11:48, Thu 23 May
Not for me either.

When are we going to be linked with a sexy foreign manager whose data suggests we’ll piss the league scoring 100+ goals while having 95% possession?

I was going to suggest Francesco Farioli from Nice, but it sounds like he might have got the Ajax job so I'm probably aiming too high. How about Daniel Sousa from Arouca?
Frosties are just Cornflakes for people who can’t face reality
11:50, Thu 23 May
Jack Jarvis Esq.
Nikola Zigic- FEA
A patchy manager but feels a better fit than Neil.

Plays entertaining and attacking football.

Summarised as:

- Ok at Barnsley, promoted via playoffs.

- Crap at Leeds but this is when Leeds were a mess. Sacked because they wanted Bielsa- fine.

- Hibs- patchy, awful runs of form.

- Sheff Utd- only went back as a youth team coach and got the job after an interim spell. Won promotion and 3 x manager of the month that season.

Would be ok.

I just have a thing with people who have the word 'bottom' in their name. Heckingbottom, Ramsbottom. They just have no credibility.

I want Wil Still. There's so much more can be done with this name..

Apparently been interviewed by Norwich this week.

FWIW on Heckingbottom, I weirdly feel less strongly about him than Alex Neil. I'd actually be happier with him, I can't even really put a finger on why but I think I would be.

I'd still like us to go for someone else, but I'd feel more comfortable with Heckingbottom.

Also worth noting Nixon's article links us with Ian Evatt and Dave Challinor too, but states (subjectively) that the owners may want experience due to a need for promotion ASAP.

What's really happening, I'd imagine, is these are all names we've got lined up for interview, and we won't appoint someone for a week or two while we interview all the candidates on our long shortlist, then the leadership team (Cook, Gardner, Wagner) will make a collective decision on who to go forward with.

I have to say I'm willing to wait and let them follow that process, even if it delays our transfer business by a week or two. I'm backtracking on what I've said on here previously, but if we have as much money as we've said we have, then it won't be as much of an issue as we'll have plenty of options to improve the side and getting the right manager in to me is more important than rushing through to get someone in and getting transfers done a week or two earlier.
11:52, Thu 23 May
what would happen if you weren't willing to wait
11:55, Thu 23 May
what would happen if you weren't willing to wait

Nothing of course. Just a figure of speech to say I'm going to be more patient and not panic if we haven't appointed someone by Friday.
11:58, Thu 23 May
Can someone just give Mourinho a call? Don't think a lot of our lot will settle for less.
Up the feckin Blues
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
Can someone just give Mourinho a call? Don't think a lot of our lot will settle for less.

Wouldn’t want him if he begged.
12:02, Thu 23 May
Been interviewed apparently!
Blue since 67 - Will be there at the end of the road, whenever that may be!
12:34, Thu 23 May
Not for me either.

When are we going to be linked with a sexy foreign manager whose data suggests we’ll piss the league scoring 100+ goals while having 95% possession?

I was going to suggest Francesco Farioli from Nice, but it sounds like he might have got the Ajax job so I'm probably aiming too high. How about Daniel Sousa from Arouca?

Gone braga
12:34, Thu 23 May
The next name linked.

Albeit by Alan Nixon.

No idea if he's what we need.

None of us are in a position to know what we need!!!
12:56, Thu 23 May
I would of thought we were aiming a bit higher than both of these to be honest. Maybe we arnt as big as we thought we were 😩😩
13:01, Thu 23 May
I would of thought we were aiming a bit higher than both of these to be honest. Maybe we arnt as big as we thought we were 😩😩

We’ll never be as big as we think we are.
13:23, Thu 23 May
Don't want him but he'll get the job I'm convinced of it.
13:26, Thu 23 May
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
Can someone just give Mourinho a call? Don't think a lot of our lot will settle for less.

AIM higher.

Xavi, Poch maybe even see what Tuchel is doing 🤷‍♂️
13:47, Thu 23 May
Not for me either.

When are we going to be linked with a sexy foreign manager whose data suggests we’ll piss the league scoring 100+ goals while having 95% possession?

This would be lovely, although I think we might need to be more realistic/pragmatic in our expectations. Are we really going to be able to attract a genuinely exciting and 'sexy' name while we're in L1? I'm sure we can attract decent candidates, but genuinely exciting? I'm not so sure.

The clubs aim will likely be to appoint a manager capable of taking us from L1 to the Prem, and then helping us establish ourselves as a Prem club. But being brutally honest, how many managers are out there that could do that? Would people like Rosenior or Still come to us in L1? Even if they do, it's still a gamble as they've got no track record at this level yet. We could take a gamble on an Evett or a Challinor? But again it's a gamble as they lack Championship and Prem experience. Or we could take a gamble on a foreign coach.

I can understand people not 'being inspired or excited by names like Neil or Heckingbottom, but they seem like some of the most realistic suggestions to me. There is every possibility that it will take 2 managerial appointments to get us to where we want to be. An appointment now on a 2-3 year deal to get promotion from L1 and then have a crack at the Championship, and then if they can't take the next step, we could then replace them, when we will be in a much better position to attract the kind of manager we ultimately want. Trying to do it all in one appointment will be a massive challenge. If they pull it off then fair play, but I'll be happy to do it in 2 managerial appointments if necessary.