the time to reset the lot!

Biggest issue with this club is its fanbase, most don’t even go, most just whinge but don’t back it up,
The culture needs to change, let’s hold our owners to their words of ambition & world class and expect more than what we are used too, why should we not.

Call it arrogance but we’re the biggest team in league one..
Have the best stadium, have the best training facilities, have the biggest budget in the league, we have the best academy outside the premier league, so go and back up your ambitious words, get a good manager who implements the philosophy you wanted from day one, and build it on the pitch this year.

Let’s stop being this small time Birmingham City under BSHL.
09:46, Thu 23 May
So give us a decent manager, decent football to go with the now decent stadium, like they’ve said they want to do from day one!

I'm pretty sure they're trying, why don't we wait and see what actually happens
Happy Clapper