09:27, Fri 24 May
I fink Buchanan and Laird will stay, but that's just a hunch.
Happy Clapper
“Hi Steve. What are you getting paid at the moment?”

“Well, I’m making zero pounds a year”

“Would you like a job for a million pounds a year with a big promotion bonus and the biggest budget in the history of the division?”

“Yes pls”
09:32, Fri 24 May
Still being paid by Forest I assume?
Happy Clapper
09:32, Fri 24 May
“Hi Steve. What are you getting paid at the moment?”

“Well, I’m making zero pounds a year”

“Would you like a job for a million pounds a year with a big promotion bonus and the biggest budget in the history of the division?”

“Yes pls”


"Hi Steve. We know your stock is pretty high at the minute, despite being out of work, you'll probably be approached for a low end Premier League or top end Championship job. BUT, boy do I have a proposition for you which could totally ruin all that..."
09:40, Fri 24 May
My Blue Heaven
There’s been some gems but we’ve not addressed the big problems. Striker as you say. But also mentality and leadership. Huge voids in the side.

I’d wager, Paik, koji, Bacuna, laird and Buchanan will be off, plus bielik

I think it’s a massive summer. Complete new team and new manager, a complete reboot in many cases but I just don’t have the trust in Gardner if he is leading the football side to get it right

I'd argue that as you've listed various players who "will be off" it means they are desirable assets so the recruitment team probably did quite well.
Don't forget that with the points return under competent management last season this same group of players would have probably finished mid-table.

Agree, it's a huge summer. It already was, and with a new manager to find as well it's even more important.
09:45, Fri 24 May
My Blue Heaven
There’s been some gems but we’ve not addressed the big problems. Striker as you say. But also mentality and leadership. Huge voids in the side.

I’d wager, Paik, koji, Bacuna, laird and Buchanan will be off, plus bielik

I think it’s a massive summer. Complete new team and new manager, a complete reboot in many cases but I just don’t have the trust in Gardner if he is leading the football side to get it right

Yes, more likely than not there'll be players off, but I don't necessarily think that's a past recruitment problem (although you could argue that the overall mentality was a contributory factor in dropping points). They'll be off to a higher division, if anywhere. No, I think you're right about the leadership aspect - I've mentioned it myself many times - but I also think that it's partly a reflection of who's on the touchline as well and the clarity of thought and instruction from the manager and/or coach.
Make Blues Great Again
09:49, Fri 24 May
“Hi Steve. What are you getting paid at the moment?”

“Well, I’m making zero pounds a year”

“Would you like a job for a million pounds a year with a big promotion bonus and the biggest budget in the history of the division?”

“Yes pls”


"Hi Steve. We know your stock is pretty high at the minute, despite being out of work, you'll probably be approached for a low end Premier League or top end Championship job. BUT, boy do I have a proposition for you which could totally ruin all that..."

"Of course Steve, the key word is 'probably.' There appears to be a new name however being linked with several of the jobs you'd like to be considered for. His name is Kieran McKenna. You may be aware that he recently got a club promoted from League 1 and then carried on that form to get promoted straight to the Premiership. 2 years of work and he's now being linked to Manchester United, Chelsea and Brighton... Do you feel you would be able to replicate his success if given much better resources than he ever had?"
09:49, Fri 24 May
I’d argue that as a collective they’ve failed, irrespective of individual ability

Some are clearly decent players but on the whole the players were part of team that got relegated.

The managerial factor was a huge reason of course. Remind me who made the decisions

The same people recruiting a new new and new players

I don’t think plebs like Craig Gardner should be anywhere near leading the footballing side of this club
09:50, Fri 24 May
Le Mod
Still being paid by Forest I assume?

09:52, Fri 24 May
It was laughed off when Rooney went but now we're meant to take it seriously when we're a division lower?

Tomorrow's random name will be.....?
09:55, Fri 24 May
Le Mod
I fink Buchanan and Laird will stay, but that's just a hunch.

And Bielik.
09:57, Fri 24 May
The best approach is to not take anything to do with our new manager seriously until someone is sat next to Cook being asked "how important is it to get off to a good start this season?"
10:02, Fri 24 May
My Blue Heaven
I’d argue that as a collective they’ve failed, irrespective of individual ability

Some are clearly decent players but on the whole the players were part of team that got relegated.

The managerial factor was a huge reason of course. Remind me who made the decisions

The same people recruiting a new new and new players

I don’t think plebs like Craig Gardner should be anywhere near leading the footballing side of this club

The key failure last season seems to have been that the Cook over rode the set up in place to ditch Eustace and appoint Rooney, rather than leave it to Gardner and co to manage.
The sacking of Rooney and appointing Mowbray was a really good decision - the events afterwards, in my opinion, were a no win situation. I don't think giving Venus a chance with the hope that Mowbray would be back before the end of the season was unreasonable, nor finding a short term experienced manager when it was clearly not working for Venus. We don't know how easy it was for the club to get someone - they might have been trying to sort out a deal for several weeks before managing to convince Rowett to take it on.
10:03, Fri 24 May
Sorry where has this Steve Cooper link come from ?
10:05, Fri 24 May
“Hi Steve. What are you getting paid at the moment?”

“Well, I’m making zero pounds a year”

“Would you like a job for a million pounds a year with a big promotion bonus and the biggest budget in the history of the division?”

“Yes pls”


"Hi Steve. We know your stock is pretty high at the minute, despite being out of work, you'll probably be approached for a low end Premier League or top end Championship job. BUT, boy do I have a proposition for you which could totally ruin all that..."

"Of course Steve, the key word is 'probably.' There appears to be a new name however being linked with several of the jobs you'd like to be considered for. His name is Kieran McKenna. You may be aware that he recently got a club promoted from League 1 and then carried on that form to get promoted straight to the Premiership. 2 years of work and he's now being linked to Manchester United, Chelsea and Brighton... Do you feel you would be able to replicate his success if given much better resources than he ever had?"

He might quite fancy the Ipswich job though - seem to be a well run club and all ready in the Prem, likely to need a new manager very soon.