19:17, Thu 23 May
Just saying hello to all, I’ve been reading posts on here for years but never bothered posting . Been going down the Blues intermittently over many years due to working abroad. One of the best years I ever had following the blues was when we were last in the old third division., what a blast. looking forward to next season regardless of whose leading the mighty blues
19:28, Thu 23 May
That’s a great and unique username. You’ll fit right in 👍
19:30, Thu 23 May

Welcome 🤣
We've only got Chewits
19:31, Thu 23 May
Co-op Milk
Just saying hello to all, I’ve been reading posts on here for years but never bothered posting . Been going down the Blues intermittently over many years due to working abroad. One of the best years I ever had following the blues was when we were last in the old third division., what a blast. looking forward to next season regardless of whose leading the mighty blues

Pass or sterra?
19:33, Thu 23 May
Co-op Milk
Just saying hello to all, I’ve been reading posts on here for years but never bothered posting . Been going down the Blues intermittently over many years due to working abroad. One of the best years I ever had following the blues was when we were last in the old third division., what a blast. looking forward to next season regardless of whose leading the mighty blues

Pass or sterra?

that reminds me of being a kid and me nan always asking that :-)
22:53, Thu 23 May
Thanks for the heads ups with the spelling typo, probably the reason I’ve been an observer and not a contributor these last 30 years. I’m hoping that my recent contribution on this forum will bring Trinity girl out of the shadows and we can start laughing again.
23:06, Thu 23 May
I’m ace
Tony Fantastico
23:32, Thu 23 May
I’m better, less is more
23:40, Thu 23 May
I cant remember ever washing out anything other than an empty pass bottle .
23:43, Thu 23 May
Co-op Milk
I cant remember ever washing out anything other than an empty pass bottle .

You must be middle class like me.
23:58, Thu 23 May
Not sure about the middle class bit? Don’t like either political party , probably more swaying towards revolution rather than a general election .
00:04, Fri 24 May
A revolution like pasteurisation?
06:06, Fri 24 May
I’m better, less is more
I’m not sure you’re even aware there is an Elite forum on here. You’re not better. Sorry.
Have a lovely day though.
And be better
Tony Fantastico
06:55, Fri 24 May
Just saying hello to all, I’ve been reading posts on here for years but never bothered posting . Been going down the Blues intermittently over many years due to working abroad. One of the best years I ever had following the blues was when we were last in the old third division., what a blast. looking forward to next season regardless of whose leading the mighty blues

"I’ve been reading posts on here for years"

............ long enough to know you should feck off to Cyprus ?
08:33, Fri 24 May
What's the fastest drink in the world?

Milk...because it goes straight past your eyes.