17:07, Mon 13 May
Looks like we can stop arguing about whether it’d be appropriate to bring him back or not. Feels like a definitive goodbye.


I will say, GR using his “goodbye, soz we got relegated” message to plug his podcast has really tickled me.
17:09, Mon 13 May
Tony Fantastico
17:11, Mon 13 May
Good news, and the optimist in me is wondering whether it’s a pre-cursor to some statements from the club
17:13, Mon 13 May
Good news, and the optimist in me is wondering whether it’s a pre-cursor to some statements from the club

Hopefully. Should be getting the retained list at least this week, and hopefully if the rumours are true about TM awaiting medical permission to return to work, hopefully he gets that, has therefore recovered and returns to send us back up to the championship.

I do have to say, should TM return, I think the bond next season between fans and manager will be something exceptional. And I think we really, really need that
17:21, Mon 13 May
He took us into the bottom 3 and sealed our fate. Glad I'll never have to listen to him say "fink" again. Ta ra Gary.
17:23, Mon 13 May
I’ve got no hard feelings towards him, even withstanding those awful away games against Rotherham and Huddersfield. Good news that he’s likely not our manager next season, so all the best to him wherever he goes, and hopefully mowbrays return will be announced in due course.
17:24, Mon 13 May
I’ve got no hard feelings towards him, even withstanding those awful away games against Rotherham and Huddersfield. Good news that he’s likely not our manager next season, so all the best to him wherever he goes, and hopefully mowbrays return will be announced in due course.

My feelings exactly.
17:26, Mon 13 May
I hope so, but I think it’s quite carefully worded. He hasn’t for example wished whoever takes over from him, hopefully the returning Mowbray, the best of luck.

Hopefully I’m being over pessimistic but he hasn’t fully ruled himself out of anything with those words in my opinion.
17:27, Mon 13 May
I hope so, but I think it’s quite carefully worded. He hasn’t for example wished whoever takes over from him, hopefully the returning Mowbray, the best of luck.

Hopefully I’m being over pessimistic but he hasn’t fully ruled himself out of anything with those words in my opinion.

My thoughts exactly.
Make Blues Great Again
17:30, Mon 13 May
Gary Rowett (Instagram)
I’m looking forward to seeing the Blues bounce back again next season and seeing what lies ahead in my own journey.

That implies separation between the two, for me
17:33, Mon 13 May
Gary Rowett (Instagram)
I’m looking forward to seeing the Blues bounce back again next season and seeing what lies ahead in my own journey.

That implies separation between the two, for me

Yes, it could certainly be construed as that.
Make Blues Great Again
17:34, Mon 13 May
I hope so, but I think it’s quite carefully worded. He hasn’t for example wished whoever takes over from him, hopefully the returning Mowbray, the best of luck.

Hopefully I’m being over pessimistic but he hasn’t fully ruled himself out of anything with those words in my opinion.

My thoughts exactly.






(Just saying like...)

(Edit: just realised that might be considered ambiguous... i mean Rowett is not coming back)
23/01/20 Mad: I'll stop moaning now.
17:38, Mon 13 May
I hope so, but I think it’s quite carefully worded. He hasn’t for example wished whoever takes over from him, hopefully the returning Mowbray, the best of luck.

Hopefully I’m being over pessimistic but he hasn’t fully ruled himself out of anything with those words in my opinion.

My thoughts exactly.






(Just saying like...)

Good. I hope you're right. Just commenting on the slight opaqueness of the comments.
Make Blues Great Again
17:41, Mon 13 May
Huddersfield have just appointed Michael Duff as their boss. Were battling it out with Barnsley apparently.
17:57, Mon 13 May
I hope so, but I think it’s quite carefully worded. He hasn’t for example wished whoever takes over from him, hopefully the returning Mowbray, the best of luck.

Hopefully I’m being over pessimistic but he hasn’t fully ruled himself out of anything with those words in my opinion.

My thoughts exactly.






(Just saying like...)

(Edit: just realised that might be considered ambiguous... i mean Rowett is not coming back)

I hope you’re right and I think you probably are but he had the opportunity to take away any doubt within that statement and I don’t think he’s done that. Unless of course it’s the clubs place to do that and not his.