12:28, Sun 11 Feb
If they can't buy something and control it they'll do everything they can to destroy it.

I feel sorry for the indoctrinated useful idiots faithfully regurgitating their bile.

Using mild imperfection or taste preference as a reason to scrap something altogether is just so Brexit Britain.
12:32, Sun 11 Feb
Is there’s translator in the house?
He's saying that the right wing press hate Lineker because they can't buy him off.

Consistently correct and proven right.
I only tend to watch it when Villa have been given a hiding, all too rare this season sadly.
I still think it’s a decent enough programme.
The punditry is annoying, ie Winning team have been brilliant, losing team rubbish.
Lack of nuance, but they’re not alone in that.
It’s one of the curses of the present age I believe.
13:15, Sun 11 Feb
Nikola Zigic
Not Owen. DVB. No thanks.

She’s a Bristol City fan. Does a bit of work for Villa TV. Not that it really matters.
13:18, Sun 11 Feb
She's not, she's a big villa fan.

Consistently correct and proven right.
13:32, Sun 11 Feb
If it's that one who made a right muddle the other week I'll pass. I'd vote for Jacqui Oatley or that broad who used to present the football league highlights (she did an EFL podcast too). Southern accent, I feel like she may be an Ipswich fan.

Or Kelly Cates. Very good also.

‘Or that broad’ - I’ve been to sleep and woke up in the 1950s….

On topic though - it is a valuable programme for people who can’t afford or don’t want a sky, Amazon etc subscription. Not everyone likes it, agrees the the format etc but you could pretty much say that for any program on any channel.

It shouldn’t be looked at in isolation - it is a very small part of the whole package the BBC provides across tv, radio, streaming etc.

I used to watch it religiously as a kid, straight after Dallas on a Saturday night…😂 I don’t watch it often now but the fact I could if I wanted is a good place to be in.
13:38, Sun 11 Feb
MOTD was great back in the 70s and 80s, used to show games from all the divisions, now it's just about the snobs from the Premier League, go back to it being MOTD and show lots of highlights of lower league teams, was more enjoyable then
13:45, Sun 11 Feb
Back in the 70s and 80s there was virtually no live games being broadcast. I loved Star Soccer and MOTD and between them you did get good coverage although I don’t remember much lower league stuff.

Much like today, the ‘big’ teams pull in the bigger audiences - I remember it being Liverpool first every week but that probably isn’t a true reflection of what it actually was.

It still has a place now although I don’t think it needs 4 presenters/pundits - more game time would improve it.
13:52, Sun 11 Feb
Fat Buddha CBE
I don't watch and won't until we are on it. So won't comment on quality of it but just ask the question does the cost of it, basically Lineker salary provide value for money for 2 million viewers? I would say not.

Here’s list of salaries


While I don’t like the right wing nutters all over radio 4 news programmes I’m surprised they are on so little compared to Lineker. They have to turn up most days. Or Lyse Doucet. Aggravating voice but Christ what a job she does.

But then Laverne is way overpaid for her simpering, mumsnet live garbage.

Then there’s Jenas.

It’s pretty clear it’s not talent or expertise that gets you the big bucks.

The Today lot are on a fair bit considering the don't do every day!?
14:08, Sun 11 Feb
I don't know the answer to this but is it possible that there isn't more game time as they are limited to the amount of minutes they're allowed to show in total by the rights they have?
Mandated as the Poster of Reason - October 2023
14:18, Sun 11 Feb
Me neither
21:18, Sun 11 Feb
MOTD was great back in the 70s and 80s, used to show games from all the divisions, now it's just about the snobs from the Premier League, go back to it being MOTD and show lots of highlights of lower league teams, was more enjoyable then

Everything was better then… in fact they showed very little from the lower leagues and people used to complain about that a lot. Now you can see loads more in various places from the lower leagues.

I don’t think anyone is irreplaceable, and Lineker’s pay is high (though in the media world hardly incredibly high). The idea though that his salary could be used to make lots of other programmes is rather fanciful.

Are there any pundits anywhere that people listen to and think they’re getting insights to the game they don’t otherwise get?
21:23, Sun 11 Feb
Fat Buddha CBE
I don't watch and won't until we are on it. So won't comment on quality of it but just ask the question does the cost of it, basically Lineker salary provide value for money for 2 million viewers? I would say not.

Here’s list of salaries


While I don’t like the right wing nutters all over radio 4 news programmes I’m surprised they are on so little compared to Lineker. They have to turn up most days. Or Lyse Doucet. Aggravating voice but Christ what a job she does.

But then Laverne is way overpaid for her simpering, mumsnet live garbage.

Then there’s Jenas.

It’s pretty clear it’s not talent or expertise that gets you the big bucks.

The Today lot are on a fair bit considering the don't do every day!?

So that fanny Chappers earns £325,000. And so much of the BBC has been ripped out of Brum and the money just gets funelled up to Manc. Makes my blood boil. The whole BBC can eff off. Cannot stand them.
21:27, Sun 11 Feb