14:34, Tue 16 Apr
Paddocks might be your friend if like me you are repelled by the sheer number of Tuesday night fixtures these days

kick-off set to take place over the weekend of 10/11 August 2024, with the regular League campaign ending on May 3, 2025

46 rounds of League matches will take place across 33 weekends, 9 midweeks and 4 Bank Holidays in the Championship, with Leagues One and Two playing over 36 weekends, 6 midweeks and 4 Bank Holidays

So potentially 4 or 5 home midweek games to subtract from your ST and work out what value each game will be.
I quite like Friday nights and usually make a couple of the Tuesdays anyway and might miss a couple of Saturdays for other reasons

Hopefully for me anyway we are on Friday nights a 2 or 3 times next season I think Sky will be looking to show us a bit more again to begin with anyway

The new TV deal means a lot more televised matches.
1,000 EFL games a season. And new slots for games.
Every team will be shown significantly more. Not all the slots will be convenient either.
I think there is a Sunday evening slot.
14:36, Tue 16 Apr
There's parking at the Primary School on St Andrew's Street. Right by the GM and Main stand. I don't know how much it costs, but it is convenient.

I'm not sure if it's still the case, but this was parking for guests of the Club.
14:37, Tue 16 Apr
Paddocks might be your friend if like me you are repelled by the sheer number of Tuesday night fixtures these days

kick-off set to take place over the weekend of 10/11 August 2024, with the regular League campaign ending on May 3, 2025

46 rounds of League matches will take place across 33 weekends, 9 midweeks and 4 Bank Holidays in the Championship, with Leagues One and Two playing over 36 weekends, 6 midweeks and 4 Bank Holidays

So potentially 4 or 5 home midweek games to subtract from your ST and work out what value each game will be.
I quite like Friday nights and usually make a couple of the Tuesdays anyway and might miss a couple of Saturdays for other reasons

Hopefully for me anyway we are on Friday nights a 2 or 3 times next season I think Sky will be looking to show us a bit more again to begin with anyway

The new TV deal means a lot more televised matches.
1,000 EFL games a season. And new slots for games.
Every team will be shown significantly more. Not all the slots will be convenient either.
I think there is a Sunday evening slot.
And Thursday I think
Tony Fantastico
14:41, Tue 16 Apr
Rab C Nesbitt
Paddocks might be your friend if like me you are repelled by the sheer number of Tuesday night fixtures these days

kick-off set to take place over the weekend of 10/11 August 2024, with the regular League campaign ending on May 3, 2025

46 rounds of League matches will take place across 33 weekends, 9 midweeks and 4 Bank Holidays in the Championship, with Leagues One and Two playing over 36 weekends, 6 midweeks and 4 Bank Holidays

So potentially 4 or 5 home midweek games to subtract from your ST and work out what value each game will be.
I quite like Friday nights and usually make a couple of the Tuesdays anyway and might miss a couple of Saturdays for other reasons

Hopefully for me anyway we are on Friday nights a 2 or 3 times next season I think Sky will be looking to show us a bit more again to begin with anyway

The new TV deal means a lot more televised matches.
1,000 EFL games a season. And new slots for games.
Every team will be shown significantly more. Not all the slots will be convenient either.
I think there is a Sunday evening slot.
And Thursday I think

Makes me wonder if it's worth getting the little 'un a ST as she won't be able to go to evening games.
14:44, Tue 16 Apr
Rab C Nesbitt
Paddocks might be your friend if like me you are repelled by the sheer number of Tuesday night fixtures these days

kick-off set to take place over the weekend of 10/11 August 2024, with the regular League campaign ending on May 3, 2025

46 rounds of League matches will take place across 33 weekends, 9 midweeks and 4 Bank Holidays in the Championship, with Leagues One and Two playing over 36 weekends, 6 midweeks and 4 Bank Holidays

So potentially 4 or 5 home midweek games to subtract from your ST and work out what value each game will be.
I quite like Friday nights and usually make a couple of the Tuesdays anyway and might miss a couple of Saturdays for other reasons

