11:03, Thu 23 May
I would be more than happy to have never heard of the guy they appoint as long as a rigorios recuitment process was followed and the guy has a progressive philosophy.
11:14, Thu 23 May
As someone who has said I don't really want him, I'm not saying he's a dinosaur either. He'd be better than a Rowett, Bruce or Warnock.

Yeah, he's not a dinosaur.

Le Mod had it right earlier when he said that probably people allowing their own bias / perception to colour their thinking.

I am certainly doing that because when I look at football I don't do it based on data or analytics, I base it on what I see and have firm opinions about what I do and don't like. I also see beyond results in many ways.

The facts are that Neil has got three teams promoted. He did well at Norwich and Sunderland. Like others have said I don't really judge him by his time at Stoke because Stoke drags everybody down.

My opinion of him is mainly based on his time at Preston when - results wise, he did ok. But they were vile to watch. He brought them to St. Andrew's a couple of times and they made my eyes bleed. They got in front and just murdered the game with constant fouling, falling over, time wasting, snidery and general cheating - and I wouldn't want to win like that. They weren't much better in the games at their place either.

But I absolutely get that if Blues are taking an analytical approach - he would have appeal and would at least get interviewed. It would then be up to him to convince them that he can encourage the football they want to see - go through League One and continue it in The Championship.

I'm sure it's true that he will just be one person interviewed, may or may not get it.

Whoever gets it I will get behind it with an open mind because it's what I do.

While I appreciate the Stoke issue, my untested theory is that managers rarely get more progressive in their approach as they get more experienced. So the style of play from Stoke isn't a bad indicator of his direction of travel.

It is also interesting, to me, that Sunderland finished a place lower at the end of 21-22 than they were when he took over. Though Neil did get more points per game, so arguably he did better it is just rivals improve more (feels familiar) - he also over saw a marked drop off in goals, both for and against.
11:30, Thu 23 May
PLEASE appoint Alan Curbishley, with a back up team of Phil Brown & Avram Grant included.

He ruled himself out of the job in 2007.
11:49, Thu 23 May
my untested theory is that managers rarely get more progressive in their approach as they get more experienced. So the style of play from Stoke isn't a bad indicator of his direction of travel.


Yeah, it's a good a theory as any. Managers usually get more scared as they get older and more pragmatic with it.

The one exception was Holloway who said himself that he had a "Damascene Conversion". After years of playing safe, scuffling around and worrying about keeping his job and supporting his family, he decided that his next job he was just going to go for it and balls to the consequences. Which he did at Blackpool and they had a glorious rise followed by a flaming crash. But it was fun to watch.
New thread title: Clubs ambition delusion.
Nikola Zigic- FEA
Moyes, he's been round the block, managed for 26 years, Championship, Premier League, Europe.

He's worked for big clubs, he's worked for small clubs.

A man who's jaded by his treatment at West Ham and has absolutely nothing left to prove in football.

What better time to think, eff this, let's have some fun. Let's start off a dynasty. He'd also get a fat salary for doing so.

He takes the Blues job, with the best squad in the third division knowing that with the backing he'll get and his own skillset he'll be in the Premier League in 3-4 years about to lead a team out to a new super stadium where the opportunity to grow is endless.

He can either do that or wait for the Bournemouth job, or Fulham or something. A snoozefest. Another name on the merry go round.

I know what I'd choose.

It's literally perfect for him.

Want me to change your sweep stake entry ?
BCFC - Letting me down for 50 years
12:06, Thu 23 May
Anyone happy with this?

12:19, Thu 23 May
Anyone happy with this?


Daft question - obviously someone will be - Paul Heckingbottom is probably the person at the top of the list of being happy about Paul Heckingbottom getting an interview
12:24, Thu 23 May
Also remember Managers can only set up teams with the players at their disposal

Look at Zola / clotet playing expansive, possession based football with jukey up top

Rooney playing from back with Ruddy and Sanderson

Neil set his team up at preston cos they had F*ck all money and very little quality
12:32, Thu 23 May
Also remember Managers can only set up teams with the players at their disposal

Look at Zola / clotet playing expansive, possession based football with jukey up top

Rooney playing from back with Ruddy and Sanderson

Neil set his team up at preston cos they had F*ck all money and very little quality

So did Eustace who was smarter than the ones above him who apparently knew better !
12:34, Thu 23 May
but that is why the sacked him

Eustace had no chance of getting us promoted with how he set up his teams

what they didnt expect was that it would get us relegated by removing him
12:37, Thu 23 May
Green Seamer
Also remember Managers can only set up teams with the players at their disposal

Look at Zola / clotet playing expansive, possession based football with jukey up top

Rooney playing from back with Ruddy and Sanderson

Neil set his team up at preston cos they had F*ck all money and very little quality

So did Eustace who was smarter than the ones above him who apparently knew better !

Though Mowbray managed it, so it wasn't impossible for a good, experienced manager.
12:41, Thu 23 May
Possession stats are really low imo.

13:17, Thu 23 May
Are you the bloke who wrote to Wagner?
13:21, Thu 23 May
Anyone happy with this?


I said the other day that Heckinbottom would get the job. He was in the running before Mowbray got the job.

It's a no from me but I might put £50 on it I'm that confident.