15:45, Tue 2 Apr
Stick YouTube on when you go to bed tonight, Rab, see if it gets the old juices flowing again for lucky Mrs Rab
Tony Fantastico
21:08, Tue 2 Apr
The coverage on Blues tv was weird for the goal ..as soon as JS got clear , the angle switched to the one they’ve been using on Social Media today so I never got the perspective of how close he was getting
23:08, Tue 2 Apr
The Preston one is better

especially in 720p 50fps
08:08, Wed 3 Apr
Why do the grounds people water the grass at half time even though we’ve had plenty of rain recently? I know it played in our favour on Monday, but a few players were slipping - Bacuna’s free kick was particularly annoying
08:13, Wed 3 Apr
The Preston one is better

especially in 720p 50fps

Laird and Aiwu at 1 min 40
Effin scary !!!
Just do the basics.
Jude should be front and centre of everything England do in the attacking third of the pitch.
Give him the armband now too ! ( AUG 2023 )

The Goal

07:49, Wed 3 Apr
Another view.

08:24, Wed 3 Apr
Some sight that 😍
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
08:29, Wed 3 Apr
That view does it justice I’d say. Everyone including myself were going mental in the tilton when that goal went in 😂
09:52, Wed 3 Apr
I'm sure neither of them did it on purpose...