Hopefully for me anyway we are on Friday nights a 2 or 3 times next season I think Sky will be looking to show us a bit more again to begin with anyway

The new TV deal means a lot more televised matches.
1,000 EFL games a season. And new slots for games.
Every team will be shown significantly more. Not all the slots will be convenient either.
I think there is a Sunday evening slot.
And Thursday I think

Makes me wonder if it's worth getting the little 'un a ST as she won't be able to go to evening games.
For the price and the time together it’s still a no brainer mate. Do it
Tony Fantastico
14:59, Tue 16 Apr
So i always had a season ticket up until 6 years ago when i changed my job and my work patterns differed making going to Stans a pain in the bum for evening games and as things were on a downward spiral why go to all the effort ? ( yes i know , i know ), I live in Gloucester and realistically i don't get home from work much before 6pm and its unrealistic to nick off work early .

Now i know i can usually get from mine to Blues by about 7.30 and it never used to be a problem to find some off street parking and walk to Stans but since then i've had a stroke and my ability to walk more than a mile or so is a bit limited added to the fact i don't want my car sat anywhere that scroats can get at it ( and they will coz of the type of car it is ).

Sooo , do i just suck it up and miss some games or is there a solution that may have escaped by now rancid brain ?

Next season you will be able to park on the Wheels (temporary) car park...
23/01/20 Mad: I'll stop moaning now.
16:15, Tue 16 Apr
Madeira Blue
Rab C Nesbitt
its unrealistic to nick off work early .
Now i know i can usually get from mine to Blues by about 7.30

Get there early and sample a fan park or The Roost
Book the day off

reported for inattention
16:24, Tue 16 Apr
You can book parking at Morrisons via one of the apps (Can't remember which one)
I would imagine like others close by, getting out will take a while
16:29, Tue 16 Apr
what was it like getting away from the wheels park when it was used previously for parking

looks a nightmare if you need to head towards south of the city
16:42, Tue 16 Apr
Fat Buddha CBE FEA
Madeira Blue
Rab C Nesbitt
its unrealistic to nick off work early .
Now i know i can usually get from mine to Blues by about 7.30

Get there early and sample a fan park or The Roost
Book the day off

reported for inattention
Tony Fantastico
17:34, Tue 16 Apr
I have the same problem with my 9yr old daughter. She’s had her season ticket for 4 years now but I don’t bring her to night games. We miss a few Saturdays as well as sometimes I choose to work and she’s not to keen when it’s freezing in the winter.
For the price of season tickets I just accept we will miss a few games a season it’s not really a problem, plus we have good seats so do t want to give them up.
18:49, Tue 16 Apr
Also if the club do the same price next season for kids in the family stand it's absolutely worth it even if they miss 5-6 games.

I go on my own to midweek games and ring ticket office to move seats without any issues.
Tilton shark
We also live in Gloucester (me Just off Elbridge road, one at the docks and the other lad in Churchdown).

One of them has a disability blue badge so we always try and get there in time to park in Arthur street. Failing that the Railway side down Bolton road. A couple of time this season we have been late and used the Church between Roost and Tilton for £5

For Saturday 3pm games we are on the road just before 12 and for midweek 5pm. We then head to the Roost and depending on attendance dictates just how rammed it is in there.

Not sure if any of that helps.

What about car sharing with OP? Unless your car is already full.

Do any of the OSC do car sharing? Just a thought.
They're coming to take me away haha hehe haha
19:59, Tue 16 Apr
Also if the club do the same price next season for kids in the family stand it's absolutely worth it even if they miss 5-6 games.

I go on my own to midweek games and ring ticket office to move seats without any issues.

Yeah I have season tickets for me, my lad and daughter, don't really put any pressure on them to come if they don't want, son comes to pretty much everyone with me (he loves me letting come to the night games). My daughter picks and chooses.
Out of interest do you have to pay when moving seats from your season ticket seat to another stand ?
22:01, Tue 16 Apr
I haven't when I've moved to upper and lower Tilton. And I'm sure they said there wasn't an extra fee to move to any other areas.

Dead easy on the phone aswell, all sorted in a couple of minutes and the digital ticket sent straight over.