21:31, Tue 14 May
Just let them write a cheque and give them the title.

Tbf this isn't my issue with it. We're gonna do our best to buy the title this coming season, I'd be a hypocrite to slag off Man City for doing the same.

It's just boring having them win it every year without exception

Yep, exactly where I'm coming from.
21:33, Tue 14 May
they'll drop off when Pep leaves and we may see some rotation of the title, they'll still be challenging though
21:36, Tue 14 May
currently Man City are 2 points ahead with 1 game to go
last year they won it by 5 points but lost 5 games
previous year they won it by 1 point
previous year won it by 12 points
Liverpool won it by 18 points
Man City won it by 1 point
Man City won it by 19 points

only 2 seasons have they won it by a country mile
21:37, Tue 14 May
But if we buy the title it's because we've got double the support of anyone else - despite a century and a half of eff all. Not our fault people in Exeter or Cambridge can't be arsed to support their clubs.
21:37, Tue 14 May
That footage of the City fans celebrating after the goal. Half of them are standing clapping.

If that were a Blues away end there would be broken bones.

Not after this many years of success there wouldn’t be.
21:40, Tue 14 May
bluer than blues
I understand the point about Liverpool and Man Utd. I don't remember the Liverpool era but when Man Utd dominated it was different - they lost a lot of games and there was always the sense that they could be got at. They also had big rivals in Arsenal and then Chelsea and Blackburn took the title from them.

With this Man City side it's different. They're relentless and no one can catch them and for me that ruins the credibility of the competition. They steam roller teams and you almost never expect them to lose.

I've no problem with Man City or their fans. As I said, I think Pep has built an incredible team, ridiculous quite frankly. My issue is simply with the lack of competition within the sport.

Yeah but it’s that relentlessness I admire, it takes a lot to keep this level up, keep players hungry to keep winning, most teams even the greats drop off it’s inevitable.

I get it’s frustrating at the lack of competition but tbf Chelsea have just spent over £1bil, United have spent that too recent years, Arsenal have spent big, Liverpool have spent a lot although not as much.

This year for me I’d like them more than most to win as I dislike Arsenal, haven’t heard off there fans for nearly 20yrs and all of a sudden that elitist arrogance has resurfaced.
Although tbf two of my most favourites days supporting blues come against Arsenal 😜
2011 of course and the Gallas title blowing meltdown in 2007/8 👌 beautiful.
21:45, Tue 14 May
I would never, ever want Blues to lose a football match.

What the Villa do is irrelevant, if they were on the cusp of a league win it will be the other 36 games which got them there not a Blues loss vs a 3rd team.

Wanting your own team to lose is top-tier cuck behaviour.

The voice of reason.

I'll never understand people who genuinely care about them pricks next door. Beyond a bit of gentle mickey taking, they don't register in my interests at all.

All I care about is BCFC.
21:49, Tue 14 May
Game over. Man City’s title again. Fair play to them, they’ve got the best manager, best players and best team, but it’s so tedious.
21:51, Tue 14 May
I like Pep but he's a real spitter. Every time the camera pans to him. Disgusting stuff.
21:54, Tue 14 May
Yeah they'll not be remembered by neutrals in the years to come.
21:55, Tue 14 May
Yeah they'll not be remembered by neutrals in the years to come.

Of course they will. This team over the last 4 years is the best team in premier league history by miles.
21:57, Tue 14 May
Yeah they'll not be remembered by neutrals in the years to come.

Of course they will. This team over the last 4 years is the best team in premier league history by miles.

Recency bias
22:00, Tue 14 May
Yeah they'll not be remembered by neutrals in the years to come.

Of course they will. This team over the last 4 years is the best team in premier league history by miles.

Recency bias

I’d argue your dismissiveness is just recency bias in reverse.
22:02, Tue 14 May
They are very good athletes and cheats.