18:46, Thu 23 Nov
Nah, i'll never believe Lazar is telling the truth. The fact he cant name a single other student or teacher at his supposed time at MIT makes me doubt every other thing he says. I've no doubt he worked in some capacity at Area 51 but i simply dont believe he saw what he said he saw.

Grusch is a whole different animal though. No-one can doubt his credentials and even the IG deemed his complaint credible when he said about being denied access and threatened.

It just down to whether he was deliberately misled into thinking other black ops programs were UAP retrieval programs (which is possible). But the fact that "items" were given to private contractors (Lockheed Martin) for their use outside of Govt knowledge is something that does give his claims a huge amount of credence IMHO

People in government tried to destroy Grusch’s image when he attempted to whistleblow on the secret government reverse engineering programs. Think they might have done the same to Lazar which is why there's no trace of him at MIT or Caltech?
18:48, Thu 23 Nov
Sorry, but it's just the same as before - a lot of talk, a lot of supposition and guesswork, a lot of theories...no proof of anything.

Show me the space ship.

If you think that things happen that fast then you're crazy. It's taken 6 years to get from the first newspaper article to here. And add Grusch pointed out there are senators who are deliberately blocking laws to delay things, completely coincidentally the one of senator for the area containing Wright Patterson airbase and the others largest donor is Lockheed Martin.
AnE - conspiracy theorist, ardent viler-hater, nutjob cyclist, Cubie-bater, go-to iconoclast
18:49, Thu 23 Nov
People in government tried to destroy Grusch’s image when he attempted to whistleblow on the secret government reverse engineering programs. Think they might have done the same to Lazar which is why there's no trace of him at MIT or Caltech?

It doesn't explain why he can't remember anyone from there though.
AnE - conspiracy theorist, ardent viler-hater, nutjob cyclist, Cubie-bater, go-to iconoclast
18:51, Thu 23 Nov
People in government tried to destroy Grusch’s image when he attempted to whistleblow on the secret government reverse engineering programs. Think they might have done the same to Lazar which is why there's no trace of him at MIT or Caltech?

It doesn't explain why he can't remember anyone from there though.

Would it also explain why nobody had ever seen a spaceship nor an alien on earth*

*For scientific purposes, I am excluding ET the film from this evidence
What did the Knights in White satin?
19:04, Thu 23 Nov
Sorry, but it's just the same as before - a lot of talk, a lot of supposition and guesswork, a lot of theories...no proof of anything.

Show me the space ship.

If you think that things happen that fast then you're crazy. It's taken 6 years to get from the first newspaper article to here. And add Grusch pointed out there are senators who are deliberately blocking laws to delay things, completely coincidentally the one of senator for the area containing Wright Patterson airbase and the others largest donor is Lockheed Martin.

I'm torn tbh. Do I believe in conspiracy theories or don't I?
Or more specifically, this particular one.
I really don't know, but in the absence of any actual concrete evidence and seeing claims by the main 'star witness' that he thinks it's possible that we were genetically engineered.... nope, just not enough.
You either believe or you don't, which is another problem I have, it's become a quasi religion or an actual cult.
I'm out until they can show me something I'm afraid.
Up the feckin Blues
19:14, Thu 23 Nov
That's fair enough, like I said a lot of it was his opinion or just him taking about possibilities.

The first hour was probably the best bit where he ran through what had actually happened in terms of being denied access, by whom etc.

The thing is that no-one can deny is that this man was considered reliable and trustworthy enough for nearly 2 decades as an intelligence officer and someone who was entrusted to investigate the whole thing.
AnE - conspiracy theorist, ardent viler-hater, nutjob cyclist, Cubie-bater, go-to iconoclast
19:16, Thu 23 Nov
Up the feckin Blues
19:17, Thu 23 Nov
why/how do these space ships crash ?
20:02, Thu 23 Nov
Who knows
AnE - conspiracy theorist, ardent viler-hater, nutjob cyclist, Cubie-bater, go-to iconoclast
23:14, Thu 23 Nov
why/how do these space ships crash ?

Drunk pilots.
08:38, Fri 24 Nov
People in government tried to destroy Grusch’s image when he attempted to whistleblow on the secret government reverse engineering programs. Think they might have done the same to Lazar which is why there's no trace of him at MIT or Caltech?

It doesn't explain why he can't remember anyone from there though.

No it doesn't. Don't get me wrong, I'm not entirely convinced by Lazar but I would argue the Grusch revelations lend more credibility to his story - it's basically the same one after all. I think the difference is Grusch's military career and intelligence connections has probably afforded him more protection than Lazar could ever have hoped for.

Interesting stuff about the Lombardi crash in 1933 - wonder if this has any links to the alleged Nazi's "Der Glocke" project.
09:00, Fri 24 Nov
i think parts of Lazar's story are true. i think he did work at Area 51 but not in the role he claims. i think he knew or found out something about what was being done there and then embellished the rest over time.

as for Lombardi the Nazi Bell was my first thought too 👍
AnE - conspiracy theorist, ardent viler-hater, nutjob cyclist, Cubie-bater, go-to iconoclast
13:13, Fri 24 Nov
why/how do these space ships crash ?

Drunk pilots.

i like the idea of joyriding drink driving aliens being responsible. it's almost like it's alien teenagers who've nicked mom and dad's spaceship and taken it joy riding around earth scaring the hillbillies and ended up crashing
AnE - conspiracy theorist, ardent viler-hater, nutjob cyclist, Cubie-bater, go-to iconoclast
14:17, Fri 24 Nov
Like Ferris Nebula’s day off?
14:38, Fri 24 Nov
i just find it hard to believe that if something could build a ship capable of the sort of technology needed to move through space and time to visit other worlds that their safety systems would be worse than a medium spec family hatchback .

that is not to say i don't believe in aliens or even the remote possibility they may have conquered the travel issue , i just don't get the whole crash thing