19:18, Mon 3 Feb
I love it. How often do you have it on a meal? For me it's every time I have a pie or chips or a fry up, bacon or sausage sarnie. It's always brown sauce for me apart from when I have McDonald's fries then it's red sauce.

Just seen a rate my plate post and they had cooked a fry up and had Stokes brown sauce. I've never heard of it [www.stokessauces.co.uk] is it better than HP?
Return the Sausages
I have ketchup with near enough everything.
Tell you what that crack is really moreish.
Super Hans
I have ketchup with near enough everything.

You must be 16.
Return the Sausages
19:22, Mon 3 Feb
Brown sauce on fried eggs; red with fish fingers. That's it. Not too fussed on the brand tbh.
Switched off at McDonald’s fries
I have a cupboard full of sauces, got to have the right condiment for your meal
19:26, Mon 3 Feb
Sweet and sour at McDonald’s.
Nah it's not as good as HP or Daddies.
Red sauce? Isn't it ketchup?
19:45, Mon 3 Feb
Can enjoy most sauces, but keep that effing mint sauce as far away from me as possible
19:46, Mon 3 Feb
Always running at least 2, usually 3 types of hot sauce.

Hard to beat tobasco, that's a staple.

Recent disappointments:

Avgar - naff.
Baxters kimshi - poor imitation
Unpopular opinion.

Salad Cream is massively underrated and underused.
20:01, Mon 3 Feb
Red sauce, followed by brown sauce strictly in that order on pancakes. Dirty but nice.
Herefordshire Cider Boozer
Super Hans
I have ketchup with near enough everything.

You must be 16.

Yep, red sauce is for kids.

Brown on bacon/sausage

Curry sauce/mint/chilli/BBQ/hot and spicy mayo I have regularly.
20:14, Mon 3 Feb
Always running at least 2, usually 3 types of hot sauce.

Hard to beat tobasco, that's a staple.

Recent disappointments:

Avgar - naff.
Baxters kimshi - poor imitation

Laoganma Chili Crisp is an essential
Encona extra hot for cheese toasties
Sriracha and Cholula as regular every day sauces
Been meaning to get some Buldak sauces too.