20:53, Fri 10 Jan
I take it as a badge of honour rather than an insult. Just feel sorry for those that don't make it to stage where they need statins.
20:59, Fri 10 Jan
Super Hans
Of course, and footballers/contact sports athletes are more at risk than the average person.
Less chance of getting mauled to death by a dog or a rampant housewife than a postman though. And they get paid more
Tony Fantastico
21:02, Fri 10 Jan
Bluesince62 F.E.A.
It is, my Mom has got vascular dementia, early stages but it's starting to change her. Difference is she's 82 now, that poor bloke at 55.

Lost my Mom just over 2 years ago to dementia. In fact, we lost her twice. Once also when she was diagnosed, 6 years prior.
21:29, Fri 10 Jan
Sorry to hear that mate, looks like it's our turn now.
Up the feckin Blues